Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Site Manager
Policies, Insurances & Documentation
Is a current health and safety policy in place?
- Yes, a current health and safety policy is in place which has been signed by the most senior person.
- A current health and safety policy is in place, but this has not been signed by the most senior person.
- There is currently no health and safety policy in place for the organisation.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Does the organisation hold all relevant insurances which are displayed appropriately?
- All relevant insurances are held which are current and displayed appropriately.
- All relevant insurances are held which are current but these have not been displayed.
- At the time of the inspection the organisation did not hold all required insurances.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially Compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Is there a current F10 available and has it been displayed?
- There is a current F10 in place and it has been displayed in a prominent position.
- The organisation were able to provide evidence of a current F10 however, this had not been displayed in a prominent position.
- At the time of the inspection the client was unable to provide evidence of a current F10.
- Other - Compliant
- Other -Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Are any permits required for the works being completed?
Have all required permits been opened and have they been signed onto by all relevant persons?
- It has been seen that all required permits have been opened and signed on to by the relevant persons.
- It has been seen that all required permits have been opened but not all relevant persons have signed on to these.
- Permits which are required for the works being undertaken have not been opened.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Emergency & Reporting Procedures
Is there an accident book on site and are the operatives aware of the location?
- Is there an accident book on site and are the operatives aware of the location?
- An accident book was available on site but the operatives were unaware of the location and / or reporting procedure.
- There was no accident book available on site at the time of the visit.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Is there a company / site induction in place and have all persons been inducted with signatures recorded as evidence of receipt and understanding?
- Evidence of a company / site induction was displayed along with recorded signatures evidencing receipt and understanding.
- A company / site induction had been created. However, the client could not provide evidence to show that that the induction had been communicated.
- At the time of the visit there was no evidence of an induction procedure.
- N/a
Does the organisation re-induct personnel after a period of time?
- Yes, following the initial induction it has been the confirmed that if any changes are made all personnel shall be re-inducted. Even if no changes are made all personnel shall be re-inducted at least once every 5 years.
- There is currently no procedure in place to re-inducted personnel following the initial induction.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
RAMS, Training & Equipment
Have risk assessments been undertaken, documented and communicated with signatures recorded as evidence of receipt and understanding?
- Risk assessments have been produced and communicated with signatures recorded as evidence of receipt and understanding.
- Risk assessments have been produced but the client could not evidence that these had been communicated.
- The client could not provide evidence that any risk assessments had been undertaken.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Have the risk assessments been reviewed inline with their review date?
- Risk assessments have been reviewed in line with their review date.
- Risk assessments had previously been reviewed, these are however due another review.
- The risk assessments seen had never been reviewed.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Have the risk assessments been reviewed inline with their review date?
- Risk assessments have been reviewed in line with their review date.
- Risk assessments had previously been reviewed, these are however due another review.
- The risk assessments seen had never been reviewed.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Have safe working procedures been established and communicated with signatures recorded as evidence of receipt and understanding?
- Safe Working Procedures have been produced and communicated with signatures recorded as evidence of receipt and understanding.
- Safe Working Procedures have been produced. However, the client could not evidence that these had been communicated.
- The client was unable to provide evidence that Safe Working Procedures had been established.
- Other - Please detail in comments.
Have the safe working procedures been reviewed inline with their review date?
- Safe working procedures had been reviewed inline with their review date.
- Safe working procedures had previously been reviewed, these are however due another review.
- The safe working procedures which have been established have never been reviewed.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Have the safe working procedures been reviewed inline with their review date?
- Safe working procedures had been reviewed inline with their review date.
- Safe working procedures had previously been reviewed, these are however due another review.
- The safe working procedures which have been established have never been reviewed.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Spot check working practices - is the work being undertaken in line with company risk assessments at method statements?
Is the operative trained and competent in the task that they are undertaking?
Is the correct equipment available for the task and is it being used correctly?
Toolbox Talks
Does the client deliver toolbox talks and if so are they delivered regularly?
- The client was able to evidence that toolbox talks have been delivered frequently with signatures recorded to evidence receipt and understanding.
- The client was able to evidence that toolbox talks have been delivered. However, these had not been delivered frequently.
