Title Page
Job or Order Number
Description of Goods
Conducted on
Prepared by
Item Checklist
Take a photo of items before being packaged
Is the item packaged correctly?
Take photo of package or packages
Repackage item to ensure security during transit
Is the item secured to a stand, pallet or in a crate?
Ensure that the item is secured to the stand/pallet/crate with suitable strapping. There should be no movement of the item during transit.
Take photo of Connote or Delivery Docket
Are weights and dimensions marked up on the items and delivery dockets?
All weights must be added to the delivery dockets and items before dispatching, add the information before proceeding. Once done change your answer to yes.
Total weight being dispatched
General Dispatch Description - Pre Loading
Transport Company
Driver's name
Type of Transport
Is the vehicle/trailer combination type suitable for the load type, size and weight?
Contact your supervisor before proceeding with loading.
Is the vehicle/trailer combination type suitable for the load type, size and weight?
Notify supervisor that load cannot be dispatched.
Ensure item and weight is marked on the delivery schedule
Is the vehicle capable of taking the load
Do not load, speak to the supervisor.
Take a photo of the truck and GWM details
Is the load platform and other working areas clean, dry and free from grease or loose items?
Clean the area taking the load, before loading the item. Then answer yes to the question
Is the vehicle parked in an area enabling loading and stable?
Move the vehicle so it's stable to load
Is the right equipment available for loading?
Ensure the right equipment is used to load the truck
Does the item or items require a special lifting device or crane?
Can the load be safely put on the load platform?
Do not load and Notify supervisor if load platform is not suitable.
Is there dunnage or rubber available to stop the load from moving on the load platform?
Obtain suitable dunnage or rubber to put under load to prevent damage and movement.
Ask the driver where the item is to be placed.
Are the items being delivered direct to the customer or being taken back to the transport company's depot?
Load the item then take photo of position on platform or deck
Load Restraint
Does the driver have the correct restraints for the load?
Ensure the right restraints are used for the item being transported. Speak to your supervisor if the right restraints are not available.
Secure the load
Is the load secure that there is no movement during transit?
Take a photos of secured load
Ensure the load is secured before the item leaves Legra. Ensure photos are taken and notes made if this is not the case and the driver refuses to resecure the load. Notify supervisor immediately.
Sign off and Dispatch Confirmation
I verify that the load is correctly restrained and meets NHVR regulations for weight distribution, I also confirm that the vehicle is compliant and able to take the load.
Driver signature
I confirm that the load is correctly positioned, weights are provided on documentation and the load is secured to NHVR regulations.
Loader's signature