Title Page

LQA Self Assessment

FRONT OF HOUSE / Reservations


  • FRONT OF HOUSE | Reservations

  • Was the telephone answered within 3 rings or 10 seconds with an appropriate greeting?

  • If the caller is put on hold, did the employee ask permission to do so, and did it not exceed 30 <br>seconds or was the caller offered a call back option?

  • Was the background free of any noise or disturbances (i.e. makes the conversation difficult to <br>hear or causes a distraction)?

  • Did the employee obtain all of the guests’ and their children’s names and ages (if applicable) and <br>clarify spelling where required?’

  • Did the employee clarify if the caller had stayed before?

  • Did the employee clarify the purpose of visit (i.e. celebration, business, etc.)?

  • Were a minimum of two room types and two room rates offered?

  • Did the employee attempt to ‘right sell’ (i.e. offer rooms suitable to the individual guest’s needs) <br>by offering a higher room category and/or package and highlighting its benefits (e.g. size, view, <br>amenities, etc.) and if the requested dates were unavailable were alternative dates/properties offered?

  • Did the employee use storytelling to give a sense of place and build anticipation prior to the stay?

  • Did the employee clearly state the room rate and what it included/excluded (i.e. any additional fees)?

  • If the caller was offered the option to join a loyalty club/marketing mailing list, was the guest’s <br>choice adhered to?

  • Did the employee obtain the caller’s telephone number?

  • Did the employee obtain the caller’s e-mail address?

  • Did the employee advise on payment options and explain payment terms?

  • Did the employee explain the cancellation policy and if applicable, the deposit policy?

  • Did the employee ascertain the expected time of arrival and advise the check in time (in the case <br>where the guest was an early arrival)?

  • Did the employee clarify if the guest had any personal preferences (e.g. bed preference, <br>smoking preference)?

  • Did the employee ascertain if the caller required any transport arrangements (e.g. car transfer, <br>directions etc.)?

  • Was an electric and/or hybrid hotel car option promoted for transfers, where available?

  • Did the employee offer any assistance with other bookings (e.g. offer to make a dinner or <br>spa reservation)?

  • Did the employee repeat and confirm all details of the reservation during or at the end of the call <br>(i.e. dates of the stay, room type, rate)?

  • Did the employee offer a reservation number or booking reference?

  • Did the employee offer a sincere farewell at the end of the conversation and show appreciation?


  • Did the employee offer to send a confirmation and was it received within two hours of the call <br>(i.e. if call was made during the hotel’s business hours)

  • Did the confirmation show the hotel/group logo and reservations/hotel contact number and was <br>all information within the confirmation correct?


  • Was the employee’s speech clear and use of English satisfactory, enabling engagement in two-way conversation with the guest?

  • Did the employee use the caller’s name naturally and discreetly without overusing it?

  • Did the employees engage in a well-paced, natural (non-scripted, jargon/slang free), friendly and <br>interested manner?

  • Did the employee display a high level of confidence when carrying out his/her duties and/or was <br>he/she knowledgeable when answering questions about the other hotel facilities or immediately <br>offer to find out the information required?

  • Was service anticipatory/intuitive with the employee thinking ahead to act on future needs/<br>opportunities of the guest?

  • Did the employee adapt to a changing situation and/or guest’s need?

  • Did the employee make every effort to meet the guest’s requests or offer a suitable alternative?

  • Did an employee personalize the interaction in any way and engage the caller as an individual?

  • Did employees collaborate seamlessly to ensure service was organized and professional without <br>being intrusive or repetitive?

  • Did the employee actively listen, avoid interrupting and give the guest their undivided attention <br>(i.e. the guest should not have to repeat themselves)?

  • Where applicable, did the employee display self-control and empathy in challenging interactions <br>and offer a suitable alternative/resolution?

FRONT OF HOUSE / Front Desk Arrival


  • Was the guest offered assistance immediately or if a queue was present was he/she <br>positively acknowledged with hand or facial gestures within 30 seconds of approaching the <br>desk and offered assistance within 1 minute?

  • If the guest was not acknowledged or offered assistance within the defined times, was an <br>apology extended?

  • Was paperless check in provided (e.g. at reception or via brand app), where legally available?

  • Did complete registration process take no more than 5 minutes from the time of joining the <br>queue for a city hotel and 10 minutes for a resort property?

  • Was the room type, special requests (e.g. bed preference, smoking preference, etc.), prearranged bookings and departure date reconfirmed and were all details correct

  • Was the room ready by the advertised check in time?

  • If the room was not ready on arrival, did the employee offer the guest access to the hotel’s facilities <br>(e.g. luggage storage, restaurants, fitness center, spa, changing rooms, room charge facility, Wi-Fi, <br>etc.) and was guest advised of estimated time that the room would be ready and kept informed <br>accordingly (e.g. via mobile, in person) with the room provided by the estimated time?

  • In the case of a first time guest, did the employee (receptionist, porter, butler) offer a <br>brief orientation to the hotel by pointing out a minimum of two key hotel facilities (e.g. <br>location of breakfast restaurant, fitness center, spa, business center, etc.)?

  • Did the employee offer porterage assistance?

  • Did the employee escort the guest to the room (or offer to) and if this was done by a second <br>employee, was that employee introduced to the guest?

  • If an escort to the room was not offered or declined, did the employee provide directions to <br>the elevators and allocated room?

  • Did the employee offer a sincere farewell at the end of the conversation and show appreciation?


  • Were employees well groomed and neatly presented in clean, well fitted uniforms and, if <br>applicable, wearing name badges, resulting in a positive first impression?

  • Was the employee’s speech clear and use of English satisfactory, enabling engagement in <br>two-way conversation with the guest?

  • Did the employees engage in a well-paced, natural (non-scripted, jargon/slang free), <br>friendly and interested manner?

  • Did the employee use the guest’s name naturally and discreetly without overusing it?

  • Did the employee display a high level of confidence when carrying out his/her duties and/<br>or was he/she knowledgeable when answering questions about the other hotel facilities or <br>immediately offer to find out the information required?

  • Was service anticipatory/intuitive with the employee thinking ahead to act on future needs/<br>opportunities of the guest?

  • Did the employee adapt to a changing situation and/or guest’s need?

  • Did the employee make every effort to meet the guest’s requests or offer a suitable alternative?

  • Did an employee personalize the interaction in any way and engage the guest as an individual?

  • Did employees collaborate seamlessly to ensure service was organized and professional <br>without being intrusive or repetitive?

  • Did the employee actively listen, avoid interrupting and give the guest their undivided <br>attention (i.e. the guest should not have to repeat themselves)?

  • Did employees maintain alert postures and respect the guest’s presence when interacting <br>with each other?

  • Where applicable, did the employee display self-control and empathy in challenging <br>interactions and offer a suitable alternative/resolution?

FRONT OF HOUSE / Front Desk Departure


  • Was the guest offered assistance immediately or if a queue was present was he/she <br>positively acknowledged with hand or facial gestures within 30 seconds of approaching <br>the desk and offered assistance within 1 minute?

  • Did complete check out take no more than 5 minutes from the time of joining the <br>queue (exception if stay of 5 nights or more)?

  • Did the employee provide an opportunity for the guest to verify charges (e.g. print <br>folio, verbally advise, display on screen)

  • If there were any incorrect charges on the folio, was the back-up documentation readily <br>available and were any incorrect charges quickly and discreetly removed?

  • Did the employee clarify the method of payment and then complete the transaction in <br>a quick and efficient manner?

  • Was the bill clearly itemized, grammatically correct, accurate, complete and free of any <br>unexpected charges (e.g. charges that the guest was not made aware of)?

  • If the folio was offered via email was it delivered within 2 hours of check out unless <br>advised of an expected delay, and/or if the folio was printed was it offered to be neatly <br>presented in a billfold/envelope?

  • Did the employee offer assistance with luggage and onward transport or reconfirm any <br>pre-arranged transport?

  • Was an electric and/or hybrid hotel car option promoted for transfers, where available?

  • Did the employee ask at any point if the guest had enjoyed their stay?

  • Did the employee show appreciation (e.g. thank guest) for the guest’s business and was <br>an invitation to return extended to the guest prior to their departure from the hotel?

  • Did the employee offer a sincere farewell at the end of the conversation?


  • Were employees well groomed and neatly presented in clean, well fitted uniforms and, if <br>applicable, wearing name badges, resulting in a positive first impression?

  • Was the employee’s speech clear and use of English satisfactory, enabling engagement in <br>two-way conversation with the guest?

  • Did the employee display a high level of confidence when carrying out his/her duties and/<br>or was he/she knowledgeable when answering questions about the other hotel facilities or <br>immediately offer to find out the information required?

  • Did the employee use the guest’s name naturally and discreetly without overusing it?

  • Was service anticipatory/intuitive with the employee thinking ahead to act on future <br>needs/opportunities of the guest?

  • Did the employee adapt to a changing situation and/or guest’s need?

  • Did the employees engage in a well-paced, natural (non-scripted, jargon/slang free), <br>friendly and interested manner?

  • Did an employee personalize the interaction in any way and engage the guest as an individual?

  • Did employees collaborate seamlessly to ensure service was organized and professional <br>without being intrusive or repetitive?

  • Did the employee actively listen, avoid interrupting and give the guest their undivided <br>attention (i.e. the guest should not have to repeat themselves)?

  • Did employees maintain alert postures and respect the guest’s presence when interacting <br>with each other?

  • Where applicable, did the employee display self-control and empathy in challenging <br>interactions and offer a suitable alternative/resolution?

  • Did the employee make every effort to meet the guest’s requests or offer a suitable alternative?

FRONT OF HOUSE / Bellboy Arrival


  • Was a porter/doorman present on arrival and if he was busy did he positively acknowledge <br>the guest with hand or facial gesture?

  • Did the employee offer assistance opening car doors on arrival?

  • Did the employee welcome the guest to the hotel using the hotel name?

  • Did the employee offer assistance with luggage and confirm the number of pieces?

  • Did the employee open hotel entrance door for the guest (unless automated or revolving door)?

  • If arrival by car, did the employee offer to valet the car, give instructions on how to call for <br>the car and provide a car collection ticket?

  • Did an employee escort the guest to reception and introduce him/her by name to the <br>receptionist or use technology (i.e. microphone/headpiece) to pass on the guest’s name?

  • If not, did the employee offer directions to the reception desk?

  • Was the guest’s luggage attended to at all times in public areas, once in the care of an employee?


  • Was the correct luggage either present in the room on arrival or delivered within 10 minutes <br>of the guest’s arrival to the room for an urban hotel and 15 minutes for a resort hotel?

