Title Page
This audit is against the requirements of AS/NZS IEC 60825.1:2014 Safety of laser products Part 1: Equipment classification and requirements (ECR) and AS/NZS IEC 60825.14:2011 Safety of laser products Part 14: A user’s guide (Guide).
A 'No' response may be related to a recommendation or 'should' statement (orange/warning) or a requirement or 'shall' statement (red/fail). Such a response should be explained in the notes field for that question. -
Conducted on
Prepared by
Lab/Building Name
Premises/Management Questions
These questions apply to the laboratory or work site as a whole, questions specific to each laser will be in the following section.
For Administrative Controls [Guide 3], Risk Assessment [Guide 7] and Hazard Mitigation [Guide 8.4]
Are employees provided with safety training before working with Class 3B and 4 lasers? [Guide 3.4]
Describe the type of training
Provide evidence (e.g. training records)
Are procedures in place to ensure risk assessment are carried out prior to use of Class 3B and 4 lasers? [Table 1, Guide 7.2-7.4]
Are appropriate warning signs clearly displayed at entrances for Class 3B and 4 lasers?. <br>These include laser hazard symbol, type of hazards, restrictions and precautions. [Guide 8.4.2]
Provide a photo of the signage
Are documented procedures in place, in the form of authorised personnel and work instructions [Guide 8.4.3]
Is there an Incident Reporting procedure in place? [Guide 10]
Notes for site controls and assessments (if any)
For Equipment Servicing (Guide 8.5)
Has a risk assessment been carried out (for contractors or local service) ?
Provide a description:
Are there appropriate procedures and safeguards in place?
Provide a description of procedures and safeguards
Notes on Equipment Servicing (if any)
Laser Product
Note: you can inspect multiple lasers on one checklist by adding extra unit's here
For each laser
ID (e.g. Serial No/LAD No/ Description of unit )
Picture of unit
Main purpose/use of laser
Class of Laser
Physical Control Measures
Is the interlock protection commensurate with the level of risk? [Guide 8.3.3]
Type of interlock:
Does the access panels of protective housings have a safety interlock for maintenance or operations? [ECR 6.3, Appendix A]
Does the laser have provision for a remote interlock connector? [ECR 6.4]
Does the laser have a manual reset after interruption of emission? (Class 4 Lasers) [ECR 6.5]
Does the laser have a removable key master control (i.e. magnetic cards, cipher combination or equivalent) and on removal the laser radiation is not accessible? [ECR 6.6]
image of removable key:
Does the laser incorporate a permanently attached means for attenuation or termination of emission (i.e. beam stop, attenuator or switch)? [ECR 6.8]
Does the laser have controls located so adjustment and operation do not exposure operator to laser radiation? [ECR 6.9]
Does the viewing optics or viewport in a laser product provides sufficient attenuation to prevent access to laser radiation? [ECR 6.10]
Are there access panels which may provide walk-in access? [ECR 6.13]
Are there means to prevent laser activation?
Are there warning devices? (i.e. light, sound)
Describe warning devices
Where access during operation of laser is intended, are there any engineering controls?
Describe controls
Is the laser used in a Laboratory environment? [Guide]
Is there a beam stop or attenuator in use?
Picture of beam stop/attenuator
Are there NO beam paths at eye level?
Describe why beams are used at eye level:
Are optical components rigidly mounted (i.e. optical table)?
Is the beam path fully enclosed (if practicable)?
Are there shielding and barriers in use?
Evidence of shielding/barriers
Does the room have good illumination?
Is eye protection worn? (N/A if beam completely enclosed) [Guide 8.4.5]
Is the correct eye protection worn for the wavelength and required OD?
Photo of eye protection
Is the eye wear clearly marked with the wavelength and OD?
What markings are present (either provide text or photo below)
Photo of markings
Notes on Control measures (if any)
Administrative Controls
Is there a documented procedure/work instruction which covers this laser [Guide 8.4.3]
Is there a risk assessment which covers this laser? (Class 3B and 4 lasers?) [Table 1, Guide 7.2-7.4]
Risk Assessment
Class 3B and 4 lasers shall have radiation emission warning system [ECR 6.7]
Is there an audible or visible signal when laser is on? [ECR 6.7]
Describe the signal
If operational control or laser aperture >2m from warning device, is there an additional warning device provided? [Appendix A]
Describe additional warning device
If there is more than one output aperture, is there a visible warning device clearly indicating the output aperture? [Appendix A]
Provide image of visible warning device/indicator
Note: Each Class of laser product shall have affixed a warning label and an explanatory label as shown below. The laser symbol design can be found in AS 1319:1994 Safety signs for the occupational environment and AS/NZS IEC 60825.1:2014 Safety of laser products Part 1: Equipment classification and requirements
Explanatory and Warning Labels Class 3B and Class 4 Lasers
Photo of explanatory/warning label
Are the labels durable, permanently fixed, legible and clearly visible? [ ERC 7.1]
Are the text border and symbols black on a yellow background? [ ERC 7.1]
Are the appropriate words on the label? [ ERC 7.6-7.7]
Laser Aperture Labels
Photo of aperture label
Is a label present close to the aperture through which laser radiation is emitted?[ ERC 7.8]
Additional Information Label shall include:
● Maximum power or pulse energy
● Pulse duration (if applicable)
● Emitted wavelength(s)
● Standard to which product was classified -
Photo of additional information panel
Is all additional information present? [ ERC 7.9, 7.13, 8.1]
Access Panel Label
Photo of access panel label
Does the access panel have warning labels attached? [ ERC 7.10.1]
Are warnings for visible and invisible laser radiation present (as applicable) [ ERC 7.11-7.12]
If you have a Class 1M and 2M laser, do you have the additional warning information requirements? [ ERC 8.1]
Notes about labels (if any)
Physical Control Measures
Notes on Control measures (if any)
Administrative Controls
Is there a documented procedure/work instruction which covers this laser [Guide 8.4.3]
Note: Each Class of laser product shall have affixed a warning label and an explanatory label as shown below. The laser symbol design can be found in AS 1319:1994 Safety signs for the occupational environment and AS/NZS IEC 60825.1:2014 Safety of laser products Part 1: Equipment classification and requirements
Explanatory and Warning Labels Class 3B and Class 4 Lasers
Photo of explanatory/warning label
Are the labels durable, permanently fixed, legible and clearly visible? [ ERC 7.1]
(not applicable for Class 1) Are the text border and symbols black on a yellow background? [ ERC 7.1]
Laser Aperture Labels
(3R only) Photo of aperture label
(3R only) Is a label present close to the aperture through which laser radiation is emitted?[ ERC 7.8]
Additional Information Label shall include:
● Maximum power or pulse energy
● Pulse duration (if applicable)
● Emitted wavelength(s)
● Standard to which product was classified -
Photo of additional information panel
Is all additional information present? [ ERC 7.9, 7.13, 8.1]
Access Panel Label
Photo of access panel label
(Class 1M or above) Does the access panel have warning labels attached? [ ERC 7.10.1]
Are warnings for visible and invisible laser radiation present (as applicable) [ ERC 7.11-7.12]
(Class 1M and 2M laser only) do you have the additional warning information requirements? [ ERC 8.1]
Notes about labels (if any)