Tasmanian Irrigation Sprent Dam construction safety monitoring
Dam ID: 8676
Location: 1 Rodman's Road, Sprent
Hazard Category: Significant -
Document No.
Conducted on
Prepared by
Are there any blockages or debris along the length
Is there any erosion of the grass or rock lining
Any signs of erosion in the floor and sides
During flood events, was the spillway capacity exceeded and the dam wall overtopped?
Dam wall - crest, upstream and downstream slopes
Is the crest uneven and any signs of settling, sinking or erosion
Are there any wheel ruts or depressions that may allow water to accumulate
Are there signs of erosion, slumping, bulging or collapse
Are there any large cracks (record and monitor their size)
Are there any trees and shrubs growing on the dam
Are there any animal burrows
Is the coverage of grass or rock on dam wall in poor condition
Are there any seepages - indicated by green, dark coloured or wet patches
Is there any water pooling around the toe of the downstream embankment
Outlet pipe: Leaks here may indicate internal erosion of the dam wall
Is access around the outlet pipe restricted and overgrown with vegetation
Is there any erosion, cracks and leaks around the outlet pipe
Are there any blockages in outlet pipe
Is there any corrosion of valves, pumps, other equipment or fixtures
Are there any problems with valves, pumps or gates
Is there any erosion around the banks of the reservoir
Are there any fences around the dam wall that limit the access of animals and unauthorised persons in poor condition
If the visual inspection of the dam identifies issues that cannot be resolved by regular maintenance then a dam engineer should be consulted for a more comprehensive assessment.
Are the stock water tanks full?
Notes and comments and actions to be completed arising from the audit
Signed by:
Date and time of inspection