  • Did the employee knock on the door/ring the doorbell and if required wait 10 seconds, <br>and then knock on the door/ring the doorbell again and announce their department <br>before asking to enter the room?

  • Did the employee offer to place all large suitcases on to luggage racks/benches in the <br>correct position (i.e. zipper facing the guest) and if additional racks were required did <br>the employee offer to get these?

  • Did the employee offer to hang the guest’s coat and suit carrier (if applicable)?

  • In the case of a first time guest, did the employee (receptionist, porter, butler) offer (i.e. <br>not automatically provide) the option of a brief orientation to the room by pointing out <br>a minimum of two unique/relevant features (e.g. location of safe if hidden, complex <br>technical features, etc.)?

  • Did the employee (receptionist or porter) offer a specific service before departing (e.g. <br>pressing, coffee/tea, etc.)?

  • In the case where the guest had to wait for his room, was the luggage placed into the <br>room prior to his/her arrival?

  • Did the employee offer a sincere farewell at the end of the conversation and show appreciation?


  • Were employees well groomed and neatly presented in clean, well fitted uniforms and, if <br>applicable, wearing name badges, resulting in a positive first impression?

  • Was the employee’s speech clear and use of English satisfactory, enabling engagement in <br>two-way conversation with the guest?

  • Did the employee display a high level of confidence when carrying out his/her duties and/<br>or was he/she knowledgeable when answering questions about the other hotel facilities or <br>immediately offer to find out the information required?

  • Did the employee use the guest’s name naturally and discreetly without overusing it?

  • Was service anticipatory/intuitive with the employee thinking ahead to act on future <br>needs/opportunities of the guest?

  • Did the employee adapt to a changing situation and/or guest’s need?

  • Did the employees engage in a well-paced, natural (non-scripted, jargon/slang free), <br>friendly and interested manner?

  • Did an employee personalize the interaction in any way and engage the guest as an individual?

  • Did employees collaborate seamlessly to ensure service was organized and professional <br>without being intrusive or repetitive?

  • Did the employee actively listen, avoid interrupting and give the guest their undivided <br>attention (i.e. the guest should not have to repeat themselves)?

  • Did employees maintain alert postures and respect the guest’s presence when interacting <br>with each other?

  • Where applicable, did the employee display self-control and empathy in challenging <br>interactions and offer a suitable alternative/resolution?

  • Did the employee make every effort to meet the guest’s requests or offer a suitable alternative?

FRONT OF HOUSE / Bellboy Departure


  • Was the telephone answered within 3 rings or 10 seconds with an appropriate greeting or in <br>the case of digital communication, was a response received within 3 minutes

  • Was luggage collected from the room within 8 minutes of request for an urban hotel and 15 <br>minutes for a resort hotel (via telephone or digital communication), or within 5 minutes of <br>pre-requested time?

  • Did the employee knock on the door/ring the doorbell and if required wait 10 seconds, and <br>then knock on the door/ring the doorbell again and announce their department before <br>asking to enter the room?

  • Did the employee offer to retrieve the guest’s car, arrange onward transportation or confirm <br>pre-arranged transportation?

  • Did the employee confirm the number of pieces to be collected or arrive to the room with a trolley?

  • Was the guest’s luggage attended to at all times in public areas, once in the care of an employee?


  • Did the employee pack the guest’s luggage into the transport and confirm the number of <br>luggage pieces at the point of departure?

  • Did the employee offer car door assistance?

  • Did the employee offer a sincere farewell at the end of the conversation and show appreciation?


  • Were employees well groomed and neatly presented in clean, well fitted uniforms and, if <br>applicable, wearing name badges, resulting in a positive first impression?

  • Was the employee’s speech clear and use of English satisfactory, enabling engagement in <br>two-way conversation with the guest?

  • Did the employee display a high level of confidence when carrying out his/her duties and/<br>or was he/she knowledgeable when answering questions about the other hotel facilities or <br>immediately offer to find out the information required?

  • Did the employee use the guest’s name naturally and discreetly without overusing it?

  • Was service anticipatory/intuitive with the employee thinking ahead to act on future <br>needs/opportunities of the guest?

  • Did the employee adapt to a changing situation and/or guest’s need?

  • Did the employees engage in a well-paced, natural (non-scripted, jargon/slang free), <br>friendly and interested manner?

  • Did an employee personalize the interaction in any way and engage the guest as an individual?

  • Did employees collaborate seamlessly to ensure service was organized and professional <br>without being intrusive or repetitive?

  • Did the employee actively listen, avoid interrupting and give the guest their undivided <br>attention (i.e. the guest should not have to repeat themselves)?

  • Did employees maintain alert postures and respect the guest’s presence when interacting <br>with each other?

  • Where applicable, did the employee display self-control and empathy in challenging <br>interactions and offer a suitable alternative/resolution?

  • Did the employee make every effort to meet the guest’s requests or offer a suitable alternative?

FRONT OF HOUSE / Guest Service & Concierge


  • Was the telephone answered within 3 rings or 10 seconds with an appropriate greeting or <br>in the case of digital communication, was a response received within 3 minutes?

  • If the caller is put on hold, did the employee ask permission to do so, and did it not <br>exceed 30 seconds or was the caller offered a call back option?

  • Was the background free of any noise or disturbances (i.e. makes the conversation difficult <br>to hear or causes a distraction)?

  • Was the guest offered assistance immediately or if a queue was present was he/she <br>positively acknowledged with hand or facial gestures within 30 seconds of approaching <br>the desk and offered assistance within 1 minute?

  • Did the employee ask questions to fully understand the guest’s needs (i.e. specific interests, <br>available time, etc.)?

  • Did the employee display first-hand knowledge and local expertise by offering suitable <br>and thorough recommendations based on the information provided?

  • if a restaurant recommendation was requested, did the employee ascertain the type/style of <br>restaurant preferred (e.g. casual, formal etc.) and then offer an appropriate choice of options?

  • When asked for recommendations on services/dining options and the services/dining <br>options were available on property, did the employee promote the hotel’s services/<br>outlets first before suggesting outside alternatives?

  • If there was an opportunity to do so, did the employee follow up on the suggestions/<br>recommendations provided to ensure the guest’s complete satisfaction?

  • Did the employee offer accurate directions and/or transport options via a digital solution <br>or complimentary map of surrounding area along with information pertaining to <br>expected travel time?

  • Were green mobility/travel options promoted by the hotel at the destination (i.e. cycling, <br>walking, public transport)?

  • With room deliveries, did the employee knock on the door/ring the doorbell and if required wait <br>10 seconds, and then knock on the door/ring the doorbell again and announce their department?

  • Were all requested in-house items delivered within 10 minutes for an urban hotel and 15 <br>minutes for a resort hotel, and were items presented in a luxurious manner (i.e. on a tray, <br>wrapped in a linen cloth, etc.)?

  • Where guest requests are made via in-house digital technology, was the functionality <br>intuitive and seamless and were any requested items delivered within 10 minutes for an <br>urban hotel and 15 minutes for a resort hotel ?

  • Were all pre-stay enquiries/emails responded to within 12 hours and was a full response <br>received for all requests?

  • Were all confirmations and information provided digitally as a priority, and if required, <br>professionally presented on hotel paper?

  • If applicable/available, were all digitally communicated requests promptly acknowledged <br>in an appropriate tone (i.e. match guest’s style of conversation, but refrain from using <br>abbreviations) within 3 minutes, unless advised of a longer timeframe?

  • Did the employee offer a sincere farewell at the end of the conversation and show appreciation?


  • Were employees well groomed and neatly presented in clean, well fitted uniforms and, if <br>applicable, wearing name badges, resulting in a positive first impression?

  • Was the employee’s speech clear and use of English satisfactory, enabling engagement in <br>two-way conversation with the guest?

  • Did the employee display a high level of confidence when carrying out his/her duties and/<br>or was he/she knowledgeable when answering questions about the other hotel facilities or <br>immediately offer to find out the information required?

  • Did the employee use the guest’s name naturally and discreetly without overusing it?

  • Was service anticipatory/intuitive with the employee thinking ahead to act on future <br>needs/opportunities of the guest?

  • Did the employee adapt to a changing situation and/or guest’s need?

  • Did the employees engage in a well-paced, natural (non-scripted, jargon/slang free), <br>friendly and interested manner?

  • Did an employee personalize the interaction in any way and engage the guest as an individual?

  • Did employees collaborate seamlessly to ensure service was organized and professional <br>without being intrusive or repetitive?

  • Did the employee actively listen, avoid interrupting and give the guest their undivided <br>attention (i.e. the guest should not have to repeat themselves)?

  • Did employees maintain alert postures and respect the guest’s presence when interacting <br>with each other?

  • Where applicable, did the employee display self-control and empathy in challenging <br>interactions and offer a suitable alternative/resolution?

  • Did the employee make every effort to meet the guest’s requests or offer a suitable alternative?

HOUSEKEEPING / Housekeeping Arrival


  • Were the carpet/tiles/wood flooring clean and free of stains/dust?<br>

  • Were all walls, doors, baseboards clean and free of marks/dirt/smudges/dust?

  • Were ceilings, vents, smoke detectors and sprinklers clean and free of any dust?

  • Was the room at a comfortable temperature on arrival?

  • Was the room free of odor on arrival?

  • Was the bed neatly made with clean linen, which was free of stains and tears and was the <br>bed valance/skirting (if applicable) clean and neatly arranged?

  • Was the headboard in good condition and if applicable, were the bedspread/blankets/<br>scatter cushions/bolsters clean?

  • Was all upholstered furniture clean and free of stains?

  • Were all the furniture surfaces clean and dust/smear free?

  • Were all the picture/door/mirror frames clean and dust free?

  • Were all the windows/mirrors/chrome/metal surfaces clean and free of smears?

  • Were the curtains/voiles/shutters/blinds clean and properly fitted?

  • Was the wastepaper bin clean and in excellent condition?

  • Was a notepad, pen/pencil available next to each telephone in the room?

  • Was all in room collateral clean and in excellent condition?

  • Were the wardrobes/drawers clean and free of any scuffs, dust or debris?

  • Was the television clean and correctly tuned in?

  • If there were clocks in the room did they all display the correct time and were they synchronized within 2 minutes of each other and were all alarm clocks reset to no alarm?

  • Were all light fixtures in the bathroom and bedroom working properly and were they clean <br>and dust free?

  • Was the balcony clean, swept and all balcony furniture clean and set up (weather permitting)?

  • Were any pre-arrival requests/personal preferences in place on arrival (e.g. non allergic <br>pillows, baby cot, etc.)?

  • Was all water provided in the room, in glass bottles or alternative eco-friendly containers <br>only (i.e. no plastic bottles)?

