Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Admin Review
Is NPS laser safety training current for the custodian and all of his workers ?
Has the DLC documented training on the specific lasers used on his permit for all DLWs who are using that laser ? This training should be documented in some manner, retained with lab safety records, and available for reviews and audits. Note that this is a separate training requirement than the NPS general laser safety training administered by the LSSO.
Have all deficiencies from the last inspection been cleared and has the DLC kept documented evidence of how they were corrected ?
Does the custodian have an SOP with laser hazard analysis on file for all lasers in active use that require an SOP ?
Lab or Room
Are all signs properly posted at the entryway and inside the LCA
If the laser is class 4 are entryway interlocks installed and tested
Do any viewing windows, screens, or barriers reduce radiation levels to < MPE
Are collecting optics being used, and if so is the beam power reduced to < MPE at the exit of any such optics
Do only trained personnel operate the lasers ? How does the DLC ensure this is the case ?
Are all entryways portals, and windows covered to prevent the exit of laser radiation
Are room access and control procedures adequate to prevent unauthorized access to the lasers
Is the beam kept away from eye level for normal sized workers both sitting and standing ?
Does the custodian have eyewear available (labeled with OD and wavelength) for all class 3B or 4 beams ?
Does the custodian understand and practice access and control restrictions for spectators, guests, and demonstrations
Is the laser being remotely controlled as far as possible from the aperture ?
Are there fiber optics being used to couple the beam ? If so, are they secure and labeled as a laser hazard at the disconnection points ?
Is a firing log maintained ?
Is the protective housing interlocked ?
If the laser has a service panel is it interlocked ?
Is the laser controlled with either a key or computer key coded access ?
Does the laser have a remote interlock connector permanently installed ?
Are all labels present ?<br>-Aperture Label<br>-Hazard class label<br>-Information label<br>-Conduit label if applicable
Is the laser beam path as enclosed as possible for the given application ?
Does the laser have a permanently installed beam stop or attenuator capable of reducing laser radiation to < MPE ?
Is the laser equipped with an activation warning system that is visible (or audible) from inside and outside the NHZ ?
Is the power of the beam being used the minimum necessary for the application ?
General comments:
Overall Lab Rating
Laser Custodian
The Designated Laser Custodian signature above constitutes acknowledgement of responsibility for correction of deficiencies cited in this report.