Title Page

  • Document No.

  • Company name

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Client contact details



  • Does the client hold all current relevant insurances?

  • Employers Liability Insurance (insurer, policy number, expiry date)?

  • Public Liability Insurance (insurer, policy number, expiry date)?

Induction Process

  • Is there an induction process in place?

  • Is the induction process suitable and sufficient and have signatures been recorded as evidence of receipt and understanding?

Health & Safety Policy

Health and Safety Policy

  • Who is responsible for overall health and safety on site?

  • Who is responsible for day-to-day health and safety for the site?

  • Does this person hold suitable and sufficient current health and safety training?

  • Please detail training held

  • Is there a health and safety policy in place?

  • When was the policy last reviewed?

  • Are arrangements in place to address risk assessment, training, emergency procedures and consultation?

  • Are monitoring arrangements in place to ensure the effectiveness of the safety system?



  • Have employees received suitable and sufficient training considering the works undertaken?

  • Is there a training matrix in place identifying training requirements and expiry dates?

Traffic Management

Traffic Management

  • Have suitable and sufficient traffic management controls been implemented to reduce the risk of collision? (e.g. signage, pedestrian walkways, crossing points).

  • Has a traffic management plan been created and communicated to all relevant persons?

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment

  • Are risk assessments in place for significant activities / tasks?

  • Who conducts the risk assessments?

  • Is this person deemed as competent?

  • Is there a need for a specific group risk assessment (i.e. young, disabled or pregnant)

  • Is there a risk assessment in place to cover these groups?

  • Is there a fire risk assessment in place, conducted within the last 12 months?

  • When was it conducted / reviewed?

Work at Height

Work at Height

  • Is it likely that the organisation will undertaken any works at height (e.g. ladders / access equipment)

  • Has suitable access equipment been made available for the works undertaken?

  • Has the access equipment been well maintained and is there evidence of inspection available?

  • Does the organisation use fall arrest / restraint systems? (e.g. harness, lanyard)

  • Does all equipment appear to be in good condition and is there evidence of inspection available?

  • Is there a current record of thorough examination available?

Fire Safety

Fire Safety

  • Are fire instructions clearly displayed?

  • Are fire extinguishers provided, suitably positioned and serviced within the last year?

  • Are there maintenance procedures in place for fire alarms, detection systems and emergency lighting?

  • Have fire wardens and deputies been appointed for each area of department?

  • Has a fire drill been conducted and the results recorded within the last 6 months?

Asbestos Management

Asbestos Management

  • Was the building erected before 2000?

  • Has an asbestos survey been carried out?

  • Did the survey identify any asbestos containing materials?

  • Has an asbestos register and management plan been put in place?

  • Are arrangements in place to communicate the presence of asbestos to contractors?



  • Is there adequate ventilation?

  • Is the area free from odours?

  • Is the temperature comfortable?

  • Is there adequate space for all personnel and equipment in the area?

  • Is the flooring of a suitable type?

  • Is the flooring adequately maintained?

  • Are external surfaces adequately maintained?

  • Is the lighting adequate?

  • Is external lighting provided and well maintained? (if relevant)

Emergency Procedures

Emergency Procedures

  • Are evacuated procedures and exit routes / doors displayed?

  • Is emergency, warning and hazard signage clearly visible and in good condition?

  • Are escape routes and internal fire doors suitable and sufficient?

  • Are exit routes and final escape doors suitable, sufficient and free from any obstruction?

  • Are spill kits available (if appropriate)?

First Aid Facilities

First Aid Facilities

  • Has a first aid assessment been conducted and the results recorded?

  • Are there appropraite first aid and emergency facilities in the near vicinity for employees?

  • Are employees aware of these facilities?

  • First aid kits are signed, correctly stocked and the contents are in-date?

  • Names and contact details of first aid personnel are displayed and current?

  • Is there an accident book on site?

  • Are there details of the last accident recorded?

General Facilities

General Facilities

  • Washing facilities are clean and functional?

  • Is there hot and cold water available for hygiene purposes?

  • Is there suitable and sufficient area(s) provided for staff welfare?

  • Are the stairs, passageways and store rooms well lit?

  • Are the walls, windows, doors and furniture in good condition?

  • Are clothing and personal item storage areas clean, tidy and well ventilated (if relevant)

Manual Handling

Manual Handling

  • Have manual handling tasks been adequately risk assessed?

  • Have these risk assessments been periodically reviewed?

  • Have these assessments been communicated to all relevant persons with signatures recorded as evidence of receipt and understanding?

  • If applicable have manual aids been made available to reduce the risk of manual handling activities?



  • Is there any racking on site?

  • Is the racking securely fixed to the floor or wall?

  • Have heavier items been stored on the lower shelves to reduce to risk of lifting?

  • Where possible materials have been stored in rack and bins and not above shoulder height?

  • Have racking safe load limits been identified and not exceeded?

  • Are ladders / safe steps required to reach items stored at height?

  • Is the access equipment provided suitable for the task at hand and is there a record of inspection?

Slips and Trips

Slips and Trips

  • Are warning signs available and erected near spills when required?

  • Is there special provisions for slip resistance in wet areas?

  • Guard rails and slip resistance are provided on rams and stairs?

  • Internal walkways are free of slip or trip hazards?

  • External walkways are free of slip or trip hazards?

Electrical Safety

Electrical Safety

  • Has all portable equipment got a current test certificate or tag?

  • Has a fixed installation test of the building been conducted within the required timescales?

  • If faults were noted on the fixed installation test report, have these been rectified?

