Audit Title
Conducted on
Prepared by
Project Manager
Management Controls
Has a JHA been completed and does the foreman have a copy
Ensure that all persons are familiar with the requirements of the site safety rules and that they are complied with on site.
Has a toolbox talk been completed this week
Was a meeting conducted this morning?
Access and Egress
Is there safe access and egress to all working areas of the site?
Is housekeeping being maintained?
Job set up
Is the Crane set up correctly?
Is the Crane and swing radius barricaded?
Are materials organized and being stored properly?
Are the ladder/s set up correctly?
Is a passive fall protection system in place?
Does the supervisor have the SDS app on his phone?
Is there a paper copy of the SDS being used onsite?
Do employees understand chemical hazards onsite?
Are employees using proper PPE for the chemicals in use
Tear off Operations
Have all services been disconnected?
Is the area barried off and suitably signs in place.?
Is there adequate dust suppression where required?
Is there sutable noise controls in place?
Is there suitable lighting?
Is material being removed from site on a regular basis and not allowed to accumulate?
Electrical Equipment
Check that cables and leads are protected from damage.
Check all connections are properly made and suitable plugs are used.
Check that tools and equipment are visually checked and regularly inspected/tested by a competent person. (PAT)
Fire And Emergency Management
Ensure there are emergency procedures for evacuating the site in case of a fire, flood, explosion etc.
Ensure that the quantity of flammable materials, liquids and gases are kept to a minimum and are adequately stored.
Ensure that smoking and other ignition sources are banned in areas where gases or flammable liquids are stored or used.
Check that suitable fire extinguishers are provided and that they are maintained and in a good condition.
Check that all fire extinguishers have had an annual inspection.
Have fire extinguishers been inspected this month.
First Aid
Ensure the first aid kit contains only first aid materials.
Be placed where it can be seen and used.
Is there at least 1 person training in CPR/AED and First aid onsite?
Crane and Mobile equipment
Only licensed or approved personnel operating Crane or mobile equipment
Pre use inspection has been conducted.
All rigging has been properly inspected
Ensure lifting operations do not take place near overhead power lines and excavations.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Ensure that PPE is issued on an individual basis.
Check that it is kept in good condition.
Ensure all staff are wearing Hi-Vis Outerwear
Eye Protection
Ensure that it is of a suitable grade for the type of work being undertaken. I.e. light protection or full goggle etc.
Foot Protection
Ensure that footwear has a safety toe and is over the ankle
Hand Protection - Ensure that where damaged to the hands may occur through activities such as handling, or when using hazardous substances/chemicals that all persons affected wear the appropriate class of safety glove.
Are all gloves free from damage?
Ensure gloves are correct for their application and the activity being undertaken.
Hearing Protection
Ensure that hearing protection is used as instructed.
Safety Helmets
Were all helmets/hard hats found free from damage?
Ensure helmets/hard hats are worn correctly.
Were helmets within their expiry date - helmets/hard hats should be changed every 2-3 years.
PPE requirements compliant?
Tools & Equipment
Ensure that tools and equipments are stored correctly to avoid damage to the equipment and persons.
Dry, covered and secure storage areas should be provided for all tools and equipment.
Hand tools
Ensure that the right tools and equipment are being used for the right job.
Were all hand tools found to be in good condition with no defects?
Power Tools
Check that all dangerous parts are guarded e.g. gears, chain, drives, projecting engine shafts etc.
Check that guards are secure and in good repair.
Check that safety devices are operating properly and that all cables are double insulated.
Check the supply cable for cuts, splits or other damage. All all cables free from damage?
Check that any scaffold erection, alteration or dismantling is carried out by a competent person.
Are scaffold tags being utilised?
Ensure that these inspections are adequately recorded.
Working at Height
Are employees protected by the safety method of Fall protection possible?
Ensure that precautions have been taken to stop people falling through fragile materials when working on roofs, e.g.: by providing barriers, covers or working platforms.
Ensure that people are kept away from areas below the roof work.
Ensure that a fall protection plan is place
Is all PFAS equipment inspected?
Is all PFAS equipment being worn properly?
Ensure that ladders are in good condition, are not split, warped or have damaged rungs etc.
Check that ladders are secured to prevent them slipping sideways or backwards.
Check that ladders rise a sufficient height above their landing place (approx. 1m or 5 rungs).
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Person conducting this Audit.