Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Audit Title

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Personnel

  • Project description and trades on site.


Site Tour

  • Statutory Documents - Is the Health and Safety at Work poster displayed?

  • Statutory Documents - Is the company current insurance document displayed?

  • Statutory Documents - Is the F10 displayed, in date for the duration of the project?

  • Site Administration - Are all persons signed in and out? (check at least one week).

  • Site Administration - Are all persons trained and competent to undertake the works?

  • Site Administration - Are inductions completed and filed securely away?

  • Site Administration - Are completed accident / near miss forms filed securely away with copies sent to the HSEQ team?

  • Site Administration - Have the last two H&S campaign tool-box-talks been delivered?

  • Site Administration - Is a CPP in place and has it been reviewed in the last month?

  • RAMS - Are all RAMS, including the risk assessment for young people (less than 18) are in place for all contractors, reviewed and signed off by site management and all working to them?

  • Good Order - Can everyone get to their place of work safely?

  • Good Order - Are access / egress routes free from obstructions and clearly signposted?

  • Good Order - Are holes suitably protected and trip hazards marked to prevent falls?

  • Good Order - Is the site tidy, and are materials stored safely?

  • Good Order - Are sheet materials laid flat or secured vertically in place?

  • Good Order - Is lighting adequate, both inside and outside the buildings?

  • Good Order - Is site presentable and projects positive image of the Company?

  • Welfare - Are appropriate toilets readily available and are they kept clean and properly lit?

  • Welfare - Are there washbasins, hot and cold (or warm) running water, soap and means of drying hands?

  • Welfare - Are the washbasins large enough to wash up to the elbow and are they kept clean?

  • Welfare - Is there somewhere to change, dry and store clothing?

  • Welfare - Is there a place where workers can sit, make hot drinks, and prepare food away from the works?

  • Welfare - Is labelled drinking water provided?

  • Welfare - Is suitable First Aid provision (people and equipment) available and suitably stocked?

  • Work at Height - General - Is the work at height hierarchy being followed (avoid, prevent falls, reduce consequence)?

  • Work at Height - General - Are permits in place for working at height?

  • Work at Height - General - Are rescue plans in place?

  • Powered Access Equipment - Are the operators trained and competent?

  • Powered Access Equipment - Is the safe working load clearly marked?

  • Powered Access Equipment - Is the equipment inspected by a competent person (both six month and in-use inspections)?

  • Powered Access Equipment - Does the working platform of the powered access equipment have adequate, secure guard rails and toe boards or other barriers to prevent people and materials falling off?

  • Powered Access Equipment - Have precautions been taken to prevent people being struck by: – the moving platform; – projections from the building; or – falling materials?

  • Scaffolds - Are scaffolds erected, altered, and dismantled by competent people?

  • Scaffolds - Are scaffolds suitably inspected by a competent person and copies held in site file?

  • Scaffolds - Are there double guard rails and toe boards or other suitable protection in place to prevent falling?

  • Scaffolds - Are brick guards provided to prevent materials falling from scaffolds?

  • Scaffolds - Are the working platforms fully boarded and are the boards arranged to avoid tipping or tripping?

  • Scaffolds - Are there effective barriers or warning notices in place to stop people using an incomplete scaffold?

  • Scaffolds - Is a suitable handover sheet and TG20 compliance certificate or design in place?

  • Mobile Towers - Is equipment erected, altered, and dismantled by competent people?

  • Mobile Towers - Are inspections in place and recorded?

  • Mobile Towers - Have proprietary tower scaffolds been inspected and are they being used in accordance with suppliers’ instructions?

  • Mobile Towers - Are double rails and toe-boards in place on all working platforms?

  • Mobile Towers - Have the wheels of tower scaffolds been locked, and outriggers deployed when in use and are the platforms empty when they are moved?

  • Ladders/ Stepladders / Podiums/ Platform Steps - Are ladders /stepladders the only reasonably practicable access equipment for the task?

  • Ladders/ Stepladders / Podiums/ Platform Steps - Is the access equipment inspected and in good condition?

  • Ladders/ Stepladders / Podiums/ Platform Steps - Is the access equipment positioned so that users do not have to overstretch?

  • Ladders/ Stepladders / Podiums/ Platform Steps - Do ladders rest against a solid surface and not on fragile surfaces or insecure materials?

  • Ladders/ Stepladders / Podiums/ Platform Steps - Are ladders secured to prevent them slipping sideways or outwards?

  • Ladders/ Stepladders / Podiums/ Platform Steps - Do ladders rise a sufficient height above their landing place (about five rungs)? If not, are other handholds available?

  • Roof Works - Is there edge protection to stop people or materials falling?

  • Roof Works - With potentially fragile roofs or rooflights have nets / decking been provided?

  • Roof Works - Where nets are used are they installed by a competent person, provided with a handover certificate, and inspected every seven days?