  • Are residual current devices (RCD) installed at switchboards or into fixed sockets?

  • Are portable residual current devices available?

  • Are flexible cords and extension leads in good condition?

  • Are power points suitable for the location and positioned safely?

  • Power boards are used rather than double adapters?

  • Is faulty equipment tagged out or removed from use?

Hazardous Substances

Hazardous Substances

  • Is there an up-to-date list/register of all chemicals on site?

  • Are material safety data sheets (not older than 5 years) available for workers reference?

  • Has a CoSHH assessment been completed for all harmful substances stored and used at the workplace?

  • Are original containers used and/or the manufacturer's label?

  • Are chemicals stored according to compatibility? Are they bunded, in flammable or corrosive cabinets?

  • Are minimal amounts of corrosives stored, and/or used?

  • Are there spill kits available for hazardous substances?

  • Are flammable gases stored on site? What are the storage facilities (internal/external)?

  • Is oil stored on site? What are the storage facilities (tank)?

Personal Protective Equipment

Personal Protective Equipment

  • Is PPE required within this organisation?

  • Is the required PPE available?

  • Is instruction and information relating to PPE available?

  • Has suitable and sufficient signage been displayed identifying PPE requirements?

  • Are storage facilities for PPE available and well maintained?

  • Is a routine PPE review in place to ensure damaged PPE is replaced and does not go unnoticed?

  • Is there record of employees signing for acceptance of PPE?

Noise & Vibration

Noise & Vibration

  • Is there significant risk of noise and / or vibration exposure to employees?

  • Has a risk assessment been conducted on activities where noise or vibration may effect workers?

  • Have control measures been put in to place to reduce the risk of injury as a result of noise and/or vibration?



  • Is there a risk of legionella on site?

  • Is there a hot water storage system on site?

  • Is there a cold water storage system on site?

  • Have there been any significant changes to the pipe work system?

  • Are there showers on site?

  • Is there a procedure for flushing showers through periodically?

  • Are the temperatures of the sentinel taps recorded?

  • Is a written scheme of examination required to manage the risk of legionella?

  • Is there a scheme in place?

Display Screen Equipment

Display Screen Equipment

  • Do workers use display screen equipment (DSE) daily, as part of their normal work, continuously for an hour or more?

  • Have users of DSE been identified?

  • Have DSE self-assessments been conducted?

  • Have users received instruction on the correct setting up of their workstation? And the reporting of defects and health problems?

  • Is there a policy on the provision of eye sight tests and spectacles where necessary?

Company Vehicles

Company Vehicles

  • Does the organisation have any company vehicles (cars, vans, etc.)?

  • Are vehicles maintained in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations?

  • Is there a policy relating to the use of company vehicles?

  • Has a risk assessment for driving company vehicles been conducted?

  • Has this risk assessment been communicated to all relevant persons with signatures recorded?

  • Are records maintained of vehicle checks carried out by employees?

  • Are copies of the employees driving license obtained for company records?

  • Does the organisation permit the use of personal vehicles for business use?

  • Where personal vehicles are used does the company request and hold copies of insurances and MOT certificates?

Gas Safety

Gas Safety

  • Is there any gas / LPG systems on site?

  • Have gas boilers been serviced within the last 12 months?

  • Are there any LPG systems on site? If so, what are the quantities, storage and method of delivery to point of use?

  • Are there any underground LPG pipe work systems on the site?

  • Are there any other compressed gases on site?

  • Is there an emergency plan to deal with leaks / fires?

Violence & Aggression

Violence and Aggression

  • Is violence and aggression a risk to the organisation?

  • Is there a policy in place?

  • Has a risk assessment for violence and aggression been conducted and recorded?

  • Have there been any incidents of violence or aggression reported?

Managing Contractors

Managing Contractors

  • Are contractors used by the organisation?

  • Is an approved list of contractors available?

  • Are risk assessments obtained before any works are carried out?

  • Are contractors provided with basic health and safety information before work commences?

  • Are contractors issued with and sign a contractor's induction checklist?

Work Equipment

Work Equipment

  • Is all equipment is in good order and adequately maintained?

  • Does all plant / equipment have suitable and sufficient guarding in place as per manufactures design?

  • Does all plant and equipment have a fully operational e-stop located in a suitable position?

  • Critical equipment is under a maintenance/service agreement?

  • standard operating procedure and/or risk assessment is available for significant activities involving equipment?

  • Staff have received training in the standard operating procedures of equipment and records retained?

Waste Management

Waste Management

  • Does the organisation produce any hazardous waste?

  • Is the site registered with the Environmental Agency as a producer of hazardous waste?

  • Are contracts in place for various waste categories?

  • Is waste segregated correctly (general, recycling, hazardous etc.)?

  • Does the organisation require a waste carriers license?

  • Is a copy of the waste carriers licenses held on file?

Pressure Systems

Pressure Systems

  • Are there any systems on site that are covered by the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000?

  • Is there a written scheme of examination in place?

  • Are safe operating procedures displayed at the point of use?

  • Has an annual inspection of the equipment been conducted by a competent person?

Confirmation of Issue and Receipt of Report

  • Outset representative

  • Client Representative

  • Recommended date for next review


  • Outset Group Limited believe the information contained within this report to be correct at the time of printing. Outset Limited do not accept responsibility for any consequences arising from the use of the information herein.

    Outset Group Limited cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of information provided by the client or previous consultants.

    The report is based on matters which were observed or came to the attention of the Outset Group Limited personnel during the inspection/assessment and should not be relied upon as exhaustive record of compliance or non-compliance with legislative requirements.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.