  • Were local mineral water or hotel filtered bottled water promoted?

  • Were all in-room amenities (tea/coffee making, in-room bar, etc.) clean and neatly arranged?


  • Was the bathroom completely mold free?

  • Were the floor, walls, doors and ceiling clean?

  • Were the shower, bath, sink and toilet clean?

  • Were the showerhead and bath/sink taps polished and free of lime scale?

  • Was the shower screen/door clean?

  • Were all counters, shelves and soap dishes clean and dry?

  • Was the wastepaper bin clean and in excellent condition?

  • Was a complete set of unused amenities present on arrival and in the case of large format <br>dispensers, were contents sufficient for the stay?

  • Was there a box of tissues, a well presented toilet roll and a spare toilet roll available?

  • Were there 2 x clean drinking water glasses or similar present?

  • Were all towels clean, unstained and in excellent repair?

  • Were bathrobes and slippers present on arrival and were they clean and in excellent repair?



  • Was servicing completed by 15h00 each day or within 1 hour of hanging/activating the <br>'service room' sign/light?

  • Did the employee knock on the door/ring the doorbell and if required wait 10 seconds, <br>and then knock on the door/ring the doorbell again and announce their department <br>before asking to enter the room?

  • If a 'privacy' sign/light was present was a calling card/door knob card left under/on the <br>door or a silent message/digital communication left on the telephone?

  • If the employee was encountered was he/she well presented and did they greet the guest <br>with a smile?

  • If guest was present in the room during turndown/servicing, did the employee arrange to <br>return at a later convenient time when the guest was out of the room?

  • Was the carpet/tiles/wood flooring freshly vacuumed/mopped and free of any debris?

  • Was the bed neatly made and were the bedspread/throw and decorative cushions <br>replaced, if applicable?

  • Did the employee open the blackout curtains fully and neatly with sheer curtains opened <br>or closed depending on the heat/temperature?

  • Did the employee empty the waste bins and ashtrays?

  • Was the room tidied with all large hotel amenities (e.g. ironing board) returned to their <br>original locations and small amenities (e.g. hairdryer) left tidily where the guest placed them?

  • Were the guest's clothes tidied and his/her shoes paired, with all items left in view?

  • Was the used stationery and other amenities (e.g. tea/coffee) replenished where required <br>(i.e. when all of one type of stationery/amenity was missing)?

  • Were any used glasses or room service soiled plates and cutlery removed from room and <br>replaced (where required)?

  • Were any used laundry bags/lists replaced (if all bags/lists were removed)?

  • Were any complimentary food and beverage amenities tidily arranged and partially eaten <br>fruit removed as required?

  • If a bottle of wine/beverage was presented in an ice bucket on arrival, was the ice bucket <br>either emptied and cleaned or refreshed during servicing?

  • Were any blown light bulbs replaced?

  • Were the corridors kept clear of housekeeping service trolleys?

  • If the guest set the room temperature at a specific level, was it left unaltered for the rest <br>of the stay?


  • Did the hotel offer an environmental opt-out option as a default for not changing the <br>sheets/towels daily (i.e. sheets/towels not changed daily unless requested)?

  • Did the employee adhere to the guest's chosen environmental option (i.e. not replace <br>towels if the guest has chosen the opt-out option)?

  • If the guest chose to have the used towels/sheets replaced were any used towels/sheets <br>replaced with clean ones and were they in excellent condition?

  • Were all empty or almost empty amenities restocked with partially used items left in place?

  • Were the shower/bath/sink/toilet and floor wiped clean?

  • Were all bath/shower and sink controls polished and was bathroom counter clean, dry <br>and free of any debris?

  • Were all mirrors clean and free of smears and was the shower curtain/door clean?

  • Were the bathroom water glasses cleaned and/or replaced?

  • Did the employee tidy the guest's personal toiletries (i.e. replace lids and neatly arrange) <br>and leave them in view?



  • Was the telephone answered within 3 rings or 10 seconds with an appropriate greeting or <br>in the case of digital communication, was a response received within 3 minutes?

  • Was the laundry/pressing collected within 10 minutes of request for urban hotels and 15 <br>minutes for resort hotels?

  • Did the employee knock on the door/ring the doorbell and if required wait 10 seconds, <br>and then knock on the door/ring the doorbell again and announce their department <br>before asking to enter the room?


  • Was all the laundry/pressing delivered within specified time?

  • If laundry delivery was requested, was it delivered to the room within 10 minutes for an <br>urban hotel and 15 minutes for a resort hotel?

  • Where guest requests are made via in-house digital technology, was the functionality <br>intuitive and seamless and were any requested items delivered within 10 minutes for an <br>urban hotel and 15 minutes for a resort hotel ?

  • If any delay in the delivery time, was the guest informed immediately?

  • If a ‘privacy’ sign/light was present was a calling card/door knob card left under/on the <br>door or a silent message/digital communication left on the telephone?

  • Were all collected items returned and if so were they returned as requested (i.e. folded, on <br>a hanger, etc.)?

  • Were all laundry items appropriately cleaned, pressed and free of odor?

  • If a stain could not be removed from a garment was the guest informed through a printed <br>card or via a telephone message?

  • Were any personal items left in clothes (e.g. money, business cards, etc.) returned and was <br>the guest informed verbally or in writing?

  • Were all hanging garments returned on good quality hangers (i.e. not wire) and if covered <br>was this either reusable (i.e. canvas) or biodegradable (i.e. not plastic)?

  • Were folded garments delivered in a box/basket/tray?

  • Were minor repairs automatically carried out where required (e.g. buttons replaced if fallen <br>off or loose, collar stays replaced, etc.) and was the guest informed verbally or in writing?

  • Were the garments free of any staples, pins or laundry tags?

  • Were any shoes given for cleaning returned on time, cleaned/polished to a good standard <br>and well presented?

  • Was same-day laundry and 2 hour pressing available on week days?


  • Were employees well groomed and neatly presented in clean, well fitted uniforms and, if <br>applicable, wearing name badges, resulting in a positive first impression?

  • Was the employee’s speech clear and use of English satisfactory, enabling engagement in <br>two-way conversation with the guest?

  • Did the employees engage in a well-paced, natural (non-scripted, jargon/slang free), <br>friendly and interested manner?

  • Did the employee use the guest’s name naturally and discreetly without overusing it?

  • Did employees collaborate seamlessly to ensure service was organized and professional <br>without being intrusive or repetitive?

  • Did the employee actively listen, avoid interrupting and give the guest their undivided <br>attention (i.e. the guest should not have to repeat themselves)?

  • Where applicable, did the employee display self-control and empathy in challenging <br>interactions and offer a suitable alternative/resolution?



  • Was the guest greeted and seated at a fully laid table within 1 minute of their arrival <br>and if the restaurant was full, was the guest advised how long it would be and was this <br>timeframe adhered to?

  • If the guest was kept waiting did the employee acknowledge this and apologize for the delay?

  • Did employees offer seating assistance, remove covers if necessary and present the <br>menu (if applicable)?

  • In the case of a buffet, did the employee offer an orientation to the breakfast procedure on <br>the guest’s first visit to the restaurant (i.e. guests should help themselves to the buffet)?


  • Did the waiter offer coffee/tea and a choice of juice (if juice was served as opposed to <br>being on the buffet) within 1 minute of seating?

  • Was the guest’s coffee/tea preference ascertained (i.e. English breakfast, Americano, etc.), <br>if not known?

  • Was coffee/tea/juice served within 5 minutes of order (8 minutes for freshly blended juices)?

  • Were drinks served and cleared using a tray?

  • Was the employee able to answer any questions with regard to the menu, its ingredients <br>and allergies, where applicable?

  • Did the employee accommodate any reasonable off menu requests?

  • Did the employee obtain a full and complete order (i.e. cooking instructions, toast <br>preference, accompaniments etc.)?

  • If special dietary requirements were provided at any point during stay, were they <br>automatically acknowledged?

  • Was the correct and complete breakfast order served within 7 minutes of order for a cold <br>breakfast and 10 minutes of order for a hot breakfast, unless the employee informed the <br>agent of an expected delay (i.e. due to longer preparation times)?

  • Were all plated items served with as little disruption to the guest as possible and with <br>the correct order served to each guest without any prompting required?

  • Did the waiter ascertain if the guest required any condiments/sauces and were they <br>served in the appropriate containers (i.e. decanted from the bottle or miniatures)?

  • Did the employee replace cutlery as required?

  • Were coffee/tea/juice refills offered within 2 minutes and served within 5 minutes?

  • Did the employee offer a clean cup when a fresh pot of coffee/tea was offered?

  • Did an employee visit the table to ascertain at any point if service was satisfactory?

  • Was the bill clearly itemized and correct and was it promptly presented during the meal <br>or within 3 minutes of request (n/a if included in room rate) in a clean billfold (or similar) <br>that was in good condition?

  • Did the employee offer a sincere farewell at the end of the conversation and show appreciation?


  • Was the menu clean, in good repair, grammatically correct and easy to read?

  • Were at least two dishes/options available from the following options - healthy, vegan, <br>organic, gluten-free, lactose-free and fat-free items available (on the menu/buffet or <br>advised by an employee)?

  • Was the food presented in an appealing manner and did it directly resemble its description <br>from the menu?

  • Was the food fresh and of good flavor?

  • Was the texture of the food appropriate?

  • Was the food cooked as requested and served at the correct temperature?

  • Was the option of locally sourced/sustainably certified fish stated on the menu or <br>advised by an employee?

  • Was locally sourced food available and stated on the menu or advised by the employee <br>(regionally sourced acceptable for remote regions)?

  • Were at least two fresh juices available?

  • Was a selection of specialty teas/coffees available and was the coffee/tea hot and freshly brewed?

  • Were breads/bakery items of excellent quality?

  • Were tea/coffee locally sourced/sustainably certified and stated on the menu or advised <br>by the employee?


  • Did the outlet provide a comfortable dining/beverage experience (i.e. tables appropriately <br>spaced, temperature is comfortable, music is played at an appropriate level)?

  • Were all tables in the restaurant consistently laid up and promptly cleared and re-laid <br>when guests depart (i.e. cleared within 5 minutes and re-laid within 5 minutes of clearing)?

  • Were the tablecloth/place mat/napkin clean, pressed and free of any stains/tears (paper <br>not acceptable)?

  • Were the correct cutlery, crockery and glassware provided and were they clean and in <br>good repair?

  • Were all food and beverages free of single-use plastic?

  • Was all water provided in glass bottles or alternative eco-friendly containers only (i.e. no <br>plastic bottles)?

  • Was local mineral water or hotel filtered bottled water promoted?

