Jacksonville Zone 1 (Rec, Gym, CTT, Food Services, and Dorms)

  • Jacksonville Zone 1 (Rec, Gym, CTT, Food Services, and Dorms)

  • Inspection Date

  • Inspected by

Jacksonville Zone 1 (Rec, Gym, CTT, Food Services, and Dorms)


  • Per COP 5.9, In order to maintain safe, clean and attractive facilities, center management will conduct a weekly quality walk inspection of 1/4 of the center, for the purpose of identifying safety deficiencies, unresolved maintenance issues and quality of life issues. At a minimum, the quality walk inspection team will be comprised of the Center Director, F&A Director, Maintenance Manager/Supervisor, Safety Officer and the Supervisor, Manager or Director responsible for the area(s) being inspected.


  • Floors: clean, cleanable, in good repair

  • Walls and ceilings: clean, paint in good condition, cleanable

  • Foundation structurally sound ; no water leaks or flooding; walls and ceilings intact

  • Windows and doors not broken; open and close as designed

  • Stairways, stair tread and hand rails: in good repair; and free of trip hazards

  • Exterior walls and gutters are free of defects; and gutters are secured to building, and free of sagging, holes, cracks and leaks


  • No evidence of vermin, insects or rodents. Outer openings protected.

  • Ventilation adequate, no odors or moisture

  • Cleaning supplies, mops, brooms properly stored

  • Carpets and floor coverings securely fastened

  • Windows, sills, curtains, screens, shades: clean and in good repair

  • Lighting adequate, fixtures clean

  • Water fountains clean and working properly

  • First aid kits are stocked and conveniently located

  • AED is operational, with batteries and pads within the expiration dates

  • Enter location of AED that was inspected

  • Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are maintained and conveniently located (SDS are on file for all chemicals; MSDS have been replaced with SDS)

  • Emergency eyewash station is inspected and flushed regularly; functioning properly


  • Fire extinguishers accessible, charged and properly inspected

  • Fire escapes, accessible, marked, unlocked; periodic fire drills conducted

  • Evacuation route maps posted; no smoking signs posted; designated smoking areas marked

  • Evacuation maps contain all of the required information such as, "YOU ARE HERE", primary, secondary escape routes, emergency contact information, Pull stations and fire extinguishers.

  • Flammable liquids, oily rags and waste properly stored; No fire hazards

  • Alarm system functioning properly; exit signs illuminated; smoke detectors working properly

  • Alarm and sprinkler systems have the annual inspection completed

  • Emergency lighting/Exit Signs functioning properly<br>(functional testing should be conducted by pressing the "push to test" button for a minimum of 30 seconds).

  • Fire Sprinkler Systems: in good condition with no visible damage; free of external leaks

  • 18” clearance maintained between sprinkler heads and stored items

  • Electrical installations adequate

  • GFCIs functioning properly

BATHROOMS (Common and Individual) ALL AREAS

  • Toilets: adequate in number, in good repair, clean, toilet paper available

  • Showers and tubs: in good repair, hot and cold water, clean, mildew free

  • Sinks: clean, in good repair, hot and cold water, soap available, drying device available

  • Adequate ventilation, no odors or moisture

  • Plumbing installations and drains adequate

  • Rubbish containers: provided, adequate, clean, emptied daily

Food Services

  • 1. Sources, sound condition, no spoilage, milk pasteurized, meats are USDA approved

  • 2. Original container or approved dispenser, properly labeled

  • 3. Potentially hazardous food meets temperature requirements during storage, preparation, display, service, transport

  • 4. Proper facilities to maintain product temperature

  • 5. Thermometers provided and conspicuous

  • Freezer and cooler temperatures are recorded daily

  • 6. Potentially hazardous food properly thawed

  • 7. Unwrapped and potentially hazardous food not reserved

  • 8. Food properly protected during storage, preparation, display, service, transportation

  • 9. Handling of food and ice minimized

  • 10. In use, food and ice dispensing utensils properly stored

  • 11. Fruits and vegetables washed

  • 12. Personnel with infections restricted

  • 13. Persons with hepatitis excluded for 45 days after symptoms

  • 14. Personnel have local food handlers certificates if required

  • 15. Hands washed and clean, good hygienic practices

  • 16. Clothes clean, hair restrained

  • 17. Food contact surfaces: adequately designed, constructed, maintained, installed, located

  • 18. Non-food contact surfaces: adequately designed, constructed, maintained, installed, located

  • 19. Dishwashing facilities properly designed, constructed, maintained, installed, operated

  • 20. Accurate thermometers or chemical test kits provided, gauge cocks provided

  • 21. Dishes and utensils pre-flushed, scraped, soaked

  • 22. Wash, rinse water: clean, proper temperature

  • Instructions:
    1. Run the dishwasher through a cycle so that the required temperatures are met
    2. Take a photo of the dishwasher temperature gauges when the temperatures are compliance

