Document No.
Conducted on
Prepared by
General Site
A. Signing In.
1. Is a visitors book available?
2. Has it been used?
When visitors are on site, what monitoring is carried out?
B. Safety Briefing.
1. Are details of evacuation procedures given to visitors?
2. Do you explain the sound of the fire alarm to visitors?
3. Is there a written procedure to support this?
4. Do you inform all visitors that they MUST sign out?
C. Statutory Notices.
1. Are all notices displayed in a prominent position?
2. Are statutory/safety notices displayed separately from general information?
3. Is the H&S Law Poster on display in a prominent place?
4. Are all sections completed correctly?
5. Is the H&S General Policy Statement on display?
6. Is the current Certificate of Employers Liability Insurance on display?
7. Is there a current list of site first aiders on display?
8. Is there a current list of fire wardens on display?
Other Observations?
Actions required to rectify
Accident Reporting & Recording
A. Accident Book
1. Do all staff know where the accident book is kept?
2. Do all of your staff understand the process for reporting accidents?
B. Reporting of accidents & RIDDOR
1. Have there been any RIDDOR instances this month?
2. Has all the necessary accident information been passed on?
3. Do they correspond to the accident book entries?
4. Is there evidence that all necessary information is sent to the HSS Manager within the required time frames?
5. Is there evidence that accident and incident forms have been completed where necessary and sent to the HSS Manager within 5 days?
Other observations?
Actions required to rectify
Hazards & Risks
A. Hazards
1. For all hazards that are not easily rectifiable, are the necessary action plans/documentation in place?
2. Are near misses reported/documented and actioned accordingly?
Other Observations?
Actions required to rectify
Lone Working
Staff in centre
Are there any activities that involve lone working for staff in centre?
- Starting work before other staff arrive at work
- Working after hours when other staff have left the premises
- Working in areas of the site where there is no one else is present
- Driving between ITS Group sites
- Other (please enter details)
Is there a clear reporting mechanism for lone working issues at the Doncaster site?
Has there been any lone working issues for the Doncaster site this month?
Induction & Training
A. Induction
1. Do all employee files contain fully completed and signed employee induction records?
2. Has this information been stored in a secure location or on a secure medium?
3. Are the Next of Kin records up to date?
4. Is ongoing refresher training conducted and documented in employee files?
5. Do employee files contain certificates for all internal/external courses attended?
6. Are training records present for the following?
i. First Aiders?
ii. Appointed Persons?
iii. Fire Wardens?
7. Does the site have qualified Manual Handling Trainers?
8. Are there any areas which require specialised/specific H&S training?<br><br>If Yes, please enter below
Other observations
Actions to rectify
Health & Safety Communication
A. Communicating
1. Are H&S briefings/information displayed for all staff?
2. Have your staff reported any H&S issues to you?
3. Have you acted on this?
Other observations
Actions to rectify
First Aid
A. First Aid
1. Who is responsible for checking all first aid boxes this month?
- Amy Staniforth
- Jeff Pratt
How many first aid boxes are there on site?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 6+
Where are they located?
- Reception
- Kitchen
- Business Development
- C Block Main Workshop
- Main Workshop/Garage/Tyre Bay
- Study Programme Office
- Other
3. Are the first aid boxes accessible to all staff at all times?
4. Are all first aid boxes correctly stocked according to the guidance card?
5. Do any of the boxes contain prohibited items?
6. Is there a first aid box checking schedule in place?
7. Is the current list of first aiders/fire wardens up to date?
8. Are copies of the first aiders/appointed persons records up to date?
9. Is there adequate first aid cover at all times necessary?
Other observations
Actions to rectify
Electrical, Plant & Machinery
A. Electricity & Plant
Are up to date testing, servicing & maintenance certificates/records available for the following? -
1. Portable Appliance Testing?
2. Boilers & Heating?
3. Roller shutter doors?
4. Mains electrical switchgear/distribution boards? ( every 5 years)
B. Portable Appliance Testing
1. Is a current register held on site?
2. Are all items tested?
3. Are all items listed?
4. Are all items within date?
5. Do all items have approved labels?
6. Have all items that have failed testing been repaired, replaced or scrapped?
C. Isolator switches/cupboards/meters
1. Are all isolator switches free from obstruction?
2. Is there easy access?
3. Are all switch rooms/switchgear/cupboards clear of combustible materials?
4. Are all electrical cupboards/rooms securely locked?
D. Ladders/steps
1. Are all ladders and mobile steps, maintained in good order and checked/documented either monthly or pre-use?
2. Are all ladders and mobile steps numbered?
Other observations
Actions to rectify
Policy & Risk Assessments
A. H&S manual
1. Is the Health and Safety Manual available & updated accordingly?
B. Risk Assessment
1. Have general risk assessments been carried out for all operations?
2. Do the risk assessments accurately reflect all work activities? (If no, please state what action plans are in place to address this)
Other observations
Actions to rectify
Outside Areas and Waste Disposal
A. Outside Areas
1. Is there sufficient lighting in the exterior compound?
2. Do all outside lights work?
3. Is the compound generally clean, tidy and hazard free?
B. Dept Waste Disposal
1. What type of waste is disposed of?
- Paper
- Cardboard
- Food Waste
- Confidential Waste
- Plastics
- General Waste
- Metals
2. What disposal methods are used?
- Local Council
- Specialist Contractor
3. What is the name(s) of the contractor(s) used to dispose of this waste?
- Russell Richardson & Sons
- Other
Other observations
Actions to rectify
Restrooms and Kitchens
A. Restrooms
1. Are cleaning agents etc. suitably stored?
2. Is the COSHH file/ Safety Data Sheets readily available for cleaning agents etc?
3. Is the area clean and floor free from spillage & trip hazards?
4. Are hygiene standards being maintained?
5. Is the fridge clean?
Other observations
Actions to rectify
Offices, Walkways & Toilets
A. Offices and Walkways
1. Are ALL offices & classrooms clean &tidy?
2. Is the floor even and free from trip hazards? (Trailing cables, boxes, loose/damaged tiles etc.)
3. Are combustible materials stored away from portable heaters?
4. Does all available lighting work?
5. Are all PC User workstations suitable for the task?
6. Is CAT 2 lighting installed where required? (If no, please specify)
B. Toilets
1. Are the toilet areas clean, tidy and well maintained? (If no, please specify)
Other observations
Actions to rectify
Corridors and Stairs
A. Corridors
1. Is general housekeeping satisfactory?
2. Are floors even and unbroken?
3. Are the walkways clear and unobstructed?
B. Stairs
1. Is general housekeeping satisfactory?
2. Are floors even and unbroken?
3. Are tiles/carpets/flooring satisfactory?
4. Are handrails secure?
5. Are stairs clear and unobstructed?
Other observations
Actions to rectify
Fire Procedure, Equipment and Testing
A. Fire procedures, equipment and testing
1. Does the site have an up to date fire risk assessment?
2. Are fire alarms tests completed weekly and documented in the fire log?
3. Is the fire log book accessible and up to date?
4. Are fire evacuations being carried out (2 per year) and documented in the fire log?
5. Are all fire extinguishers sited, signed and fixed correctly?
6. Are all fire appliances/equipment, tested and documented? (Extinguishers and emergency lighting)
7. Are service/maintenance records and certificates available for all fire appliances/equipment?
8. Are all fire exit doors unlocked and checked, for ease of opening? (Checks documented)
9. Are all fire exits free from obstruction?
10. Is all safety signage visible?
11. Are fire instructions posted adjacent to fire exits?
Other observations
Actions to rectify
Action plans
Please add any information here that has not been covered in previous sections.
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