  • Roof Works - Where nets are used is a rescue plan in place?

  • Roof Works - Are people kept away from the area below the roof work? If this is not possible, have additional precautions been taken to stop debris falling onto them?

  • Traffic, Vehicles and Plant - Are vehicles and pedestrians kept apart?

  • Traffic, Vehicles and Plant - Can reversing be avoided, if not are suitable controls in place?

  • Traffic, Vehicles and Plant - Is there adequate clearance around slewing vehicles?

  • Traffic, Vehicles and Plant - Are vehicles and plant properly maintained and certificates held?

  • Traffic, Vehicles and Plant - Are in-use inspections carried out and records kept?

  • Traffic, Vehicles and Plant - Are all guards to prevent contact with moving parts in place?

  • Traffic, Vehicles and Plant - Have drivers received proper training and are they competent for the vehicles or plant they are operating?

  • Traffic, Vehicles and Plant - Are loads properly secured?

  • Traffic, Vehicles and Plant - Are accessways suitable for plant / vehicle operation?

  • Lifting Operations including Hoists - Is the lifting equipment suitable for the task?

  • Lifting Operations including Hoists - Are the operators trained and competent?

  • Lifting Operations including Hoists - Is the rated capacity of the lifting equipment clearly marked?

  • Lifting Operations including Hoists - Is the equipment thoroughly inspected by a competent person at suitable intervals and certification held?

  • Lifting Operations including Hoists - Are in-use inspections carried out and records held?

  • Lifting Operations including Hoists - Has the lifting operation been properly planned and documented by an appropriately competent person?

  • Lifting Operations including Hoists - Are permits in place for the lifting operation.

  • Lifting Operations including Hoists - Is the operation taking place from a suitably (verified) firm and level base?

  • Lifting Operations including Hoists - Is the load secure (netted if necessary)?

  • Lifting Operations including Hoists - Are people stopped from walking or working beneath a raised load?

  • Excavations - Has the ground been suitably surveyed (including for contamination) and scanned prior to breaking ground?

  • Excavations - Is a permit in place for the operation?

  • Excavations - Is there adequate support for the excavation, or has it been sloped or battered back to a safe angle?

  • Excavations - Is there a safe method used for putting in the support, without people working in an unsupported trench?

  • Excavations - Is there safe access into the excavation, e.g., a sufficiently long, secured ladder?

  • Excavations - Are there suitable barriers or other protection to stop people and vehicles falling in?

  • Excavations - Could the excavation affect the stability of neighbouring structures or services?

  • Excavations - Are materials, spoil and plant stored away from the edge of the excavation to reduce the chance of a collapse?

  • Excavations - Is the excavation regularly inspected by a competent person with records kept?

  • Temporary Works - Are all Temporary Works identified and included on the TW register?

  • Temporary Works - Is the TW register in line with current site activities?

  • Temporary Works - Are competent TW supervisors and Coordinators in place?

  • Temporary Works - Are checks being completed and recorded in line with the TW Register?

  • Hazardous Substances - Have all harmful substances and materials been identified, such as asbestos, lead, solvents, paints, cement, and dust?

  • Hazardous Substances - Are CoSHH assessments (not just data sheets) in place for these materials?

  • Hazardous Substances - Have those who may be exposed, read, understood, and signed these assessments?

  • Hazardous Substances - Are suitable emergency provisions including spill kits in place?

  • Asbestos - Is an R&D survey in place, specific to the project?

  • Asbestos - Is the survey appraisal form completed and signed off by the project / site team?

  • Asbestos - Have all operatives signed confirmation of reading the asbestos survey?

  • Asbestos - Do all persons hold in date asbestos awareness training?

  • Asbestos - If asbestos has been removed is a clearance certificate held?

  • Occupational Health - Is sufficient PPE provided and worn by all persons?

  • Occupational Health - Manual Handling - Can heavy materials be replaced by lighter ones?

  • Occupational Health - Manual Handling - Can we use mechanical aids or other means such as team lifting to more effectively to reduce the manual handling load so far as is reasonably practicable?

  • Occupational Health - Manual Handling - Have people been instructed and trained how to lift safely?

  • Occupational Health - Manual Handling - Are manual handling assessments in place for significant manual handling operations?

  • Occupational Health - Noise - Have you identified and assessed workers’ exposure to noise?

  • Occupational Health - Noise - Are hearing protection zones established and marked?

  • Occupational Health - Noise - Are people not involved in the work kept away or protected from the source of the noise?

  • Occupational Health - Noise - Is suitable hearing protection provided and worn in noisy areas?

  • Occupational Health - Hand-Arm Vibration - Have you identified and assessed risks to workers from prolonged use of all vibrating tools?

  • Occupational Health - Hand-Arm Vibration - Are all workers aware of the maximum trigger time and signed to acknowledge this?