- The client was not able to evidence that toolbox talks had been delivered.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Traffic Management
Has a traffic management plan been established and communicated to all relevant persons upon arrival?
- A traffic management plans has been established, this is communicated to all relevant person at the point of induction.
- Traffic management controls have been implemented. However, these controls have not been formally documented nor communicated.
- There has been no traffic management plan established at the time of inspection.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-Compliant
- N/a
Are banksmen required?
Are competent banksmen being used where necessary?
- Competent banksman in place to assist with vehicle & mobile plant movements.
- Banksman were in place to assist with vehicle & mobile plant movements however, current formal training had not been delivered.
- There was no use of banksman on site, this increases the risk of vehicle movements. it is advised that competent banksman are used as necessary.
- Other -Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Welfare Facilities & First Aid
Have suitable and sufficient welfare facilities been made available for all persons on site?
- Suitable and sufficient welfare facilities have been made available for all persons on site. This includes both washing facilities and provisions to heat food and drinks (this list is not extensive).
- Some welfare facilities have been provided however, the welfare facilities made available are not suitable nor sufficient.
- Welfare facilities have not been made available for all persons on site.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Have the welfare facilities which have been provided been kept in good clean condition ready for use?
- Welfare facilities provided appeared to be well kept and in good condition.
- Welfare facilities provided were in a useable condition but overall cleanliness could be improved.
- At the time of inspection the welfare facilities provided were not in a fit state for use.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Have the welfare facilities which have been provided been kept in good clean condition ready for use?
- Welfare facilities provided appeared to be well kept and in good condition.
- Welfare facilities provided were in a useable condition but overall cleanliness could be improved.
- At the time of inspection the welfare facilities provided were not in a fit state for use.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Has a smoking area been established and is there suitable signage in place?
- A smoking area has been established with suitable signage in place.
- A smoking area has been established but with no signage in place.
- No smoking area has been established.
- Other - Please detail in comments.
Is there suitable and sufficient first-aid provisions available on site?
- Suitable and sufficient first-aid provisions had been made available on site, first-aid boxes have been checked and all contents is in date.
- First-aid provisions had been made available on site. It has however been identified that some of the contents within the first-aid box have expired.
- Suitable and sufficient first-aid provisions have not been made available on site.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Mobile Plant & Test Certification
At the time of inspection is any mobile plant being used by the client?
Is there a pre-start checklist available and has it been completed?
- A pre-start checklist had been made available and this had been completed prior to use.
- A pre-start checklist had been made available but had not been completed prior to use on the day of inspection.
- A pre-start checklist had not been made available nor had any pre-start checks been completed.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Does the mobile plant hold a current record of thorough examination and is evidence available?
- A current record of thorough examination had been made readily available for the mobile plant in use.
- A current record of thorough examination is in place for the mobile plant in use, but at the time of this visit that was not readily available.
- Mobile plant in use did not hold a current record of thorough examination.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Have all keys been removed from mobile plant if the operator is not present?
- Keys were seen to be removed from all mobile plant of which the operator was not present.
- Keys were seen to be removed from some mobile plant, but not all of which the operator was not present.
- Keys were seen to be left in all mobile plant even when the operator was not present.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other -Non-compliant
- N/a
Are seatbelts fitted, if so was it seen to be in use?
- Mobile plant on site was seen to be installed with a seatbelt which had been used by the operator.
- Mobile plant on site was seen to be installed with a seatbelt but the operator had not put it to use.
- Mobile plant on site had not been installed with a seatbelt.
- Other - Compliant.
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Hand held & Power tools
Are hand held tools being used?
Do all hand tools appear to be in good condition with no apparent defects?
- All hand held tools in use appeared to be in good condition with no apparent defects.
- Minor defect identified - Please see photos.
- Major defect identified - Please see photos.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Are power tool being used?
Do all power tools appear to be in good condition with no apparent defects?
- All power tools appear to be in good condition with no apparent defects.
- Minor defect identified - See photos.
- Major defect identified - See photos.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Are all attachments without significant wear and effective? (e.g. drill bits, blades, discs).
- All attachments appeared to be without significant wear.
- Significant wear identified, replacement required -Please see photos.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Has means of dampening down been made available to mitigate air borne dust when using power tools?