  • If butter/olive oil was provided, was it fresh and well presented (i.e. no blister packs acceptable)?

  • Were salt and pepper cruets available, or offered, and if so were they clean and full?

  • Were milk/cream and a full sugar selection (i.e. white, brown, sweetener/stevia) offered <br>with the coffee/tea (n/a for green tea/herbal teas)?

  • Was there a minimum of three different preserves available on the table or at the <br>buffet (honey is acceptable) and were they served in appropriate containers (i.e. not <br>sachet/blister packs)?


  • Were employees well groomed and neatly presented in clean, well fitted uniforms and, if <br>applicable, wearing name badges, resulting in a positive first impression?

  • Was the employee’s speech clear and use of English satisfactory, enabling engagement in <br>two-way conversation with the guest?

  • Did the employees engage in a well-paced, natural (non-scripted, jargon/slang free), <br>friendly and interested manner?

  • Did the employee use the guest’s name naturally and discreetly without overusing it?

  • Did the employee display a high level of confidence when carrying out his/her duties and/<br>or was he/she knowledgeable when answering questions about the other hotel facilities or <br>immediately offer to find out the information required?

  • Was service anticipatory/intuitive with the employee thinking ahead to act on future needs/<br>opportunities of the guest?

  • Did the employee adapt to a changing situation and/or guest’s need?

  • Did the employee make every effort to meet the guest’s requests or offer a suitable alternative?

  • Did an employee personalize the interaction in any way and engage the guest as an individual?

  • Did employees collaborate seamlessly to ensure service was organized and professional <br>without being intrusive or repetitive?

  • Did the employee actively listen, avoid interrupting and give the guest their undivided <br>attention (i.e. the guest should not have to repeat themselves)?

  • Did employees maintain alert postures and respect the guest’s presence when interacting <br>with each other?

  • Where applicable, did the employee display self-control and empathy in challenging <br>interactions and offer a suitable alternative/resolution?



  • Was the telephone answered within 3 rings or 10 seconds with an appropriate greeting, or <br>in the case of an in-person reservation was the guest acknowledged within 1 minute, or in <br>the case of digital communication, responded to within 3 minutes?

  • Did the employee obtain the guest’s name and use the caller’s name at least once during <br>the conversation?

  • Did the employee obtain the number of people dining, the dining time and the telephone/<br>room number?

  • Did the employee repeat and confirm the details?

  • Did the interaction end with the employee offering a warm and sincere closing?

  • Did the employee enquire if the reservation was for a special occasion and if the caller had <br>any special requirements?


  • Was the guest greeted and seated at a fully laid table within 1 minute of their arrival <br>and if the restaurant was full, was the guest advised how long it would be and was this <br>timeframe adhered to?

  • If the guest was kept waiting did the employee acknowledge this and apologize for the delay?

  • Did employees offer seating assistance, remove covers if necessary and present the <br>menu (if applicable)?

  • Did the employee present the menu/wine list within 5 minutes of being seated?<br>

  • Where restaurant lighting was dimmed, was alternative lighting source provided for the <br>menu (e.g. menu light) and were reading glasses available on request?

  • In the case of al fresco dining, was a pashmina/blanket/direct heating facility offered in <br>cool conditions?


  • Did an employee greet the guest within 1 minute of seating and offer a pre-meal drink?

  • Did the employee explain any specials of the day where applicable (i.e. soup, fish, etc.), set <br>priced menus and/or any items that were not available?

  • For first time guests, did the employee offer to give a brief introduction to the concept <br>of the restaurant?

  • Did the waiter automatically suggest water and ascertain the guest’s preference (i.e. still/<br>sparkling/filtered)

  • Was local mineral water or hotel filtered bottled water promoted?

  • Was the food and beverage order taken within 10 minutes of menu being offered?

  • Was the employee able to answer any questions with regard to the menu, its ingredients <br>and allergies, where applicable?

  • Did the employee accommodate any reasonable off menu requests?

  • Did the employee obtain a full and complete order (i.e. cooking instructions, <br>accompaniments etc.)?

  • If special dietary requirements were provided at any point during stay, were they <br>automatically acknowledged?

  • Did the waiter automatically suggest a starter and side orders (if applicable) for each guest?

  • Were bread/rolls or specialty cuisine equivalent (i.e. prawn crackers) served, where <br>applicable and were they of excellent quality?

  • Did the employee/sommelier have good product knowledge with regard to the wines/<br>beverages and did he/she recommend a suitable wine to accompany the meal?

  • Was the correct drinks order served within 5 minutes of order (8 minutes for cocktails) <br>unless advised of a delay?

  • Were drinks served and cleared using a tray?

  • Was the starter served within 15 minutes of order or previous course (e.g. amuse bouche), <br>unless the employee advised of an expected delay due to preparation times?

  • Was the main course served within 20 minutes of starter/previous course (e.g. amuse <br>bouche) being removed or within 30 minutes if no starter was ordered, unless the <br>employee informed the agent of an expected delay?

  • Were all plated items served with as little disruption to the guest as possible and with the <br>correct order served to each guest without any prompting required?

  • Were all appropriate condiments/sauces offered and were they served in the appropriate <br>containers (i.e. decanted from the bottle or miniatures)?

  • Were dishes cleared within 5 minutes of guests finishing their meals or as required <br>during the meal?

  • Did the waiter remove side plate, side knife, butter and cruets and then crumb down the <br>table on completion of the main course in the case of a formal restaurant?

  • Did the waiter automatically offer desserts, either verbally or by presenting the menu?

  • Was the dessert served within 10 minutes of the order being taken unless the employee <br>informed the guest of an expected delay?

  • Did the waiter automatically offer coffee/tea and clarify the guest’s coffee/tea preference <br>(i.e. cappuccino, espresso etc.) or equivalent if specialty cuisine (i.e. green tea)?

  • Was the coffee/tea served within 5 minutes of order?

  • Were milk/cream and a full sugar selection (i.e. white, brown, sweetener/stevia) offered <br>with the coffee/tea (n/a for green tea/herbal teas) and was it accompanied by a sweet <br>(e.g. cookie, petit four, etc.)?

  • In the case of a formal restaurant, did the waiter suggest dessert wine and/or post-meal drinks?

  • Did an employee visit the table to ascertain at any point if service was satisfactory?

  • Was the bill clearly itemized and correct and was it promptly presented during the meal or <br>within 3 minutes of request in a clean billfold (or similar) that was in good condition?

  • Did the employee offer a sincere farewell at the end of the conversation and show appreciation?


  • Did the waiter present the wine to the guest and open the bottle at the table (n/a for <br>Enomatic wine system, or similar, by the glass)?

  • Did the waiter pour a small amount of wine for the guest to sample and upon confirmation <br>that it was satisfactory, fill the glass accordingly (n/a for Enomatic wine system, or similar, <br>by the glass)?

  • Was red wine served at room/appropriate temperature and white/rosé wine chilled?

  • Did the waiter top up the glass as required?

  • Did the waiter automatically offer an additional bottle of wine/water upon completion <br>of the first?

  • Was the beverage poured in front of the guest (i.e. not pre-poured) in the case of canned, <br>bottled or mixed drinks (not applicable to cocktails)?

  • Did the waiter offer an additional beverage within 2 minutes of drink being empty?


  • Was the menu clean, in good repair, grammatically correct and easy to read?

  • Were at least two dishes/options available from the following options - healthy, vegan, <br>organic, gluten-free, lactose-free and fat-free items available (on the menu/buffet or <br>advised by an employee)?

  • Was the food presented in an appealing manner and did it directly resemble its description <br>from the menu?

  • Was the food fresh and of good flavor?

  • Was the texture of the food appropriate?

  • Was the food cooked as requested and served at the correct temperature?

  • Was the option of locally sourced/sustainably certified fish stated on the menu or <br>advised by an employee?

  • Was locally sourced food available and stated on the menu or advised by the employee <br>(regionally sourced acceptable for remote regions)?

  • Was a selection of specialty teas/coffees available and was the coffee/tea hot and freshly brewed?

  • Were tea/coffee locally sourced/sustainably certified and stated on the menu or advised <br>by the employee?


  • Did the outlet provide a comfortable dining/beverage experience (i.e. tables appropriately <br>spaced, temperature is comfortable, music is played at an appropriate level)?

  • Were all tables in the restaurant consistently laid up and promptly cleared and re-laid <br>when guests depart (i.e. cleared within 5 minutes and re-laid within 5 minutes of clearing)?

  • Were the tablecloth/place mat/napkin clean, pressed and free of any stains/tears (paper <br>not acceptable)?

  • Were the correct cutlery, crockery and glassware provided and were they clean and in <br>good repair?

  • Were all food and beverages free of single-use plastic?

  • Was all water provided in glass bottles or alternative eco-friendly containers only (i.e. no <br>plastic bottles)?

  • If butter/olive oil was provided, was it fresh and well presented (i.e. no blister packs acceptable)?

  • Were salt and pepper cruets available, or offered, and if so were they clean and full?


  • Were employees well groomed and neatly presented in clean, well fitted uniforms and, if <br>applicable, wearing name badges, resulting in a positive first impression?

  • Was the employee’s speech clear and use of English satisfactory, enabling engagement in <br>two-way conversation with the guest?

  • Did the employees engage in a well-paced, natural (non-scripted, jargon/slang free), <br>friendly and interested manner?

  • Did the employee use the guest’s name naturally and discreetly without overusing it?

  • Did the employee display a high level of confidence when carrying out his/her duties and/<br>or was he/she knowledgeable when answering questions about the other hotel facilities or <br>immediately offer to find out the information required?

  • Was service anticipatory/intuitive with the employee thinking ahead to act on future needs/<br>opportunities of the guest?

  • Did the employee adapt to a changing situation and/or guest’s need?

  • Did the employee make every effort to meet the guest’s requests or offer a suitable alternative?

  • Did an employee personalize the interaction in any way and engage the guest as an individual?

  • Did employees collaborate seamlessly to ensure service was organized and professional <br>without being intrusive or repetitive?

  • Did the employee actively listen, avoid interrupting and give the guest their undivided <br>attention (i.e. the guest should not have to repeat themselves)?

  • Did employees maintain alert postures and respect the guest’s presence when interacting <br>with each other?

  • Where applicable, did the employee display self-control and empathy in challenging <br>interactions and offer a suitable alternative/resolution?



  • Was the guest greeted or acknowledged within 1 minute upon entering the restaurant/<br>lounge or within 5 minutes if seated at the beach or poolside lounger

  • Did the employee present a menu (if applicable) and offer to take the food and beverage <br>order within 5 minutes of seating, or within 5 minutes of presenting a menu if seated at the <br>beach/poolside lounger?

