Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • LabourNet Branch

  • Location
  • Company

  • Contact Person


  • How many employees does the company have

  • Does any of these employees have a OHS background

  • Do you make use of any sub-contractors


  • Do you have the appropriate Health& Safety appointment letters in place

  • Is there a safety organogram drafted and readily available to employees


  • Is a H&S induction provided to all employees

  • Is there a trained SHE Representative

  • Is there a trained fire fighter

  • Is there a trained first aider

  • Is there a trained risk assessor

  • Is there a trained Incident/Accident Investigator


  • Letter of Good Standing available

  • Letter of good standing valid

Community and work Culture

  • Do all areas abide by good houskeeping practices

  • Do you have a H&S Committee

  • Do you conduct H&S meetings

  • Is there a system to where employees can report any accidents/incidents

  • Do we have a procedure to follow up on any reported accidents/incidents

  • Is there a procedure to report near-misses


  • Does the company have a OHS policy

  • Is the Policy prominently displayed

  • Has the policy been reviewed in the past 12 months

  • Has a copy of the OHS Policy been communicated to all employees


  • Do you have any measures on how to identify risks and hazards in the workplace

  • Has this Risks & Hazards been communicated to the employees

  • Is there Safe work procedures available

  • Do you have an emergency evacuation floorplan displayed and available for employees

  • Do you have registers for all attended trainings and/or any internal H&S communication meetings

  • Copy of the latest OHS Act displayed and visible to all employees

  • Do you have the relevant safety signage on display


  • Are there SDS available for all HCA

  • Have employees been trained on HCA and how to understand a SDS


  • Is the fire fighting equipment stored correctly

  • Has the equipment been inspected regularly

  • Are all exit routes clearly marked and free of any obstructions

  • Do you conduct the necessary amount of emergency drills


  • Is the first aid box inventory sufficient

  • Is the first aiders name indicated anywhere

  • Is there a log of items used and for what they were used for


  • Are employees issued any PPE

  • Is the PPE correct for the activity, task or area

  • Is there a way to monitor the issuing of PPE

Legal compliance audit

  • Have you ever had a OHS legal compliance audit before

Signoff Sheet

  • Comments

  • OHS Compliance Level

  • LabourNet OHS Consultant

  • Contact Person

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.