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Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Contract Initiation
How do you access the procedures for JF Nuclear and has the process been explained<br>JIMS should be used for all procedures<br>ISO 9001:2008, AS 9100 Rev C, clause 4.2.3 & 4.2.4
How has the most recent contract been launched, are there minutes<br>OP001 form 04 should be used as evidence. The form should also be signed by senior management and the project manager<br>OP002-1 section 2<br>ISO 9001:2008, & AS 9100 Rev C clause 7.2.2
At what point is the project team established, requirements captured and those requirements flowed down to the team<br>OP002-1 section 3 & 4
How are the electronic file and booking codes created<br>OP002-1 section 5
Has the baseline Project Plan been established and agreed with the client<br>OP002-1 section 6
Has the project established a Risk Register<br>OP002-1 section 6
Has the current contract been reviewed against the scope / offer and how has this review been recorded
At what point are the contract Quality Requirements established and how are they captured
Do you understand the term SQEP, suitably qualified and / or experienced person<br>What would indicate if someone is SQEP to complete the task involved and have you completed a SQEP register or matrix for the project<br>ISO 9001:2008 & AS 9100 Rev C clause 6.2.2
Is the team established, with a clear understanding of everyone's responsibility, and how is this recorded<br>AS 9100 Rev C clause 7.1 (f)
Document control is important, with this in mind, how has the electronic filing structure been created and flowed down to the rest of the team<br>ISO 9001:2008, AS 9100 Rev C clause 4.2.3 & 4.2.4
Have booking codes been created and how have they been allocated<br>OP002-1 section 5.3
Are you aware of any standard templates that have been created and how are these circulated<br>OP002-1 section 5.5
You will understand the need for a Quality Plan ? Is a quality plan always required and at what point is this started<br>Who creates and controls the QP<br>OP002-1 section 8<br>ISO 9001:2008 & AS 9100 Rev C clause 7.1
How do you understand what level of review is required for the Quality Plan and how is this established<br>Referenced CQR, Contract Quality Requirements & RR WI 3851<br>OP002-1 section 8<br>ISO 9001:2008 & AS 9100 Rev C clause 7.1
Do you understand the terms, PP, Product Permit, Concessions, TQ, Technical Queries, and at what point is this initiated with regards to the current contract and also the enquiry<br>OP002-1 section 9<br>ISO 9001:2008 & AS 9100 Rev C clause 7.3.7
What do you understand about the term LTQR (Lifetime Quality Records) and how do you establish what is the contents of this file<br>Currently no JFN process identified
When do you believe the LTQR should be initiated<br>Currently no JFN process identified
What do you understand about the term Project Execution Plan (PEP)<br>OP002-1 section 10<br>ISO 9001:2008 & AS 9100 Rev C clause 7.3.1 & 7.3.2
Project Implementation
How are the cost controls for the project being managed, is there some group software used or just an ad hoc spreadsheet used<br>Is this on JIMS as part of the Quality Management System<br>OP002-2 section 4
Is a Risk Register required, and how is it being maintained. If a risk is identified, how is this being controlled<br>OP002-2 section 5<br>ISO 9001:2008 & AS 9100 Rev C clause 7.2.2 (e)
How are the Project Review Meetings (PRM) being controlled<br>Are minutes taken, if so where are they stored<br>OP002-2 section 6<br>ISO 9001:2008 & AS 9100 Rev C clause 7.3.4
How often are Client progress meetings being held and how are they recorded<br>OP002-2 section 7.1<br>ISO 9001:2008 & AS 9100 Rev C clause 7.2.3
How are any actions arising from the meeting being recorded and tracked<br>Is there a RAIL being used? (rolling action item list)<br>OP002-2 section 7<br>ISO 9001:2008 & AS 9100 Rev C clause 7.3.7
When keeping a project plan updated, how would you ensure that the senior management team are aware that the project will overrun or that the project will overspend. Do you keep track of any contingency funding being allocated<br>OP002-2 section 6<br>ISO 9001:2008 & AS 9100 Rev C clause 7.3.7
Are there any Sub-Contractors, suppliers involved in the project. If so how are these controlled<br>Have you identified them on the quality plan, perhaps using a supply chain map<br>OP002-2 section 7.3<br>ISO 9001:2008 & AS 9100 Rev C clause 7.4
What defines the term "change control"<br>How are changes controlled and the client informed ? Are there any specific forms that need to be completed<br>OP002-2 section 10<br>ISO 9001:2008 & AS 9100 Rev C clause 7.3.7
What do you understand about the term Early Warning Notices (EWN) or Compensation Event Notices (CEN) <br>Has any been issued on the projects you are working on<br>OP002-2 section 10.1
How do you arrive at the figure for the CEN is there a specific spreadsheet used,and how has the client accepted or rejected the CEN<br>OP002-2 section 10.1
How is the agreed additional works captured and flowed down through the team<br>OP002-2 section 10.5<br>ISO 9001:2008 & AS 9100 Rev C clause 7.4.2 (d)
Project Closeout Process
At what point would you feel that the project has finished or been completed<br>OP002-2 section 11 & OP002-3 section 2<br>ISO 9001:2008 & AS 9100 Rev C clause 7.4.3
How would you be involved in the final deliverable and how is this recorded<br>OP002-2 section 11 & OP002-3 section 2<br>ISO 9001:2008 & AS 9100 Rev C clause 7.4.3
Do you understand the term Continual Improvement (CI), Learning From Experience (LFE) or Lessons Learned (LL) and how are these captured and flowed out to the rest of the business or project team<br>OP002-3 section 7 (post project review & lessons learned)<br>ISO 9001:2008 & AS9100 Rev C clause 8.5.1
How are any actions tracked following a Closeout meeting ensuring the client satisfaction<br>Would you add any items to the risk register and would you get the client to agree that all the items on the risk register have been closed satisfactorily
Will you be completing a final project report
Would you ever ask for a documented feedback, good, bad or indifferent<br>And what is the routing for this feedback