Have PPE requirements been identified and have they been enforced?
- PPE requirements had been identified through risk assessments, site signage and company policy. The wearing of PPE had been enforced and all operatives were seen to be meeting mandatory and task specific requirements.
- PPE requirements had been identified through risk assessments, site signage and company policy. At the time of the visit it was seen that not all mandatory and task specific PPE requirements were met.
- PPE requirements had not been identified nor was it seen that suitable and sufficient PPE had been worn for the works being undertaken.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-complaint
- N/a
Was PPE worn seen to be in good condition?
- PPE worn on site appeared to be in good condition with no apparent defects.
- Almost all PPE on site appeared to be in good condition with no apparent defects. It is advised that when PPE becomes defected that it is replaced as soon as possible with signatures recorded as evidence of receipt.
- During the visit it was seen that numerous pieces of PPE were defected. It is advised that when PPE becomes defected that it is replaced as soon as possible with signatures recorded as evidence of receipt.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Is RPE required as part of the works being undertaken?
Is correct RPE being worn correctly and is it well maintained?
- It was seen that the correct RPE is being worn correctly for the works being undertaken. RPE appeared to be in good condition with no apparent defects.
- It was seen that the correct RPE is being worn correctly for the works being undertaken. However, the RPE in use appeared to be defected.
- The RPE in use was not correct for the works being undertaken. It is advised that alternative RPE which would be effective for the works being undertaken is sourced.
- Other -Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Is face fit testing required for the RPE in use?
Has face fit testing been carried out to ensure that the RPE in use is suitable for the user?
- The user had undergone face fit testing for the RPE in use within the last 2 years.
- The user had undergone face fit testing for the RPE in use but this had not been within the last 2 years.
- The user had not undergone face fit testing for the RPE in use. It is advised that face fit testing is undertaken to ensure that the RPE is working effectively providing the desired protection.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Has suitable and sufficient signage been displayed across site?
- Suitable and sufficient signage has been displayed across site in prominent positions.
- Signage has been displayed but some shortfalls have been identified during the inspection.
- During the inspection it was observed that no signage had been displayed.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Working at Height
Are working at height activities being undertaken?
Is the correct access equipment being used and is there evidence of current inspection?
- Correct access equipment and a current record of inspection was available was seen to be available.
- Correct access equipment was seen to be available but at the time of the visit no current record of inspection was available.
- Operatives were seen to be using incorrect access equipment for the works being undertaken.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Is fall arrest / restraint equipment required for the works being undertaken?
Was the operative(s) seen to be wearing required fall arrest / restraint equipment and was they able to evidence a current record of thorough examination?
- Operatives were seen to be wearing appropraite fall arrest / restrain equipment. A current record of thorough examination was available.
- Operatives were seen to be wearing appropraite fall arrest / restraint equipment. A current record of through examination was not available.
- The operatives were seen without appropraite fall arrest / restrain equipment for the works being undertaken.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Was the work at height being undertaken from a fixed work platform?
Had the work platform been fitted with suitable and sufficient edge protection to protect against falls?
- The fixed work platform was seen to be fitted with suitable edge protection for the works being undertaken.
- Suitable edge protection had not been installed. However, operatives were seen to be wearing suitable fall arrest / restraint equipment.
- The fixed work platform had not been fitted with suitable edge protection to protect against falls nor had other controls been implemented to mitigate the risk of falls.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Is there good means of access / egress to the work area / platform?
- The work area / platform appeared to have means of both access and egress.
- Both access and egress to the work area / platform needs to be improved in efforts to reduce the risk of the works.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Lifting Plan & Equipment
Are lifting operations carried out as part of the works being undertaken?
Is there a lifting plan in place which covers this activity?
- A lifting plan had been devised by a competent person covering the lifting activities undertaken.
- The client was unable to evidence that a suitable and sufficient lifting plan had been devised for the lifting activities undertaken.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Is the lifting equipment suitable for the works being undertaken and is there a record of thorough examination available?
- The client was able to evidence that the lifting equipment in use was suitable for the works being undertaken and that all equipment held a current record of thorough examination.
