Title Page
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Quality Management System
Does the supplier operate a quality management system that is formally certified to the relevant ISO or an equivalent industry standard, by an accredited body?<br> <br>
Does the QMS contain a Quality Policy, Quality Manual and procedures for control of documents & records, internal audits, control of nonconforming product, corrective actions and preventive actions?<br> <br>
Have the core documents of the QMS been reviewed within the last 12 months? <br>
Are customer purchase orders reviewed including as a minimum, adherence to delivery dates, materials, part numbers and any drawings provided and where provided; are JF Nuclear Ltd material purchasing specifications adhered to ?<br> <br>
Is there a contract review process in place, where Order Number, Drawing Number, Revision, Quantity, Delivery, Certification and Inspection Criteria are identified?<br> <br>
How are revision changes to drawings and products communicated to production to ensure they are working to revised requirements?<br> <br><br>
Are documented purchase orders issued to suppliers, containing information on product requirements, materials and any applicable acceptance criteria?<br><br>
Is there a documented approved supplier list? <br>
Is there a grading system to the approved suppliers ?<br> <br>
Are suppliers evaluated prior to being approved and is this evaluation conducted on a periodic basis, with records maintained?<br> <br>
Are documented training records in place for all employees ? <br><br><br>
Are employee training needs analysed and reviewed periodically? <br>
Production Planning
Is production capacity information maintained and evaluated against required and future production needs? <br>
Are manufacturing resource planning (MRP) tools or software in place, that visibly show work in progress, work pending and work that is late for completion?<br> <br>
Production Process
Are production programmes on machinery and plant, or any pre-calibration routines verified prior to running production?<br><br>
Are routing cards or similar used to identify key production stages to production operatives? <br>
Are production process procedures available to operators? <br>
Goods-in Inspection
Explain how items and raw materials are inspected prior to being booked in?<br> <br>
How are goods receiving non conformities dealt with is there a dedicated quarantine area? <br>
Are goods received referenced to the PO
How are raw materials segregated, ferrous / non ferrous
How is material certification controlled
How are drawings released into manufacture
How are old revisions or superseded drawings removed from circulation<br> <br>
If there is a query on the drawing, how is the question answered / resolved
Inspection & Test
Are all critical inspection and testing stages documented and available ?<br> <br>
How do you ensure final inspection and testing requirements are met as specified by the client ?<br> <br>
Are all critical dimensions documented stating the actual results achieved?<br><br>
Is inspection and testing conducted with equipment capable of measuring to the specified tolerances? <br>
Are you aware of any client requirements regarding the tolerance range of measuring equipment (Re: RR SABRe)
Is all measuring and inspection equipment uniquely identified and calibrated on a periodic basis?<br> <br>
Do you have any reference measuring equipment e.g. Master Slip gauges
Non conformances and Corrective and Preventive Actions
How are non-conformances investigated and recorded ?<br> <br>
Is there a process for correcting product non-conformances through rework or concession ?<br> <br>
How is a non conforming product controlled
Monitoring and Analysis
Are internal KPI's set ?<br> <br>
Is there an internal audit schedule in place ?<br> <br>
Does senior management review the QMS at planned intervals?<br> <br>
How are changes to the QMS controlled
Material / Product Storage
Are components and/or materials stored so as to be traceable to the original purchase order and/or manufacturer's batch/lot number?<br> <br>
Is there material traceability from the goods inward inspection of the raw material, through production and manufacture to the certification supplied with delivery to the customer?<br> <br><br>
Dispatch & Documentation
Are all products dispatched with reference to the Purchase Order?<br> <br>
Are copies of inspection and/or testing records available for dispatch to the customer if requested? <br>
Are preventive maintenance plans documented and records maintained? <br>
Is there a program for capability improvement
Health & Safety
Is Health & Safety adhered to
Is PPE freely available at the point of use, how is this recorder the
Is all lifting equipment controlled in line with LOLER
Is there a requirement for any specialist medicals, and how are these recorded
Do you record eye test results for inspection staff
How are issues with environment dealt with
Is there an active waste segregation process in places
Is the air quality monitored
Do you record the levels of noise in the workplace
Supplier Feedback
Is there any feedback from the supplier