  • Was local mineral water or hotel filtered bottled water promoted?

  • Did the employee explain any specials of the day where applicable (i.e. soup, fish, etc.), set <br>priced menus and/or any items that were not available?

  • Was the employee able to answer any questions with regard to the menu, its ingredients <br>and allergies, where applicable?

  • Did the employee accommodate any reasonable off menu requests?

  • Did the employee obtain a full and complete order (i.e. cooking instructions, accompaniments etc.)?

  • If special dietary requirements were provided at any point during stay, were they <br>automatically acknowledged?

  • Was the correct drinks order served within 5 minutes of order (8 minutes for cocktails) <br>unless advised of a delay?

  • Were drinks served and cleared using a tray?

  • Was the beverage poured in front of the guest (i.e. not pre-poured) in the case of canned, <br>bottled or mixed drinks (not applicable to cocktails)?

  • Was the correct order served within 15 minutes of order or 20 minutes if ordered from the <br>beach/poolside lounger, unless the employee informed the guest of an expected delay (i.e. <br>due to longer preparation times)?

  • Were all plated items served with as little disruption to the guest as possible and with the <br>correct order served to each guest without any prompting required?

  • Were all appropriate condiments/sauces offered and were they served in the appropriate <br>containers (i.e. decanted from the bottle or miniatures)?

  • Did the waiter offer an additional beverage within 2 minutes of drink being empty or 5 <br>minutes if seated at the beach/poolside lounger?

  • Were dishes cleared within 5 minutes of guests finishing their meals or as required during the meal?

  • Did the waiter automatically offer desserts, either verbally or by presenting the menu?

  • Was dessert served within 10 minutes of order being taken or within 15 minutes if <br>seated at the beach/poolside lounger?

  • Did the waiter automatically offer coffee/tea and clarify the guest’s coffee/tea <br>preference (i.e. cappuccino, espresso etc.) n/a to beach/poolside lounger service?

  • Was the coffee/tea served within 5 minutes of order?

  • Were milk/cream and a full sugar selection (i.e. white, brown, sweetener/stevia) offered <br>with the coffee/tea (n/a for green tea/herbal teas) and was it accompanied by a sweet <br>(e.g. cookie, petit four, etc.)?

  • Did an employee visit the table to ascertain at any point if service was satisfactory?

  • Was the bill clearly itemized and correct and was it promptly presented during the meal or <br>within 3 minutes of request in a clean billfold (or similar) that was in good condition?

  • Did the employee offer a sincere farewell at the end of the conversation and show appreciation?


  • Was the menu clean, in good repair, grammatically correct and easy to read?

  • Were at least two dishes/options available from the following options - healthy, vegan, <br>organic, gluten-free, lactose-free and fat-free items available (on the menu/buffet or <br>advised by an employee)?

  • Was the food presented in an appealing manner and did it directly resemble its description <br>from the menu?

  • Was the food fresh and of good flavor?

  • Was the texture of the food appropriate?

  • Was the food cooked as requested and served at the correct temperature?

  • Was the option of locally sourced/sustainably certified fish stated on the menu or <br>advised by an employee?

  • Was locally sourced food available and stated on the menu or advised by the employee <br>(regionally sourced acceptable for remote regions)?

  • Was a selection of specialty teas/coffees available and was the coffee/tea hot and freshly brewed?

  • Were tea/coffee locally sourced/sustainably certified and stated on the menu or advised <br>by the employee?


  • Did the outlet provide a comfortable dining/beverage experience (i.e. tables appropriately <br>spaced, temperature is comfortable, music is played at an appropriate level)?

  • Were all tables in the restaurant consistently laid up and promptly cleared and re-laid <br>when guests depart (i.e. cleared within 5 minutes and re-laid within 5 minutes of clearing)?

  • Were the tablecloth/place mat/napkin clean, pressed and free of any stains/tears (paper <br>not acceptable)?

  • Were the correct cutlery, crockery and glassware provided and were they clean and in <br>good repair?

  • Were all food and beverages free of single-use plastic?

  • Was all water provided in glass bottles or alternative eco-friendly containers only (i.e. no <br>plastic bottles)?

  • If butter/olive oil was provided, was it fresh and well presented (i.e. no blister packs acceptable)?

  • Were salt and pepper cruets available, or offered, and if so were they clean and full?


  • Were employees well groomed and neatly presented in clean, well fitted uniforms and, if <br>applicable, wearing name badges, resulting in a positive first impression?

  • Was the employee’s speech clear and use of English satisfactory, enabling engagement in <br>two-way conversation with the guest?

  • Did the employees engage in a well-paced, natural (non-scripted, jargon/slang free), <br>friendly and interested manner?

  • Did the employee use the guest’s name naturally and discreetly without overusing it?

  • Did the employee display a high level of confidence when carrying out his/her duties and/<br>or was he/she knowledgeable when answering questions about the other hotel facilities or <br>immediately offer to find out the information required?

  • Was service anticipatory/intuitive with the employee thinking ahead to act on future needs/<br>opportunities of the guest?

  • Did the employee adapt to a changing situation and/or guest’s need?

  • Did the employee make every effort to meet the guest’s requests or offer a suitable alternative?

  • Did an employee personalize the interaction in any way and engage the guest as an individual?

  • Did employees collaborate seamlessly to ensure service was organized and professional <br>without being intrusive or repetitive?

  • Did the employee actively listen, avoid interrupting and give the guest their undivided <br>attention (i.e. the guest should not have to repeat themselves)?

  • Did employees maintain alert postures and respect the guest’s presence when interacting <br>with each other?

  • Where applicable, did the employee display self-control and empathy in challenging <br>interactions and offer a suitable alternative/resolution?

FOOD AND BEVERAGE / Drinks Service


  • Was the guest greeted or acknowledged within 1 minute upon entering the bar/lounge?

  • Did the employee offer to take the drinks order within 3 minutes of seating?

  • Did the employee show good product knowledge when taking the order and promote <br>local/signature drinks, where applicable?

  • Did the drinks menu include one or more crafted non-alcoholic option(s)?

  • Did the employee offer a choice of brand/variety when taking the drink order if there was an <br>opportunity to do so?

  • Did the employee offer the option to order food or supply a restaurant menu?

  • Was the correct drinks order served within 5 minutes of order (8 minutes for cocktails) <br>unless advised of a delay?

  • Was the correct order served to each guest without any prompting required?

  • Were drinks served and cleared using a tray?

  • Was the beverage poured in front of the guest (i.e. not pre-poured) in the case of canned, <br>bottled or mixed drinks (not applicable to cocktails)?

  • If wine by the glass is ordered, did the waiter present the bottle and offer a sample before <br>filling the glass accordingly (n/a for Enomatic wine system, or similar, by the glass)?

  • Did the waiter supply and place drinks on coasters (not required for stemware)?

  • Were the drinks served in the correct, clean (unchipped) glassware with the appropriate <br>fresh garnish and a non-plastic stir stick/straw (if required)?

  • Were drinks served at the appropriate temperature (chilled, room temperature, etc.)?

  • Did the waiter automatically offer a minimum of two varieties of snacks, and in the case of <br>shelled nuts or olives, was a pit bowl provided?

  • Were the snacks fresh and of good quality?

  • Were the snacks topped up as required?

  • Did the waiter supply serviettes/cocktail napkins with the snacks/drinks?

  • Did the waiter offer an additional beverage within 2 minutes of drink being empty?

  • Was the bill clearly itemized and correct and was it promptly presented or within 3 minutes <br>of request in a clean billfold (or similar) that was in good condition?

  • Did the employee offer a sincere farewell at the end of the conversation and show appreciation?


  • Did the outlet provide a comfortable dining/beverage experience (i.e. tables appropriately <br>spaced, temperature is comfortable, music is played at an appropriate level)?

  • Were all tables in the restaurant consistently laid up and promptly cleared and re-laid <br>when guests depart (i.e. cleared within 5 minutes and re-laid within 5 minutes of clearing)?

  • If a bar list was provided, was it clean and in good repair, grammatically correct and easy to read?

  • Were all food and beverages free of single-use plastic?

  • Was all water provided in glass bottles or alternative eco-friendly containers only (i.e. no <br>plastic bottles)?


  • Were employees well groomed and neatly presented in clean, well fitted uniforms and, if <br>applicable, wearing name badges, resulting in a positive first impression?

  • Was the employee’s speech clear and use of English satisfactory, enabling engagement in <br>two-way conversation with the guest?

  • Did the employees engage in a well-paced, natural (non-scripted, jargon/slang free), <br>friendly and interested manner?

  • Did the employee use the guest’s name naturally and discreetly without overusing it?

  • Did the employee display a high level of confidence when carrying out his/her duties and/<br>or was he/she knowledgeable when answering questions about the other hotel facilities or <br>immediately offer to find out the information required?

  • Was service anticipatory/intuitive with the employee thinking ahead to act on future needs/<br>opportunities of the guest?

  • Did the employee adapt to a changing situation and/or guest’s need?

  • Did the employee make every effort to meet the guest’s requests or offer a suitable alternative?

  • Did an employee personalize the interaction in any way and engage the guest as an individual?

  • Did employees collaborate seamlessly to ensure service was organized and professional <br>without being intrusive or repetitive?

  • Did the employee actively listen, avoid interrupting and give the guest their undivided <br>attention (i.e. the guest should not have to repeat themselves)?

  • Did employees maintain alert postures and respect the guest’s presence when interacting <br>with each other?

  • Where applicable, did the employee display self-control and empathy in challenging <br>interactions and offer a suitable alternative/resolution?



  • Was the telephone answered within 3 rings or 10 seconds with an appropriate greeting, or <br>in the case of digital communication, responded to within 3 minutes?

  • If the caller is put on hold, did the employee ask permission to do so, and did it not exceed <br>30 seconds or was the caller offered a call back option?

  • Was the background free of any noise or disturbances (i.e. makes the conversation difficult <br>to hear or causes a distraction)?

  • Was the employee able to answer any questions with regard to the menu, its ingredients <br>and allergies, where applicable?

  • Did the employee obtain a full and complete order (i.e. cooking instructions, <br>accompaniments etc.)?

  • If special dietary requirements were provided at any point during stay, were they <br>automatically acknowledged?

  • Did the employee accommodate any reasonable off menu requests?

  • If a hot or cold dessert was ordered, did the employee offer the guest the option of serving <br>it upon completion of the main course?

  • Did the employee ascertain the number of people dining?

  • Did the employee repeat the order either during or at the end of the call?

  • Did the employee advise delivery time?

  • In the case of digital orders (e.g. tablet, via television, etc.) was the facility easy to use and <br>was the correct order delivered on time?