- The client was able to evidence that the lifting equipment in us was suitable for the works being undertaken. At the time of inspection evidence of a current record of thorough examination was not available.
- The client was unable to evidence that the lifting equipment on site was suitable for the works being undertaken.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Are excavations being carried out as part of the ongoing works?
Has a CAT and Genny been used to identify buried services which have then been marked out prior to breaking ground?
- The client was able to evidence that a Cat and Genny had been used to identify buried services prior to breaking ground.
- The client was not able to evidence that a CAT and Genny had been used to identify buried services prior to breaking ground.
- Other -Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Have identified buried services been isolated prior to excavations commencing?
- All identified buried services have been isolated prior to excavations taking place.
- The client was unable to confirm that the underground services identified had been isolated at the time of the visit.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Is excavating taking place within 500mm of identified buried services?
Is this works being undertaken by hand using insulated hand tools with round edges?
- Digging was seen to be undertaken through the use of insulated handtools with round edges.
- Digging was seen to be undertaken through the use of hand tools. However, these were not insulated.
- Mobile plant was seen to be in use for excavating, this excavating was within 500mm of buried services and poses a risk of impact.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Is there suitable and sufficient edge protection in place to mitigate the risk of falls?
Do excavations require shoring (or other means of support), if so have suitable and sufficient controls been implemented to mitigate the risk of collapse?
Are excavations being inspected daily prior to works commencing and is the person undertaking these inspections trained and competent?
Has all COSHH been bunded / stored as required when not in use?
- CoSHH on site was seen to be bunded / stored correctly when not in use with suitable and sufficient signage displayed.
- The majority of CoSHH on site was seen to be stored appropriately. However, additional storage controls could be implemented to improve the overall management.
- There had been no controls implemented on site for the management of CoSHH substances.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Have CoSHH Assessments been completed and communicated to the relevant persons?
- CoSHH assessments have been undertaken for chemicals on site, these assessments have then been communicated to relevant persons with signatures recorded as evidence of receipt and understanding.
- CoSHH assessments have been undertaken for chemicals on site although there is no evidence that these have been communicated to the relevant persons.
- CoSHH assessments have not been undertaken for chemicals on site.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Is the site free from odour emitting from site?
- At the time of the visit, the site was free from odour emitting from site.
- At the time of the visit, the site emitted a slight odour.
- At the time of the visit, the site emitted odour. It it advised that controls are implemented to combat this issue.
- Other -Please detail in comments.
Is the site free from any noise emitting from site?
- At the time of the visit, there was no noise emitting from site.
- At the time of the visit, some noise emitted from site however this is not though to be enough to cause any issues.
- At the time of the visit, the site emitted noise. It it advised that controls are implemented to combat this issue.
- Other - Please detail in comments.
Is any litter controlled on and off site?
- Litter was seen to be controlled both on and off site.
- Litter was seen to be controlled on site but not off site, a clean up is required.
- Litter was seen to be controlled off site but not on site, housekeeping is to be improved.
- Litter had not been controlled on or off site, housekeeping is to be improved and a clean up is required.
- Other - Please detail in comments.
Are the internal and external roads clear from mud & debris caused as a result of the companies acts and / or emissions?
- Both internal and external roads were seen to be clear from mud and debris which may have been caused as a result of the companies acts and / or emissions.
- The internal roads had been kept clear from mud and debris however, external roads had not. Clean up of external roads required.
- The internal roads had not been kept clear of mud and debris, however, external roads had. Clean up of internal roads required.
- Both internal and external roadways had not been kept clean of mud and debris. Clean up of both internal and external roadways required.
- Other - Please detail in comments.
Are spill kits available and in a suitable location?
- Spill kits had been made available in suitable locations, these were seen to be well stocked ready for use.
- Spill kits had been made available in suitable locations, it was however noticed that additional re-stock is required
- There is currently no spill kits available on site.
- Other - Please detail in comments.
Site Infrastructure
Are roadways in good condition, fit for purpose with no apparent defects?
- Roadways were seen to be in good condition, fit for purpose with no defects likely to cause issue.
- Roadways were seen to be fit for purpose with some defects that would benefit from repair.
- Roadways were not fit for use, it is advised that maintenance work is undertaken as soon as possible.
