Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Department/Location/Unit

Part 1 - Storage

  • No cardboard boxes on floor and no corrugated shipping boxes located in areas where sterile supplies are stored

  • All items are stored 18 inches from ceiling/sprinkler system

  • Nothing is stored on the floor except trash bins and large sharps boxes

  • Temporary equipment in corridor placed on one side

  • Sharps containers less than 3/4 full

  • Nothing stored under sinks

  • Linens are covered at all times including in transport

  • Scopes are stored in closed cabinets or closet that is only used for scopes

  • Cabinets, closets, and rooms are not cluttered

  • Please indicate the location of cabinets, closets, or rooms that are cluttered

  • Patient refrigerators store only patient food that is labeled and dated

  • Is this section free of additional findings (consider previous EOC report)?

  • Please describe other findings:

Part 2 - Physical Plant / Building Features

  • Department in overall good repair

  • Floors dry and free from slipping hazards

  • Parking area, walks, steps, and ramps are free from potholes and debris

  • Describe and list the parking area’s, walks, steps or ramps that need repair

  • Walk off mats / non slip strips utilized

  • Carpet and tile intact

  • Ceiling tiles not stained or missing

  • Lighting is adequate and functioning for job performance

  • Is this section free of additional findings (consider previous EOC report)?

  • Please describe other findings:

Part 3 - Infection Control / Cleanliness

  • Ice machines clean per manufacturers instructions

  • Applicable PPE available for employee use

  • Temperature and humidity’s logged for OR’s, sterile supply rooms, and temps logged for patient medication and food refrigerators, blanket and fluid warmers, tissues and lab reagents

  • Out of range temps / humidity’s with documented actions taken

  • Eye wash stations are properly working, checked weekly

  • Is this section free of additional findings (consider previous EOC report)?

  • Please describe other findings:

Part 4 - Clinical Safety and Security

  • Supplies, needles, and prescription pads are secured

  • Drug cabinets are locked when not in use

  • Narcotics are double secured

  • Crash cart defibrillator activation is documented daily

  • Crash cart opened and items checked monthly

  • Malignant Hyperthermia cart checked monthly

  • Defibrillator and anesthesia machines are inspected and have semi-annual PM’s

  • Bed Rails operate correctly

  • Medications are not expired

  • Open medications are dated / initialed as required

  • Patients are wearing ID’s

  • Is this section free of additional findings (consider previous EOC report)?

  • Please describe other findings:

Part 5 - Age Specific Hazards

  • Adults: Rooms in which there is a patient at risk for falls clearly marked

  • Pediatrics: Outlet covers installed / available in rooms designated for pediatric use

  • Pediatrics: Fall prevention precautions being followed

  • Pediatrics: Toys on unit are safe and free of hazards

  • Pediatrics: Staff aware of infant child abduction policy

  • Is this section free of additional findings (consider previous EOC report)?

  • Please describe other findings:

Part 6 - Hazardous Materials / Waste Management Review

Chemical Hazards

  • Staff know where and how to use the MSDS

  • Department is free of mercury

  • Spill kits available and staff know location

  • Is this section free of additional findings (consider previous EOC report)?

  • Please describe other findings:

Radiation Safety

  • Radiation Safety program in place with Radiation Safety Officer

  • X-ray gowns are tested annually and results documented

  • Dosimeter reports are posted without ss number

  • Dosimeter badges replaced quarterly

  • Dosimeter mother / baby badges replaced monthly

  • Initial and annual C- Arm test by licensed medical physicist

  • Is this section free of additional findings (consider previous EOC report)?

  • Please describe other findings:

Laser Safety

  • Laser Safety Program in place with Laser Safety Officer

  • Officer Name

  • Is this section free of additional findings (consider previous EOC report)?

  • Please describe other findings:

Part 7 - Fire and Life Safety

  • Fire pull stations are free from obstruction:

  • Fire pull stations are free from obstruction:

  • Fire Extinguishers checked monthly for placement and seal intact:

  • 3 foot clearance surrounding fire extinguishers

  • Exits are free from obstruction:

  • Evacuation Routes prominently displayed by elevators.

  • Exit signs operative and visible

  • Corridors, exits and doors unobstructed

  • Automatic magnetic fire doors release and shut securely:

  • No doors propped open

  • Staff demonstrates efficiency in Fire & Evacuation procedures and can explain R.A.C.E. & P.A.S.S.

  • Statement of Conditions is updated as required:

  • Employees interviewed know role in fire drill

  • Staff interviewed know location of nearest pull station / extinguisher

  • Is this section free of additional findings (consider previous EOC report)?

  • Please describe other findings:

Part 8 - Medical Equipment and Utilities Management review

  • Staff follow procedure for placing malfunctioning equipment out of service

  • Staff reviewed knew procedure to notify biomed when needed

  • All equipment in good repair

  • List equipment not in good repair

  • All biomedical equipment reviewed were bio-med checked as required

  • Is this section free of additional findings (consider previous EOC report)?

  • Please describe other findings:

Occurrence Reporting

  • Staff reviewed know process to report equipment issues that harm patients

  • Is this section free of additional findings (consider previous EOC report)?

  • Please describe other findings:


  • Are personnel aware of whom to notify in the event of utility failures (Notify Plant Operations): Electrical

  • Are personnel aware of whom to notify in the event of utility failures (Notify Plant Operations): Medical gases

  • Medical gases: know where shut off valves are located

  • Are personnel aware of whom to notify in the event of utility failures (Notify Plant Operations): Heating/Air Conditioning

  • All electrical cords reviewed had hospital grade plugs in good repair:

  • List equipement that lacked hopsital grade plugs or were in poor condition:

  • Is this section free of additional findings (consider previous EOC report)?

  • Please describe other findings:

Emergency Shut-Off valves

  • All reviewed staff know location of the 02 shut off valve:

  • All staff reviewed know who can shut off gases:

  • Is this section free of additional findings (consider previous EOC report)?

  • Please describe other findings:

Medical Gases

  • All medical gases reviewed are secured

  • Is this section free of additional findings (consider previous EOC report)?

  • Please describe other findings:

Part 9 -Emergency Management Review


  • Plan located in department and staff knows location and their role during a disaster

  • Staff interviewed knows that red outlets are for emergency power use

  • Bed availability is reported as required by the local authority for emergency management purposes during a disaster and during local drills

  • Nurse call system, code blue alarms, security panic buttons working

  • Staff interviewed were able to state the top three hazards identified in the HVA and their role

  • Staff interviewed knew emergency codes

  • Is this section free of additional findings (consider previous EOC report)?

  • Please describe other findings:

Physicians and LIP's

  • Physicians and LIP’s interviewed knew codes and role during a disaster

  • Is this section free of additional findings (consider previous EOC report)?

  • Please describe other findings:

Contracted Staff (Environmental Services and Security)

  • Contracted staff interviewed knew codes and role during a disaster

  • Is this section free of additional findings (consider previous EOC report)?

  • Please describe other findings:

Safety and Security Review


  • Employees reviewed wearing name badges

  • List employees not wearing name badges

  • Staff reviewed know security policy :

  • Is this section free of additional findings (consider previous EOC report)?

  • Please describe other findings:

Physicians and Other LIPs

  • LIP’s are wearing name badges

  • List LIP’s not wearing name badges

  • Is this section free of additional findings (consider previous EOC report)?

  • Please describe other findings:


  • Vendors are wearing visitor badges

  • List vendors by name, company that are not wearing name badges

  • Is this section free of additional findings (consider previous EOC report)?

  • Please describe other findings:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.