  • Did the order taker suggest a starter and/or side order that was appropriate to the order?

  • Did the order taker offer beverages (e.g. wine, beer, soft drink, coffee, etc.) with the meal?

  • Was local mineral water or hotel filtered bottled water promoted?

  • Did the order taker suggest dessert with the meal?


  • Was the order served in the standard time (Breakfast order card - 5 minutes of requested <br>time. Telephone orders - Breakfast 25/30 minutes for urban/resort; Lunch/Dinner 30/40 <br>minutes for urban/resort) and if an estimated delivery time was given, was the order <br>served within 5 minutes of the stated time?

  • Did the employee knock on the door/ring the doorbell and if required wait 10 seconds, and <br>then knock on the door/ring the doorbell again and announce their department before <br>asking to enter the room?

  • Did the employee ask/suggest where the guest would like the tray/trolley to be placed?

  • Did the employee secure the table leaf and set the table?

  • Did the employee position the chairs accordingly?

  • Did the employee offer to pour the beverages, remove the cloche/s and stancap/s as applicable?

  • Did the employee confirm the order and was it correct and complete?

  • Did the employee inform the guest of tray/trolley collection procedures or was a tray <br>removal card present?

  • Was the bill clearly itemized and correct and if presented, in a clean billfold (or similar) that <br>was in good condition?

  • Did the employee offer a sincere farewell at the end of the conversation and show appreciation?

  • If tray/trolley removal was requested, was it collected within 10 minutes for urban hotels <br>and 15 minutes for resort hotels?


  • Was the menu/wine list clean, in good repair, grammatically correct and easy to read?

  • Were at least two starters, two main courses and one dessert available from the following <br>options: vegan, gluten-free and lactose-free (on the menu/buffet or advised by an employee)?

  • Was the food presented in an appealing manner and did it directly resemble its description <br>from the menu?

  • Was the food fresh and of good flavor?

  • Was the texture of the food appropriate?

  • Was the food cooked as requested and served at the correct temperature?

  • Was the option of locally sourced/sustainably certified fish stated on the menu or <br>advised by an employee?

  • Was locally sourced food available and stated on the menu or advised by the employee <br>(regionally sourced acceptable for remote regions)?

  • Was a selection of specialty teas/coffees available and was the coffee/tea hot and freshly brewed?

  • Were tea/coffee locally sourced/sustainably certified and stated on the menu or advised <br>by the employee?

  • Were at least two fresh juices available?

  • Were bread/rolls or specialty cuisine equivalent (i.e. prawn crackers) served, where <br>applicable and were they of excellent quality?


  • Was the room service tray/trolley clean and in good repair?

  • Were the tablecloth/place mat/napkin clean, pressed and free of any stains/tears <br>(paper not acceptable)?

  • Were the correct cutlery, crockery and glassware provided and were they clean and in good repair?

  • Were all food and beverages free of single-use plastic?

  • Was all water provided in glass bottles or alternative eco-friendly containers only (i.e. no <br>plastic bottles)?

  • If butter/olive oil was provided, was it fresh and well presented (i.e. no blister packs acceptable)?

  • Were salt and pepper cruets available and if so, were they clean and full?

  • Was a fresh floral or a table decoration present?

  • Was all food covered with a cloche and/or some form of covering?

  • Were the appropriate condiments/sauces served with the meal and were they decanted <br>into the appropriate dishes or in miniature form?

  • Were milk/cream and a full sugar selection (i.e. white, brown, sweetener/stevia) offered <br>with the coffee/tea (n/a for green tea/herbal teas) and was it accompanied by a sweet (e.g. <br>cookie, petit four, etc.)?

  • In the case of breakfast was there a minimum of three different preserves available (honey is <br>acceptable) and were they served in appropriate containers (i.e. not sachet/blister packs)?


  • Were employees well groomed and neatly presented in clean, well fitted uniforms and, if <br>applicable, wearing name badges, resulting in a positive first impression?

  • Was the employee’s speech clear and use of English satisfactory, enabling engagement in <br>two-way conversation with the guest?

  • Did the employees engage in a well-paced, natural (non-scripted, jargon/slang free), <br>friendly and interested manner?

  • Did the employee use the guest’s name naturally and discreetly without overusing it?

  • Did the employee display a high level of confidence when carrying out his/her duties and/<br>or was he/she knowledgeable when answering questions about the other hotel facilities or <br>immediately offer to find out the information required?

  • Was service anticipatory/intuitive with the employee thinking ahead to act on future needs/<br>opportunities of the guest?

  • Did the employee adapt to a changing situation and/or guest’s need?

  • Did the employee make every effort to meet the guest’s requests or offer a suitable alternative?

  • Did an employee personalize the interaction in any way and engage the guest as an individual?

  • Did employees collaborate seamlessly to ensure service was organized and professional <br>without being intrusive or repetitive?

  • Did the employee actively listen, avoid interrupting and give the guest their undivided <br>attention (i.e. the guest should not have to repeat themselves)?

  • Did employees maintain alert postures and respect the guest’s presence when interacting <br>with each other?

  • Where applicable, did the employee display self-control and empathy in challenging <br>interactions and offer a suitable alternative/resolution?



  • Was the décor luxurious/current in appearance and well coordinated throughout the room?

  • Did the majority of rooms provide an abundance of space (minimum of 30 meters <br>squared for city hotels and 40 meters squared (including bathrooms) for resorts) and was <br>the furniture arranged in a way that allowed freedom of movement throughout the room?

  • Was the flooring of high quality (i.e. high grade wood, marble, stone, granite, elegant area <br>rugs or high density carpet) and was it in good repair?

  • Were the wall surfaces well maintained and enhanced with several design elements (i.e. <br>wood baseboards, ceiling trim, soft wall coverings, wood panelling, etc.)?

  • Were all areas of the room extremely well lit (i.e. both sides of the bed, at workspace and <br>sitting area) with custom high quality light fixtures?

  • Was individually controlled lighting available from the bed and could all room lights be <br>switched off from the bed?

  • Was LED lighting (excluding smoke detectors) within the room minimized in a way that <br>limited light pollution and ensured that it did not interfere with guest’s sleep?

  • Was all furniture well maintained and of a high quality (i.e. solid wood, upscale fabrics, etc.)?

  • Were all fabrics (curtains, upholstery, bedspread) fresh in appearance and of good quality?<br>

  • Was comfortable seating provided for two people in the room that was of the appropriate <br>height for a room service trolley/table (the bed cannot be a form of seating)?

  • Was an occasional table/side table and seating provided in the room?

  • Was the workspace of a good size and conducive to business needs (i.e. multiple, easily <br>accessible unused electrical outlets, clutter free) with a chair of the correct height?

  • Was the room adequately soundproofed?

  • Was an adjustable climate control panel provided which was appropriate to the destination <br>and if so, was it quiet and in good working order?

  • Did the curtains offer a complete blackout when closed?

  • Were the pillows and mattress comfortable and the bed linen of good quality (i.e. 100% cotton)?

  • Was there ample well lit full hanging (i.e. for dresses) and drawer/shelf space available for a <br>minimum of two guests?

  • Were matching good quality hangers provided (i.e. wooden and not anti-theft) and did they <br>consist of suit, padded and clip hangers?

  • Was a flat screen television present and was the screen a minimum of 42 inches?

  • Were television/remote control in good condition/working order and did they offer <br>multilingual channels as well as high definition channels and either a printed or television/<br>tablet enabled channel guide?

  • Was there a movie on demand option available or was it possible to stream media content, <br>and in the case of streaming media content was it easy to connect?

  • Was all technology (e.g. tablet, sound system, electric curtains, etc.) and lighting in good <br>working order and easy to use?

  • Was complimentary high-speed Wi-Fi available and if so was it easy to access and did it <br>provide a seamless wireless experience (i.e. strong and continuous connection without <br>requirement to log in more than once during the stay) as well as the ability to connect <br>multiple devices (e.g. minimum of three devices)?

  • Could the guest connect to a speaker in the room via Bluetooth technology?

  • Was the door lock in good condition with a deadbolt or safety chain?

  • Was an upscale comprehensive guest services directory provided (e.g. printed copy, <br>tablet, digital format QR code or via television), and was it up to date, grammatically <br>correct and in good condition?

  • Were a good quality and non-plastic shoehorn and clothes brush (urban hotels only) and <br>umbrella available (umbrella requirement is destination specific and can be available in the <br>room or offered at the hotel entrance if weather is inclement)?

  • Was a fabric laundry bag and list provided?

  • Was a full-length mirror present within the room?

  • Were easily accessible spare electrical points near a mirror (e.g. for hairdryer) and were <br>at least two spare power points or USB ports, available on both sides of the bed (e.g. for <br>mobile phones)?

  • Were either a range of international electrical sockets provided at the desk or were <br>international adaptors present in the room or alternatively was an adaptor offered on <br>arrival to international guests?

  • Was a well-maintained and stocked in-room bar present and was there an option clearly <br>stated that the contents could be customized to the guest’s personal preferences <br>(reservation email, verbally on arrival, guest directory, tent card, etc.)?

  • Was an in-room safe provided and was it of an adequate size (i.e. large enough for a laptop) <br>and in good working order/available for immediate use (i.e. not locked)?

  • Were there either two telephones in the room (i.e. workspace, bedside and bathroom) or <br>alternatively one telephone, which must be cordless?

  • Were all room telephones in good working order with speed dial, message waiting and <br>speaker facility?

  • Was a selection of reading material provided (i.e. current lifestyle magazines and/or books)?

  • Was a fresh floral arrangement or plant or plant decoration present (i.e. bamboo display) in <br>the room or bathroom?

  • If provided, was the welcome note personalized?

  • Were a coffee machine, kettle and all equipment (i.e. teabags, coffee, sugar, milk, cups <br>etc.) provided or available via in-room dining/butler service on a complimentary basis <br>and were they fully stocked and in good working order?


  • Was the décor luxurious in appearance and well coordinated throughout the bathroom?

  • Did the bathroom provide an abundance of space in a way that allowed freedom of <br>movement for two guests?

  • In the case of an urban hotel, was a large walk-in shower provided at a minimum and in a <br>resort hotel was a full-sized soaking bath tub available and large walk-in shower provided?

  • Did the shower offer a fixed door enclosure (i.e. shower curtains are not acceptable) and <br>was it effective (n/a for wet rooms)?

  • Was there a hand-held shower present within the bath?

  • Was there an adjustable showerhead (to control water flow) or a rain shower present?

  • Were all bathroom fittings (e.g. toilet, sinks, bathtub, bidet) in good condition?