- Other - Please detail in comments.
Have walkways been established and in good condition with suitable segregation in place mitigate the risk of pedestrian to vehicle interactions?
- Walkways have been established which appeared to be in good condition mitigating segregating pedestrians from traffic movements.
- Walkways have been established however there are improvements which could be made the further reduce the risk to pedestrians.
- Walkways have not been established. It is advised that walkways are identified to segregate pedestrians from traffic movements.
- Other - Please detail in comments.
Is suitable perimeter fencing in place to prevent unauthorised access to site?
- Suitable perimeter fencing was seen to be in place which should deter unauthorised access.
- Perimeter fencing had been erected. However improvements could be made to further deter unauthorised access.
- No perimeter fencing had been erected allowing for unauthorised persons to easily access site.
- Other - Please detail in comments.
Have all walkways, roadways & work areas been adequately lit?
- Suitable and sufficient means of lighting was seen to be in place across all walkways, roadways & work areas.
- The majority of site had been adequately lit, there were however some areas which would benefit from additional lighting.
- Additional lighting required, numerous areas identified without adequate illumination for the works being undertaken.
- Other - Please detail in comments.
Are drains clear and running freely where applicable?
- No drainage issues identified across site.
- Drainage issues identified, remedial works required.
- Other - Please detail in comments.
Electrical Safety
Are all extension leads & powered hand tools in good conditon with no apparent defects?
- No defects identified.
- Numerous defects identified, please see images.
- Other - Please detail in comments.
Has PAT testing been undertaken with a current record dispalyed (where applicable)?
- PAT Testing had been undertaken with evidence available.
- PAT testing had been undertaken however some items had been missed, it is advised that these items are not used until further PAT testing has been undertaken.
- PAT testing had not been undertaken nor had any other form of electrical testing.
- Other - Please detail in comments.
Housekeeping, Racking & Waste Management
Has housekeeping on site been kept to an acceptable standard without any avoidable slip or trip hazards?
- Housekeeping on site was seen to be of a good standard with slip and trip hazards kept to a minimum.
- As a whole housekeeping had been maintained to a good standard. There were some slip / trip hazards identified which could easily be rectified.
- Housekeeping needs to be improved, multiple slip & trip hazards identified.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Is it likely that the operatives are required to clear general dust and / or wood dust?
How was waste managed on site?
- Waste on site appeared to be well managed and segregated accordingly. A competent third party contractor is utilised for waste removal services.
- Management of waste on site could have been improved in places, a competent third party contractor is utilised for waste removal services.
- Management of waste on site was poor.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Site Security
Has suitable and sufficient means of site security been established?
- The client was able to demonstrate the suitable and sufficient means of site security had been established.
- Additional controls are required to ensure a good standard of site security is achieved.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Fire Safety
Had means of raising the alarm in the event of a fire been established?
- Means of raising the alarm in the event of a fire has been established, this had been communicated to all persons at the point of induction.
- There has been means of raising the alarm in the event of a fire which had been communicated to all persons at the point of induction. The current method does not appear like it would be effective, alternative means is to be explored.
- There client has established no means of raising the alarm in the event of a fire.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Had suitable and sufficient means of fire extinguishing media been provided and had it been serviced accordingly?
- Suitable means of fire extinguishing media had been provided and serviced accordingly.
- Fire extinguishing media had been provided but had not been serviced accordingly.
- Inadequate means of fire extinguishing media had been made available.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Has a muster point been identified and are the operatives aware of the location?
- A muster point had been identified and the operatives on site were aware of the location.
- A must point had been identified however, the operatives were not aware of the location.
- A must point had not been established at the time of the visit. It is advised that a must point location is identified and communicated to all relevant persons.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - non-compliant
- N/a
Has adequate competent supervision been made available?
- An adequate number of supervision had been made available all of which held formal training to evidence competency.
- An adequate number of supervision had been made available however there had been no formal training delivered to evidence competency.
- Inadequate number of supervision present on site.
- Other - Compliant
- Other - Partially compliant
- Other - Non-compliant
- N/a
Additional Comments
Have any other issues been found?
Completion Page
Please sign to confirm that all statements made above were accurate at the time of completion.