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Conducted on
Prepared by
Is the Chemical Hygiene Plan accessible in the lab?
Have laboratory-specific safety procedures been developed?
Are laboratory-specific procedures up to date with current safety information?<br>
Have potential hazards been assessed?
Is required PPE available and in good condition?
Is appropriate PPE being worn?
Is there unobstructed access to eyewashes and safety showers?
Are exits clearly marked?
Are entrances and exits to and from work areas free of obstructions?
Are fire extinguishers clear of obstructions?
Are fire extinguisher inspections current?
Are emergency phone numbers near a phone or outside the door?
Are all cords, plugs and sockets in good condition?
Are extension cords being used properly and within limitations?
Is access to electrical panels unobstructed?
Are lab appliances plugged directly into electrical outlets?<br>NOTE: UL rated power surge protectors may be used when there is a lack of electrical outlets but extension cords cannot be used as a permanent power supply.
Are flammables stored in proper containers?
Is the flammable cabinet being used properly?
Are flammable liquids stored outside of flammable storage cabinets limited to 10 gallons in quantity and are they stored in approved safety containers?
Compressed Gases
Are cylinders stored properly and capped if unused?
Are cylinders properly labeled and secured?
Are empty cylinders being managed or returned?
Chemical Storage and Labeling
Are all chemical containers in good condition (not corroded or leaking)?
Are containers labeled appropriately and legibly?
Are all chemical containers closed?
Are incompatible chemicals segregated when they are being stored?
Are chemicals stored on the floor in DOT approved carboys, metal containers or glass containers provided with secondary containment?
Are corrosive materials stored below eye level?
Are unopened containers of peroxide forming compounds within their manufacturer's expiration date?
Are opened peroxide forming compounds labeled with the date they were opened and an expiration date?
Lab Waste Disposal
Are outdated and unused chemicals disposed of properly?
Are all hazardous waste containers properly sealed and labeled with a "Hazardous Waste Accumulation Tag"?
Is there a designated hazardous waste satellite accumulation area?
Is infectious/biohazardous waste labeled and stored properly?
Are needles and syringes being stored appropriately?
Is a puncture resistant container or broken glass receptacle provided and is it safe for custodians to handle?
Chemical Hoods and Ventilation
Are chemical fume hoods functioning properly?
Does hood chemical storage conflict with its designated use?
Is the sash placed in the proper position when not in use?
Are processes that emit vapors, gases or fumes adequately captured by local ventilation?
Does everyone allowed to use machinery have proper training?
Do machine guards permit safe and comfortable operation?
Does all machinery or equipment have safeguards in place?
Do operators wear appropriate PPE with no loose fitting clothing, hair or jewelry?
Does the lab appear to be clean and organized?
Is there adequate space to perform work?
Are walkways clear of slip and trip hazards?
Are walkways free of oil and grease?
Are there at least 18 inches of ceiling clearance?
Is lab shelving stable and organized?
Are defective tools and equipment tagged and removed from service?
Are building utilities functioning properly (no water or gas leaks, etc.)?<br>
Are lab doors locked when not in use?
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