  • Was all plumbing and ventilation in good working order (e.g. strong water pressure, quick <br>drainage, prompt supply of hot water, etc.)?

  • Were flooring, vanity, shower/bath surround and shower floor finished in high quality <br>marble, stone, local tile or granite and were they and the grouting in good repair?

  • Were other wall and ceiling surfaces well maintained?

  • Was sufficient counter/shelf space provided (i.e. can comfortably accommodate amenities <br>for two guests)?

  • Were there multiple lighting points in the bathroom and was it bright and well lit?

  • Did the bathroom offer a night light/dimmer facility (i.e. can be via make up mirror)?

  • Was a well lit, easily accessible shaving/make up mirror provided?

  • Was a good quality tissue dispenser and soap dish available (soap dish not applicable if <br>soap dispensers provided)?

  • Was a good quality hairdryer (i.e. minimum of 1875 wattage, Ionic, lamination or <br>Tourmaline fusion) available, and if so was it in good working order?

  • Were good quality bathrobes available (i.e. heavyweight for cold climates and light <br>weight for warmer climates) for each guest staying in the room?

  • Were slippers free of plastic wrapping?

  • Were there a minimum of three heavyweight, plush, good quality bath towels/sheets, two <br>hand towels and two face towels per room?

  • Was a full range of amenities available (minimum of shampoo, conditioner, bath gel, body <br>lotion, hand soap, cotton pads, buds and shower cap)?

  • Were shampoo, conditioner, bath gel, and body lotion provided in large-format bottles <br>which were refillable/recyclable, instead of miniature format?

  • Were all bathroom amenities free of plastic wrapping?

  • Were amenities positioned in a way that were immediately convenient and accessible for <br>the guest (e.g. shampoo, conditioner and bath gel in the shower)?

PRODUCT / Public Areas


  • Was the exterior of the hotel well maintained and luxurious in its presentation?

  • Was the driveway easily accessible with either parking or a valet system present?

  • Was the drop off area covered, well lit and free of obstruction or in the case where there <br>was insufficient cover provided, did the doorman automatically shield arriving guests <br>with an umbrella in wet weather conditions?

  • Was all landscaping well-tended and free of debris?


  • Was the hotel lobby luxurious in design and fresh in appearance?

  • Was the flooring of high quality (i.e. high grade wood, marble, stone, granite, elegant area <br>rugs or high density carpet) and was it clean and in good repair?

  • Were the wall surfaces well maintained and enhanced with several design elements (i.e. <br>wood baseboards, ceiling trim, soft wall coverings, wood panelling, etc.)

  • Were all reception/concierge/guest services desks tidy in appearance?

  • Was all furniture clean, well maintained and of a high quality (i.e. solid wood, upscale <br>fabrics, etc.)?

  • Were attractive fresh, floral arrangements/live plants present in the lobby area?

  • Was the lobby well illuminated and was all lighting in good working order?

  • Was complimentary high-speed Wi-Fi available and if so was it easy to access and did it <br>provide a seamless wireless experience (i.e. strong and continuous connection without <br>requirement to log in more than once during the stay) as well as the ability to connect <br>multiple devices (e.g. minimum of three devices)?

  • If music was played, was it appropriate for the venue/ambiance and was it played at a <br>pleasant level?

  • Was there adequate, clearly visible good quality signage?

  • Was employee presence in managing large groups evident and effective to minimize <br>disruption to other guests in the hotel (e.g. employee directional assistance, signage, <br>alternative group check-in area etc.)?

  • Were the shops/showcases clean and well maintained in their presentation?


  • Was the restaurant/bar flooring clean and in good repair?

  • Were the restaurant/bar wall/ceiling surfaces well maintained and scuff free?

  • Were all windows and curtains clean and well maintained?

  • Were the restaurants/bars sufficiently lit and was all lighting in good working order?

  • Were the tables and chairs well maintained and the chair fabrics clean and in good repair?


  • Were the corridors luxurious, consistent in design and fresh in appearance?

  • Was the flooring of high quality (i.e. high grade wood, marble, stone, granite, elegant area <br>rugs or high density carpet) and was it clean and in good repair?

  • Were the wall surfaces well maintained and enhanced with several design elements (i.e. <br>wood baseboards, ceiling trim, soft wall coverings, wood panelling, etc.)?

  • Were all windows and curtains clean and well maintained?

  • Were the corridors/pathways/stairways well lit and was all lighting in good working order?

  • “Was all furniture clean, well maintained and of a high quality (i.e. solid wood, upscale <br>fabrics, etc.)?”

  • Was all hotel signage adequate, clean and in good repair?

  • Were the room service trays/trolleys/operating equipment regularly cleared from the floors?


  • Were the elevators decorated to a luxurious standard?

  • Were all elevators clean and well maintained (i.e. flooring, walls, lighting) and in good <br>working order?

  • Did the employees refrain from using the guest elevators to deliver luggage/room service/<br>housekeeping supplies?


  • Were employees well groomed and neatly presented in clean, well fitted uniforms and, if <br>applicable, wearing name badges, resulting in a positive first impression?

  • Was the employee’s speech clear and use of English satisfactory, enabling engagement in <br>two-way conversation with the guest?

  • Did the employee display a high level of confidence when carrying out his/her duties and/<br>or was he/she knowledgeable when answering questions about the other hotel facilities or <br>immediately offer to find out the information required?

  • Did the employee actively listen, avoid interrupting and give the guest their undivided <br>attention (i.e. the guest should not have to repeat themselves)?

  • Did employees maintain alert postures and respect the guest’s presence when interacting <br>with each other?

PRODUCT / Fitness & Wellness


  • Was 24 hour access to the gym advertised as available?

  • Was the gymnasium décor fresh in appearance and of a high standard (i.e. purpose built <br>with a modern high end finish)?

  • Was the gymnasium odor free and the room temperature at a comfortable level?

  • If gym is unattended, did an employee walk through the gym every 30 minutes between <br>07h00 and 21h00 to ensure it was kept tidy and sufficiently stocked?

  • Were the walls, ceilings and floors clean and well maintained?

  • Were the windows/mirrors clean and smear/smudge free?

  • Was sufficient lighting provided?

  • Were the windows/mirrors clean and smear/smudge free?Was the gymnasium well laid out with a variety of state of the art exercise equipment <br>(minimum of 5 cardiovascular, 5 resistance machines (can be incorporated into a universal <br>machine) plus two full sets of hand-held free weights and was all equipment clean and in <br>good working order?

  • Was ample space available for guests to exercise (i.e. clearly defined areas for cardio <br>machines, free weights and stretching/mats)?

  • Were fitness classes and/or personal training advertised as being available and listed in a <br>convenient place in the bedroom or fitness centre?

  • Were there individual television monitors present at each cardiovascular machine and were <br>they clean and in good working order?

  • Were complimentary headphones provided and were they clean and in good working order <br>with hygienic ear pieces?

  • Were disinfectant wipes or a disinfectant cleaning agent and towel available?

  • Were clean sweat towels and a touchless water dispenser with sufficient non-plastic cups, <br>or non-plastic bottled water, available?

  • Were chilled towels provided?

  • Was a wall clock clearly visible and did it display the correct time?

  • Was a fruit bowl with fresh fruit or healthy amenities (e.g. cereal bars, etc.) available and <br>was this free of plastic packaging?

  • Was Wi-Fi connectivity available in the fitness center and did it provide a seamless wireless <br>experience (i.e. strong and continuous connection without requirement to log in more than once)?


  • Was the pool clean, at the appropriate temperature and well maintained (i.e. tiling, lighting, etc.)?

  • Were depth signs present?

  • Was the area around the pool clean and free of any debris?

  • Were ample loungers, side tables and umbrellas provided and were they clean and in good repair?

  • Were towels provided?

  • Was a separate shower provided at pool and/or beach?

  • For resort hotels, did an attendant offer to set up the lounger with towels and offer <br>complimentary water?

  • For resort hotels, were complimentary services provided at outdoor pool (e.g. cleaning <br>sunglasses, sorbets, reef-safe sunscreen, etc.)?

  • Was a waiter service provided/available at the outdoor pool and/or beach?


  • Were safety instructions clearly displayed outside the heat experiences?

  • Were heat experiences clean, well maintained and appropriately heated?

  • Were a thermometer and a timer present in the sauna?

  • Were towel hooks and a towel depository conveniently located next to heat experiences?


  • Was the changing room décor fresh in appearance and of a high standard (i.e. modern high <br>end finish)?

  • Were the walls, ceilings and floors clean and well maintained?

  • Was all lighting fully illuminated?

  • Were the showers, sinks and toilets clean and in good working order?

  • Was there a shampoo, conditioner and soap dispenser present in the shower cubicle?

  • Were the lockers attractive, clean and well maintained?

  • Were clean good quality towels, bathrobes and footwear available?

  • Was a well lit, easily accessible shaving/make up mirror provided?

  • Were weighing scales available?

  • Was a good quality hairdryer (i.e. minimum of 1875 wattage, Ionic, lamination or <br>Tourmaline fusion) available, and if so was it in good working order?

  • Was a range of amenities (minimum of body lotion, deodorant, hair care items, razors, <br>shaving cream) available?

  • Were shampoo, conditioner, bath gel, and body lotion provided in large-format bottles <br>which were refillable/recyclable, instead of miniature format?

  • Were all bathroom amenities free of plastic wrapping?


  • Were employees well groomed and neatly presented in clean, well fitted uniforms and, if <br>applicable, wearing name badges, resulting in a positive first impression?

  • Was the employee’s speech clear and use of English satisfactory, enabling engagement in <br>two-way conversation with the guest?

  • Did the employee use the guest’s name naturally and discreetly without overusing it?

  • Did the employees engage in a well-paced, natural (non-scripted, jargon/slang free), friendly <br>and interested manner?

  • Did the employee display a high level of confidence when carrying out his/her duties and/<br>or was he/she knowledgeable when answering questions about the other hotel facilities or <br>immediately offer to find out the information required?

  • Was service anticipatory/intuitive with the employee thinking ahead to act on future needs/<br>opportunities of the guest?

  • Did the employee adapt to a changing situation and/or guest’s need?

  • Did the employee make every effort to meet the guest’s requests or offer a suitable alternative?

  • Did an employee personalize the interaction in any way and engage the guest as an individual?

  • Did employees collaborate seamlessly to ensure service was organized and professional <br>without being intrusive or repetitive?

  • Did the employee actively listen, avoid interrupting and give the guest their undivided <br>attention (i.e. the guest should not have to repeat themselves)?

  • Did employees maintain alert postures and respect the guest’s presence when interacting <br>with each other?

  • Where applicable, did the employee display self-control and empathy in challenging <br>interactions and offer a suitable alternative/resolution?

