


  • Date of inspection:

  • Inspector:

  • Supervisor/Foreman:


Basic requirements

  • Is a company safety manual available for employees?

  • Is the OSHA 5in1 posters posted for employees to access?

  • Are fire extinguishers available throughout the work area and are locations marked? (1910-L)

  • Are monthly and annual fire extinguisher inspections updated?

  • Are first aid and BBP kits available to all employees? (1910-K)

  • Are first aid kit components within their viable use period?

  • Are MSDS sheets available to employees?

  • Are weekly safety meetings up-to-date?

General Safety & Health Provisions (1926-C&D)

  • Is there a need for housekeeping, temp lighting, or emergency equipment?

  • Are interior work areas of the jobsite sufficiently illuminated?

  • Is there 3' of frontal and 18" of side clearance around all emergency equipment?

  • Is special or specific hazard signage posted where applicable?

  • Is proper housekeeping practices being maintained to prevent slips, trips, and falls?

Personal Protective Equipment (1926-E)

  • Is PPE required on this jobsite?

  • Is PPE in use where required and properly adjusted and maintained? (Including hearing protection)

  • Have all pieces of PPE been checked to insure they are not expired? (5 year service life for most PPE)

  • Are all PPE properly stored (including respirators) and inspected if applicable?

  • Where required by OSHA; have employees completed annual fit and PFT testing before wearing respirators?

Material Handling & Storage (1926-H)

  • Is material/supplies being moved and stored on this jobsite?

  • Are all lifting components (straps, slings, chains, ropes, etc) in good working condition?

  • Where applicable, is the pick zone for lifts barricaded from unauthorized entry?

  • Are all objects/materials being lifted properly rigged?

Scaffolds (1926-L)

  • Are scaffolds in use on this jobsite?

  • Have all assembled scaffolds been inspected by a competent person prior to beginning each day's work and are the scaffolds tagged with the correct tag?

  • Are scaffold components properly attached and of the correct type?

  • Are scaffold work platforms properly planked and is fall protection in-place on the work platforms of the scaffold?

  • Are assembled scaffolds properly supported and leveled?

  • Are all mobile scaffolds being used in the proper manner and are they properly assembled?

Fall Protection (1926-M)

  • Is fall protection required on this jobsite? (Employees working over 6' from lower level)

  • Are all floor/wall opening properly guarded?

  • Are all fall protection components being used properly and of the correct type/size? Are inspections on equipment up-to-date?

  • Are man baskets being used on equipment certified by an engineer or manufacturer? (no home-made baskets)

  • Are guardrails in place and properly constructed and maintained where applicable?

Ladders & Stairways (1926-X):

  • Are ladders or stairways being used on this jobsite?

  • Are all ladders properly marked?

  • Are all ladders in good working order and free of physical damage? Are they being inspected at least quarterly?

  • Are ladders properly erected and/or stored?

  • Are all stairways properly guarded where applicable? (4 or more risers w/ handrails, etc)

Mechanized Equipment & Motor Vehicles (1926-O)

  • Are there vehicles or mechanized equipment on the jobsite?

  • Are all company vehicles on the jobsite being inspected on a regular basis? (Mechanical issues, required safety contents, etc)

  • Are forklift/mobile lifting equipment daily pre-use inspections up-to-date?

  • Are all forklifts/mobile lifting devices fully functional or removed from service if not?

  • Do equipment operators possess certification for the specific type of lifting equipment they are using?

Excavations (1926-P)

  • Is there an excavation on the jobsite?

  • Has the excavation been inspected by a competent person before employees entered the excavation every day?

  • Are employees working in an excavation over 5' deep properly protected with benching/sloping or trench boxes?

  • Is there suitable means of access/eggress from an excavation over 4' deep? (no more than 25' of travel)

  • Are access ladders properly erected in the excavation?

  • Is all spoil material at least 2' from the edge of an open excavation?

  • Are employees properly protected from any additional hazards present in the excavation? (water accumulation, surface encumbrances, etc)

  • When applicable, is the open excavation properly barricaded?

Hazardous Materials (1910-H)

  • Are there chemicals present on the jobsite?

  • Are all flammable liquids properly stored?

  • Are all secondary chemical containers properly labeled?

  • Is the required/appropriate PPE being worn by employees while using or handling certain chemicals?

  • Are flammable/combustible chemicals being used and/or stored in areas without spark or explosion hazards?

  • Are eyewash stations or bottles available to affected employees?

Permit Required Confined Spaces (1910.146)

  • Is there a confined space hazard present on the jobsite?

  • Has a confined space entry permit been completed before employees entered a permit required confined space?

  • Are space conditions monitored throughout the length of the entry/work process?

  • Have employees been assigned to the individual roles required by OSHA during a permit space entry?

  • Is an outside rescue team on standby or has the proper rescue equipment been made available to employees participating in the entry process?

Hand & Portable Power Tools & Welding/Cutting Operations (1910-P&Q)

  • Are hand/portable power tools being used or are welding operations taking place?

  • Is the proper tool for the task at hand being used by employees?

  • Do all powder actuated (Hilti, etc) tools meet OSHA requirement for safe operation and are they being used/stored properly?

Welding & Cutting Operations

  • Is any welding/cutting taking place or any equipment for these operations stored onsite?

  • Are flammable/combustible materials stored at least 35' away from welding and cutting operations or are they properly guarded with a fire wall?

  • Has a "hot work" permit been completed if applicable?

  • Is there sufficient ventilation on the jobsite during welding/cutting operations or are affected employees provided with respiratory equipment?

  • Are all compressed gas cylinders properly stored? (20' from flammable materials and properly secured) Are oxygen and fuel-gases stored separately (min. 20' apart) or separated by a fire wall?

Electrical (1910-S)

  • Are there any electrical hazards present?

  • Are electrical components and equipment properly guarded? (within 7' of floor or work surface)

  • Are all breaker panels and electrical boxes properly marked?

  • Are all extension cords (3-wire, hard usage) and tool cords (double insulated/3-wire) of the proper type?

  • Are all tool and extension cords in good repair? (No damaged insulation, improper repairs, broken ground prong, etc)

Traffic Control/Working Beside Traffic

  • Is there a need for traffic control at this jobsite?

  • Are traffic control devices present around the work area, are they properly placed, and in sufficient quantity?

  • If employees are working within 25' of possible passing traffic, do they have on hi-vis garments of the correct class?

Misc Issues

  • Are there any miscellaneous issues or recommendations that need to be documented?

  • Add media

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  • Supervisor

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.