  • 23. Sanitizing rinse: clean, appropriate temperature, concentration, exposure time. Equipment, utensils sanitized

  • 24. Wiping cloths: clean, stored, restricted in use

  • 25. Food contact surfaces of equipment, utensils clean, free of abrasives, detergent

  • 26. Non-food contact surfaces of equipment, utensils clean

  • 27. Satisfactory storage, handling of clean utensils, equipment

  • 28. Single-service articles: non-toxic, properly stored, dispensed, handled, in use when dishwashing facilities are not operating

  • 29. No reuse of single service articles

Kitchen Suppression System

  • Per NFPA 17 - 7.2, a monthly inspection shall be conducted of the kitchen fire suppression system in accordance with NFPA 17 - 7.2.2 and the owners manual. At a minimum, the inspection shall include verification of the following:

    (1) The extinguishing system is in its proper location.
    (2) The manual actuators are unobstructed.
    (3) The tamper indicators and seals are intact.
    (4) The maintenance tag or certificate is in place.
    (5) No obvious physical damage or condition exists that might prevent operation.
    (6) The pressure gauge(s), if provided, is in operable range.
    (7) The nozzle blow-off caps are intact and undamaged.
    (8) The hood, duct, and protected cooking appliances have not been replaced, modified, or relocated.

  • 30. Kitchen Fire Suppression System is in good condition with no visible damage.


  • 31. Water source safe, hot and cold under pressure


  • 32. Containers covered, adequate number, insect/rodent proof, clean, removal frequent

  • 33. Outside storage area enclosures properly constructed, clean, controlled incineration


  • 34. Rooms and equipment vented as required; no odors, steam


  • 35. Dressing rooms clean, lockers provided, facilities conveniently located and used

  • 36. Necessary toxic items properly stored, labeled, used

  • 37. Premises maintained, free of litter, unnecessary articles. Cleaning/maintenance equipment properly stored. No unauthorized persons

  • 39. Clean, soiled linen properly stored


  • Only approved electrical appliances are used in dorm rooms

  • Lockers and clothing storage adequate, clean, and in good repair

  • Soiled linen: properly stored and handled

  • Beds: clean, in good repair, free of vermin

  • Blankets and linens clean and dust-free

  • Mattress covers in use, clean

  • Laundry room equipment functioning properly; clothes dryers vented and lint traps cleaned regularly

  • Washers and dryers grounded; GFCIs functioning properly


  • Lights adequately protected from breakage

  • Courts free of obstructions on their surfaces, around edges and overhead

  • Court floors have a smooth finish and are free of splinters, warping, slippery substances

  • Basketball goals and surrounding walls are adequately padded; goals are sufficiently supported

  • Bleachers or other seating inspected as required; safe

Locker Rooms and Showers

  • Shower rooms and locker rooms kept neat, clean and free of slipping or tripping hazards

  • Floors surfaces in and immediately outside shower rooms made of non-slip or abrasive material to permit good footing

  • Floor drains not clogged, no standing water

  • Adequate storage space; lockable

  • Adequate ventilation and lighting

Weight Room/Fitness Center

  • Weight machines and fitness equipment in good repair, surfaces intact and cleanable

  • Operating instructions and suggested warm-up exercises prominently displayed

  • Weights and equipment properly stored when not in use

  • Adequate spacing exists between machines and eqipment

  • Cables for equipment are in good condition and adequate.


  • This section will cover outdoors areas to include:
    - lawns, fields, sidewalks, roadways, parking areas, fencing and gates
    - A Light Survey section is also include

  • Perimeter fencing in good condition (no gaps or holes in fencing)

  • Entry/Exit gates and Vehicle Control traffic arm devices are in working condition (items open/close or lift up/down per manufacturers guidelines)

  • Roadways, parking lots and sidewalks are free from build up of broken limbs and leaves

  • Roadways, parking lots and sidewalks have safe and even surfaces, with no sinking, uneven pavement, or potholes

  • Grounds are free of trash and debris

  • Retaining walls, drainage basins, and other lawn or ground features are in good condition, free of excessive debris

  • Free of graffiti or vandalism

  • Grounds are free of slip, trip and fall hazards.

  • All exterior lights are operational

  • How many exterior lights were identified as non-operational?

Additional Comments/Information/Photos

  • Any further comments or recommendations from this inspection?

  • Add any additional relevant photos


  • All persons involved in the inspection will print their name and sign below

  • Signature of Inspector

  • Center Director

  • Name of others involved in inspection

  • Name of others involved in inspection

  • Name of others involved in inspection

  • Name of others involved in inspection

  • Name of others involved in inspection

  • Name of others involved in inspection

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