Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Worksite (General)
Worksite (General)
1. Does the site have a Vendor-Visitor's sign in log?
a. Is it available and kept in an accessible area?
Please note the time and date of the last entry:
2. OSHA posters displayed in prominent location?
3. Site emergency telephone numbers are posted?
4. Emergency evacuation routes:
a. Identified?
b. Posted?
c. Explained to employees and signed off (meeting form that will go to Safety and filed on site)?
5. Occupational Clinic:
a. Maps and directions are posted.
b. Account setup?
c. Introductory visit made?
6. Local hospitals identified?
7. First Aid:
a. Does the job site have a stocked first aid kit? (All contents in date)
b. Are first aid kits easy to access for all site employees?
c. Are eye wash stations available and easily accessible on site?
8. Safety Data Sheets (SDS's):
a. Products inventoried?
b. SDS obtained for each product inventoried?
c. Accessible to all employees?
d. Hazardous communication program included?
e. Are all containers properly marked for contents? (No plastic fuel cans are allowed)
9. Fire Extinguishers:
a. Site has a paper or electronic log of all fire extinguishers?
b. Uniquely identified?
c. Each extinguisher is properly tagged?
d. Each extinguisher is inspected monthly?
e. All extinguishers are annually inspected/recharged?
f. Located in all job trailers, shops, storage trailers and at each fuel station?
10. Housekeeping:
a. Is the site clean?
b. Are there separate trash cans for normal waste and used oil/oil related trash?
c. Are there any trip hazards?
d. Connex or storage facilities are clean, organized, and well maintained?
e. Job office(s) are clean and organized?
f. Equipment cabs are clean and organized? (If not provide unit numbers in notes)