  • Occupational Health - Hand-Arm Vibration - Have vibrating tools been properly maintained and records kept?

  • Occupational Health - Sun Safety - Are measures in place to protect persons from the sun, this includes information, all skin covered, drinking water, avoiding peak hours and shade where possible?

  • Occupational Health - Is there measures in place to prevent or adequately control the dust on site?

  • Occupational Health - Covid - Is suitable Covid safety measures in place: Risk Assessment, signage, welfare, separation, cleaning regime, declarations?

  • Electricity and other Services - Have all existing services, including hidden supplies, been identified on site with effective steps in place to prevent danger from them?

  • Electricity and other Services - Are existing services suitably isolated by competent persons with certificates to evidence this?

  • Electricity and other Services - Are temporary power supplies installed and certificates held?

  • Electricity and other Services - Are power cables suspended overhead and / or protected from damage?

  • Electricity and other Services - Is 110v only being used on site?

  • Electricity and other Services - Where overhead power lines are present, are suitable controls in place in line with GS6? This may include isolating, sheathing or the provision of goalposts?

  • Electricity and other Services - If 240v is in use, is it suitably risk assessed with protective measures, e.g., RCD’s which are regularly checked and recorded as such?

  • Other Hazardous Activities – Confined Spaces - Have confined spaces (where the atmosphere may become unbreathable) been identified and all controls in place to prevent unauthorised access?

  • Other Hazardous Activities – Confined Spaces - Are only trained persons permitted to enter confined spaces and only then with permits and suitable controls for rescue in place?

  • Demolition - Have all existing services been identified and isolated (where possible) and a certificate issued?

  • Demolition - If there are any live services, are they clearly identified?

  • Demolition - Have works boundaries been clearly identified and secured from unauthorised access?

  • Demolition - Will permanent structures remain stable during any refurbishment or demolition work?

  • Tools and Machinery - Are tools and equipment checked by users, visually examined on site, and regularly inspected and tested by a competent person with all records kept?

  • Tools and Machinery - Are the right tools or machinery being used for the job?

  • Tools and Machinery - Are operators trained and competent?

  • Tools and Machinery - Are dangerous parts guarded and all safety devices in good repair?

  • Fires and Emergencies - Are there emergency procedures in place for all foreseeable eventualities?

  • Fires and Emergencies - Is a suitable Fire Risk Assessment in place to cover; the prevention of a fire, mitigation should one start; means of raising the alarm and a signed means of escape?

  • Fires and Emergencies - Do people on site know what the emergency procedures are?

  • Fires and Emergencies - Is there a means of raising the alarm, and does it work?

  • Fires and Emergencies - Is there a way to contact the emergency services from site?

  • Fires and Emergencies - Are there adequate escape routes and are these kept clear?

  • Fires and Emergencies - Is the quantity of flammable materials, liquids and gases on site kept to a minimum and are they properly stored?

  • Fires and Emergencies - Are flammable gas cylinders returned to a ventilated store at the end of the shift?

  • Fires and Emergencies - Are suitable containers used for flammable liquids?

  • Fires and Emergencies - Are smoking and other ignition sources banned in areas where gases or flammable liquids are stored or used?

  • Fires and Emergencies - Is flammable and combustible waste removed regularly and stored in suitable bins or skips?

  • Fires and Emergencies - Are suitable fire extinguishers provided, right numbers and locations?

  • Fires and Emergencies - Are suitable control measures in place for heat generating processes, such as welding, brazing, soldering, grinding, cutting?

  • Protecting the Public - Is the work area physically segregated from the public?

  • Protecting the Public - At the end of each shift are trespassers protected from hazards should they enter the site?

  • Protecting the Public - Are the public protected from any items, including noise and dust leaving the site?

  • Protecting the Public - Is the boundary secure and undamaged?

  • Protecting the Public - Is all plant immobilised to prevent unauthorised use?

  • Protecting the Public - Are all ladders removed or their rungs boarded so that they cannot be used?

  • Protecting the Public - Are bricks and materials safely stacked?

  • Protecting the Public - Are excavations and openings securely covered or fenced off?

  • Protecting the Public - Are flammable or dangerous substances locked away in secure storage places?

  • Other - Have all issued raised previously been closed out?

  • Other - Is there records of a site inspection carried out by the project / site team within the last month?

  • Other - Is there any exemplary/ best practice on site?

  • Other - What is the best thing about this site?

  • Other - What is the worst thing about this site?

  • Contractor 1 - performance rating: 1(bad) - 5(good) and why?

  • Contractor 2 - performance rating: 1(bad) - 5(good) and why?

  • Contractor 3 - performance rating: 1(bad) - 5(good) and why?

  • Contractor 4 - performance rating: 1(bad) - 5(good) and why?

  • Contractor 5 - performance rating: 1(bad) - 5(good) and why?

I understand the findings of this report

  • Name and Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.