CW Building Inspection Template
Site Address
Exterior Lighting
Pole lights-Conditions
Wall Pack Lighting- Conditions
Time Clock/ Photocells in good working condition?
Overall Appearance of the landscaping?
Trees- Are there fallen limbs or dying trees that needs attention?
Plants- Are there dead or dying plants that needs attention?
Weeds- Are there weeds present that needs to be addressed?
Grass- Overall Appearence?
Debri in landscape?
Overall signage condition
Controller in good working condition?
Signs of leaks? Sink holes present?
Condition of the sprinkler heads?
Has the irrigation system been winterized ( During WInter Months)
Asphalt/ Concrete
Parking Lot- Trip hazards? Pot holes? Uneven ground? Areas in need or repair or replacement?
Sidewalks? Overall Conditions?
Striping? Overall Conditions?
Curbs? broken or missing? overall conditions?
Overall condition of Bollards?
Overall condition of the wheel stops?
Dumpster Area
Condition of the Enclosure?
Exterior Walls
General Appearence?
Efflorescence Visible?
Exterior Paint?
Graffiti on building?
Overall Condition?
Are there broken windows?
Do the windows need cleaning?
Gutters/ Down Spouts /Storm Drains
General Appearence?
Damaged downspouts?
Do the gutters need cleaning?
Are the Storm Drains clear of debri?
Overall Condition of the roof?
Roof Drain Cleaning needed?
Missing Roof Drain Cover?
Roof Access Present and Secured?
Condition on the Roof ladders?
Water Ponding?
Fire Pump / Sprinkler Mechanical Room
Are the tamper control valves open to each riser?
Fire pump Controller on and in Automatic ?
Overall condition of the Jockey pump?
Jockey Pump controller in the ON position?
Weep holes on Fire pump clear of rust and debri?
Overall Visible condition of the fire pump?
Is there Freeze protection in the room? Space Heater?
Is the Space heater in good working order?
Are there any leaks present?
Emergency Generator
Is there an Emergency Generator on site?
Is the Generator in Automatic?
Block heaters in good working condition?
Is there coolant in the generator?
Fuel Level for Diesel Generator
Main Electrical / Switch Gear Room
Is the room clear of Debri and Materials?
Does the room have adequate lighting?
Are all the panel covers closed and secured?
Fire Panel -FACP
Overall condition of the FACP
Is the Fire panel clear of any Troubles, Supervisory or Fire Alarm notifications?
Does the FACP show " NORMAL"?
Fencing and Gates
Overall Condition?
Elevator Machine Room
Assess the overall cleanliness of the machine room.
Check for excessive noise and vibration from machinary
Any signs of water damage or leaks?
Signs of leaks?
Is there water in the drains of the Toilets, Urinals and Sinks?
Are the floor drains full of water?
Overall condition of the partitions?
Drains in good working condtion?
Do you have hot water coming out of the faucet?
Overall condition of the faucet?
Fire Extinguishers
Are there Fire Extiguisher onsite?
Are the tags updated and current?
Is there a lockbox onsite that has the master key?
Ceiling Tiles
Are there stained or missing ceiling tiles?
Overall condition of the HVAC on the property?
Overall condition of the space heaters in warehouse?
If building is Vacant during the winter months the Heating setpoint should be set to 55 degrees.
If Building is Vacant in summer months the Cooling setpoint should be set to 85 degrees.