  • Did the employee offer a sincere farewell at the end of the conversation and show appreciation?

OTHER / Transport


  • Was a hotel representative at the point of pick up at the scheduled time?

  • Did the employee hold a signboard/tablet with the correct spelling of the guest’s name or <br>hotel name printed (i.e. not handwritten)?

  • Did the employee offer assistance with luggage?

  • Did the employee offer car door assistance?

  • Did the employee advise the estimated journey time?

  • Was bottled water available?

  • Was all water provided in glass bottles or alternative eco-friendly containers only (i.e. no <br>plastic bottles)?

  • Was local mineral water or hotel filtered bottled water promoted?

  • Was sanitiser available within the vehicle?

  • Was a universal telephone charger offered or readily available for the guest’s immediate use?

  • In the case of hotel transport was a Wi-Fi service provided within the car?

  • In the case of hotel transport, was a kerbside greeting and seamless check in process <br>provided on arrival to the hotel?

  • Did employee ascertain if the guest would like music played and if it was played, was it at an <br>appropriate level?

  • Did the employee ascertain if the car temperature was satisfactory?

  • Did the employee drive in a safe and careful manner and use a headset/hands-free when <br>making telephone calls?

  • Did the employee offer a sincere farewell at the end of the conversation and show appreciation?


  • Was the car provided of high quality and in excellent condition?

  • Was the exterior of the vehicle clean and polished?

  • Was the interior of the vehicle clean, tidy and odor free?


  • Were employees well groomed and neatly presented in clean, well fitted uniforms and, if <br>applicable, wearing name badges, resulting in a positive first impression?

  • Was the employee’s speech clear and use of English satisfactory, enabling engagement in <br>two-way conversation with the guest?

  • Did the employees engage in a well-paced, natural (non-scripted, jargon/slang free), <br>friendly and interested manner?

  • Did the employee use the guest’s name naturally and discreetly without overusing it?

  • Did the employee display a high level of confidence when carrying out his/her duties and/<br>or was he/she knowledgeable when answering questions about the other hotel facilities or <br>immediately offer to find out the information required?

  • Was service anticipatory/intuitive with the employee thinking ahead to act on future needs/<br>opportunities of the guest?

  • Did the employee adapt to a changing situation and/or guest’s need?

  • Did the employee make every effort to meet the guest’s requests or offer a suitable alternative?

  • Did an employee personalize the interaction in any way and engage the guest as an individual?

  • Did employees collaborate seamlessly to ensure service was organized and professional <br>without being intrusive or repetitive?

  • Did the employee actively listen, avoid interrupting and give the guest their undivided <br>attention (i.e. the guest should not have to repeat themselves)?

  • Did employees maintain alert postures and respect the guest’s presence when interacting <br>with each other?

  • Where applicable, did the employee display self-control and empathy in challenging <br>interactions and offer a suitable alternative/resolution?

OTHER / Spa Treatment


  • Was the guest greeted or acknowledged within 90 seconds upon entering the spa or if a <br>booking was made by telephone was the call answered within 3 rings with an appropriate <br>greeting or in the case of digital communication, responded to within 3 minutes?

  • If an online spa booking facility was available, was it easy to navigate and book a treatment?

  • Did the employee clarify the exact treatment required (i.e. type, duration)?

  • If the booking was made within 24 hours, did the employee confirm therapist’s gender at <br>the time of booking and was this adhered to?

  • If asked, was the reception employee knowledgeable about the treatments and spa facilities?

  • Did the employee obtain the guest’s name and room/contact number and repeat details <br>of the booking?

  • Did the employee advise the guest what time to arrive for the treatment and promote spa <br>facilities, if available (i.e. pool, sauna, etc)?

  • Was a confirmation subsequently received and did it include spa etiquette and cancellation policy?


  • When entering the spa was there a sense of arrival that was calm and serene (e.g. through <br>light, sound and scent)?

  • Was there a designated employee present upon arrival?

  • Did the employee confirm the guest’s appointment details (i.e. type and length of treatment)?

  • For first time guests, did the employee offer to escort the guest to the changing rooms and <br>explain the layout and facilities?

  • Were appropriate size bathrobes and slippers provided and were they clean and in good condition?

  • During the arrival process was the guest made aware of how he/she should be attired for <br>the selected treatment?

  • Did the employee advise the guest of the sequence of events (i.e. where to go once changed)?


  • Was the therapist available as per the booking time?

  • If the therapist was not available at the booking time, was an apology subsequently offered?

  • Did the therapist greet the guest and introduce herself/himself?

  • Did the therapist reconfirm the type and duration of the treatment booked?

  • Did the therapist carry out a personal health consultation or review the guest’s health form, <br>where applicable, prior to the treatment?

  • Did the therapist advise the oil/scent to be used for signature treatments or give the guest a <br>choice of oils/scent for a non-signature massage?

  • Was privacy given during disrobing and the treatment?

  • Was there visual/verbal indication of spa employees washing hands prior to and following <br>each treatment?

  • Did the therapist ensure that the guest was comfortable and that the room temperature was <br>acceptable before commencing with the treatment?

  • With a massage was a bolster or rolled towel placed under the guest’s ankles while on his/her <br>front and under the knees while on his/her back, or the treatment bench adjusted if applicable?

  • Was an eye pad/face towel offered when guest turned on to their back (n/a for facials) and <br>were proper draping techniques used?

  • Was the guest appropriately covered with towels or sheets?

  • In the case of a massage did the therapist confirm that the pressure was comfortable for the <br>guest on two occasions during the treatment?

  • Was the treatment free of any interruptions and outside noise?

  • Was soothing/relaxing music played at an appropriate volume or natural environmental <br>sounds, where applicable (rustling leaves, ocean if outdoor)?

  • Did the treatment begin and end on time and last for the full duration?

  • Upon completion of the treatment, did the therapist ascertain the guest’s satisfaction and <br>provide post treatment advice (i.e. drink lots of water, skin care advice, etc.)?

  • Was a choice of beverage offered upon completion of the treatment or available in the <br>relaxation room?

  • Were all food and beverage items offered in non-plastic packaging/containers?

  • Was local mineral water or hotel filtered bottled water promoted?

  • Was the guest escorted back to the lounge, changing/locker room or reception area and thanked?

  • Did the treatment received reflect what was advertised?

  • Was the treatment room and relaxation room (if applicable) clean and well presented with <br>all of the fresh linen/towels clean and in excellent condition?

  • Was the bill clearly itemized and correct and if presented, in a clean billfold (or similar) that <br>was in good condition?

  • Did the employee offer a sincere farewell at the end of the conversation and show appreciation?


  • Were employees well groomed and neatly presented in clean, well fitted uniforms and, if <br>applicable, wearing name badges, resulting in a positive first impression?

  • Was the employee’s speech clear and use of English satisfactory, enabling engagement in <br>two-way conversation with the guest?

  • Did the employees engage in a well-paced, natural (non-scripted, jargon/slang free), <br>friendly and interested manner?

  • Did the employee use the guest’s name naturally and discreetly without overusing it?

  • Did the employee display a high level of confidence when carrying out his/her duties and/<br>or was he/she knowledgeable when answering questions about the other hotel facilities or <br>immediately offer to find out the information required?

  • Was service anticipatory/intuitive with the employee thinking ahead to act on future needs/<br>opportunities of the guest?

  • Did the employee adapt to a changing situation and/or guest’s need?

  • Did the employee make every effort to meet the guest’s requests or offer a suitable alternative?

  • Did an employee personalize the interaction in any way and engage the guest as an individual?

  • Did employees collaborate seamlessly to ensure service was organized and professional <br>without being intrusive or repetitive?

  • Did the employee actively listen, avoid interrupting and give the guest their undivided <br>attention (i.e. the guest should not have to repeat themselves)?

  • Did employees maintain alert postures and respect the guest’s presence when interacting <br>with each other?

  • Where applicable, did the employee display self-control and empathy in challenging <br>interactions and offer a suitable alternative/resolution?



  • Was the hotel’s website professional in design and intuitive?

  • Did the hotel booking engine have differentiated imagery and descriptions for each room type?

  • Did the hotel booking engine have differentiated imagery and descriptions for food and <br>beverage outlets and the spa?

  • Did the booking engine display all relevant room information regarding the bed types, <br>number of guests, and features available in room?

  • Was the booking experience optimized for mobile devices?

  • Could the booking be completed within 5 booking steps (i.e. check availability, room <br>selection, add-ons, guest details and confirmation)?

  • Did the booking engine provide the option to display rates in multiple currencies?

  • Was hotel availability clearly displayed on the booking engine via an availability calendar?

  • Was the site easy to navigate in terms of finding the information required about the hotel <br>experience (i.e. food and beverage options, family friendly, etc.)?

  • Was all information on the hotel website up-to-date and correct?

  • Were booking policies clearly stated at point of booking?

  • If booking made via the hotel’s website, was a confirmation message sent from the hotel <br>with option to modify or cancel reservation online?

  • If booked via the hotel’s website, did subsequent reservation confirmation have links to the <br>hotel’s facilities (i.e. restaurants/spa, etc.)?


  • Were all digital communications polite, professional and written without abbreviations?

  • Was the hotel app promoted to guests, if available?

DISPLAY ONLY / Guest Security


  • Were the emergency exit route and assembly point displayed in the room and easily located <br>(i.e. back of door, in wardrobe)?

  • Was the room door fitted with a viewing port and security latch?

  • Did the room door automatically close shut and latch securely?

  • Were ground floor balcony doors fitted with a secondary latch for added security?


  • Were the lobby and public areas kept clear of unattended luggage?

  • If the guest asked for a replacement key did the employee verify their identity (e.g. via <br>identification document or verification of unique personal information)?

  • Did employees use the guest’s room number discreetly so as not to reveal this to other guests?


  • Were house telephones present in the hotel corridors and in the case of resorts, positioned <br>at intervals in plain view along the outdoor pathways?

  • Did auxiliary employees (e.g. housekeeping, maintenance, etc.) close the guest room doors <br>when visiting the rooms (i.e. during turndown, repairs, etc.)?

  • Did employees explain they were unable to grant access to rooms without verifying the <br>guest’s identity?

  • Was signage for the fire exits clearly visible and were the fire exits unobstructed?


  • Were emergency cords/call buttons or telephone available in the gym and heat experience facilities?


  • If encountered, were security staff dressed professionally and did they display a friendly and <br>courteous manner?

  • If access to the in-room safe was requested did the security employee confirm the <br>registered guest’s identity or positively identify the guest (e.g. check passport/drivers <br>licence or confirm three details on guest profile/reservation)?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.