Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Policies, Insurances & Documentation

  • Is a current health and safety policy in place?

  • Does the organisation hold all relevant insurances which are displayed appropriately?

  • Has a fire risk assessment of the premises been undertaken?

  • Is there a current F10 available and has it been displayed?

  • Are any permits required for the works being completed?

  • Have all required permits been opened and have they been signed onto by all relevant persons?

Emergency & Reporting Procedures

  • Is there an accident book on site and are the operatives aware of the location?


  • Is there a company / site induction in place and have all persons been inducted with signatures recorded as evidence of receipt and understanding?

  • Does the organisation re-induct personnel after a period of time?

  • Does the organisation re-induct personnel after a period of time?

RAMS, Training & Equipment

  • Have risk assessments been undertaken, documented and communicated with signatures recorded as evidence of receipt and understanding?

  • Have the risk assessments been reviewed inline with their review date?

  • Have the risk assessments been reviewed inline with their review date?

  • Have safe working procedures been established and communicated with signatures recorded as evidence of receipt and understanding?

  • Have the safe working procedures been reviewed inline with their review date?

  • Have the safe working procedures been reviewed inline with their review date?

  • Spot check working practices - is the work being undertaken in line with company risk assessments at method statements?

  • Is the operative trained and competent in the task that they are undertaking?

  • Is the correct equipment available for the task and is it being used correctly?


  • Has a training matrix been developed and maintained identifying all training requirements?

  • Have shortfalls in training been identified?

  • Does the client deliver toolbox talks and if so are they delivered regularly?

Traffic Management

  • Has a traffic management plan been established and communicated to all relevant persons upon arrival?

  • Are banksmen required?

  • Are competent banksmen being used where necessary?

Welfare Facilities & First Aid

  • Have suitable and sufficient welfare facilities been made available for all persons on site?

  • Have the welfare facilities which have been provided been kept in good clean condition ready for use?

  • Have the welfare facilities which have been provided been kept in good clean condition ready for use?

  • Has a smoking area been established and is there suitable signage in place?

  • Is there suitable and sufficient first-aid provisions available on site?

  • Is there a method in place for identifying first-aiders on site?

Mobile Plant & Test Certification

  • At the time of inspection is any mobile plant being used by the client?

  • Is there a pre-start checklist available and has it been completed?

  • Does the mobile plant hold a current record of thorough examination and is evidence available?

  • Have all keys been removed from mobile plant if the operator is not present?

  • Are seatbelts fitted, if so was it seen to be in use?

Static Plant

  • Is suitable and sufficient guarding in place to prevent unauthorised access to potentially dangerous areas and/or components?

  • Is the plant installed with functioning E-stops which are appropriately located?

  • Is there a pre-start checklist available and has it been completed?

  • Is there a PPM schedule in place and has works been completed in conjunction with it?

  • Has an electrical isolation procedure been created for cleaning & maintenance tasks?

  • Has isolation been undertaken in line with this procedure and has isolation been successful?

Hand held & Power tools

  • Are hand held tools being used?

  • Do all hand tools appear to be in good condition with no apparent defects?

  • Are power tool being used?

  • Do all power tools appear to be in good condition with no apparent defects?

  • Are all attachments without significant wear and effective? (e.g. drill bits, blades, discs).

  • Is extraction required to mitigate the risk of dust exposure (e.g. Circular saw)

  • Had suitable and sufficient extraction been installed as required?


  • Have PPE requirements been identified and have they been enforced?

  • Was PPE worn seen to be in good condition?

  • Is RPE required as part of the works being undertaken?

  • Is correct RPE being worn correctly and is it well maintained?

  • Is face fit testing required for the RPE in use?

  • Has face fit testing been carried out to ensure that the RPE in use is suitable for the user?


  • Has suitable and sufficient signage been displayed across site?

Working at Height

  • Are working at height activities being undertaken?

  • Is the correct access equipment being used and is there evidence of current inspection?

  • Is fall arrest / restraint equipment required for the works being undertaken?

  • Was the operative(s) seen to be wearing required fall arrest / restraint equipment and was they able to evidence a current record of thorough examination?

  • Was the work at height being undertaken from a fixed work platform?

  • Had the work platform been fitted with suitable and sufficient edge protection to protect against falls?

  • Is there good means of access / egress to the work area / platform?

Lifting Plan & Equipment

  • Are lifting operations carried out as part of the works being undertaken?

  • Is there a lifting plan in place which covers this activity?

  • Is the lifting equipment suitable for the works being undertaken and is there a record of thorough examination available?


  • Are excavations being carried out as part of the ongoing works?

  • Has a CAT and Genny been used to identify buried services which have then been marked out prior to breaking ground?

  • Have identified buried services been isolated prior to excavations commencing?

  • Is excavating taking place within 500mm of identified buried services?

  • Is this works being undertaken by hand using insulated hand tools with round edges?


  • Has all COSHH been bunded / stored as required when not in use?

  • Have CoSHH Assessments been completed and communicated to the relevant persons?


  • Is the site free from odour emitting from site?

  • Is the site free from any noise emitting from site?

  • Is any litter controlled on and off site?

  • Are the internal and external roads clear from mud & debris caused as a result of the companies acts and / or emissions?

  • Are spill kits available and in a suitable location?

  • Is there sufficient pest control on site?

Site Infrastructure

  • Do roller shutter doors appear to be in good condition and is there evidence of service within the last 12 months?

  • Is there evidence that the boiler has been serviced by a competent person within the past 12 months?

  • Are roadways in good condition, fit for purpose with no apparent defects?

  • Have walkways been established and in good condition with suitable segregation in place mitigate the risk of pedestrian to vehicle interactions?

  • Is suitable perimeter fencing in place to prevent unauthorised access to site?

  • Have all walkways, roadways & work areas been adequately lit?

  • Are drains clear and running freely where applicable?

  • Does the overall structure of buildings and units on site appear to be in good condition and unlikely to cause harm?

Electrical Safety

  • Are all extension leads & powered hand tools in good conditon with no apparent defects?

  • Has PAT testing been undertaken with a current record dispalyed (where applicable)?

  • Has all access to substations and transformers been restricted?

  • Is the client able to demonstrate a fixed wire certificate provided within the last 5 years?

Housekeeping, Racking & Waste Management

  • Has housekeeping on site been kept to an acceptable standard without any avoidable slip or trip hazards?

  • Is it likely that the operatives are required to clear general dust and / or wood dust?

  • Is a suitable vacuum available for the clearing of dust?

  • Does the client use racking for storage of materials / equipment?

  • Does the racking appear to be in good condition and does the weight stored fall under the safe load limit?

  • How was waste managed on site?

Site Security

  • Has suitable and sufficient means of site security been established?

Temp Works

  • To be completed.

Fire Safety

  • Had means of raising the alarm in the event of a fire been established?

  • Had suitable and sufficient means of fire extinguishing media been provided and had it been serviced accordingly?

  • Has a muster point been identified and are the operatives aware of the location?


  • Has adequate competent supervision been made available?

Welding & Extraction

  • Does all welding equipment appear to be in good condition and is there current records of inspection available?

  • Is there suitable and sufficient means of LEV and has it been inspected within the last 14 months?

Completion Page

  • Please sign to confirm that all statements made above were accurate at the time of completion.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.