Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
How does the light level in each area compare with minimum light levels for areas that function according to AS 1680. Can light levels be reduced?
Housekeeping observations - are lights left on in unused areas
How and When are lights switched on and off each day? <br>Are lights left on after hours?
Could cleaning and routine maintenance be re scheduled to daylight hours to prevent excess use of lights (and HVAC) after hours?
Are automatic on / off controls present or required? <br>If present check that it is a manual on system with off times programmed correctly!
Can automatic controls be permanently over ridden by mistake?
Do after hours switches turn lights off as well as on?<br>(Are more lights on at one time during off-peak periods than need to be?)
Are switching circuits clear to users?
Are there de-lampung opportunities?
Are diffusers required / fitted and of an efficient type? <br>Are diffusers and fittings clean?
Are surface finishes light coloured?
Can lamps be replaced with more efficient options?
Can light fixtures be replaced with more efficient options?
New or retrofitted fittings with maximum light output?
Are lights on when sufficient daylight is present?
Is there a need for daylight controls or user education ( eg Stickers)?
Is there a need for controls in specific areas using occupancy detectors or time delay switches in rooms not in constant use?
Are all electrical connections in the panel and wiring system tight?
Are security lights fitted with photoelectric cells and or possibly occupancy detectors?
Could more efficient security lights be fitted?
Can fluorescents be replaced with high intensity discharge lights?
What type of ballast do the lamps use and what are the replacement options?
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Is it needed in all areas it is used? Can HVAC services be removed from the store rooms, meeting rooms, in-used spaces and entrances? Can natural ventilation be used?l
Check on / off programming appropriate to building use. Are holidays programmed correctly? Does cooling or heating occur at anytime when the buildings are not in use? Can automatic controls be manually permanently over-ridden?
Are there any heaters which are not thermostatically controlled? Are radiators used everywhere?
Is there potential to better use the suns heat in winter? Are areas receiving heat from the sun separately controlled?
Are components appropriately sized? Is a low load chiller present for after hours building use? Should room air conditioners or split systems be installed in small areas with frequent after hours use?
How old is the HVAC plant? What is the expected economic life?
Is it the most cost effective HVAC solution for this application considering whole of life costs?
Is the control system as simple as possible, consistent with achieving reasonable economy?
Would sub metering of air conditioning power use be appropriate?
What were the room temperatures at the time of the visit? Were these appropriate? Do occupants report that they are comfortable all year round? Are jumpers and jackets kept close at hand?
Are the thermostat set points appropriate? Are thermostats located away from heating or cooling devices? Can they be raised in summer or lowered in winter to save energy? Can the range of acceptable temperatures be expanded? Can temperature controls in corridors, lobbies, public spaces, and other areas be different according to the requirements for different spaces at different times of the day?
Can the chilled water or evaporator temperature controls be increased in cooler weather?
Can the heat load be reduced by reducing the solar heat load or by turning off equipment or activating energy star features on computers? Can plastic strip curtains, automatic doors, air curtains or weather screens in front of doors be used to reduce heat load?
Can heat loss / gain be reduced by insulating ducts, pipes, walls or roof spaces; painting outside surfaces light colours; tinting windows or closing drapes at certain times; and / or installing building shading devices ( incl trees)?
Is a good quality vapor barrier apparent? Are appropriate wall and roof insulation levels used? Could external shading be improved?
Are ceiling heights excessive? Could a false ceiling be installed?
Are outside doors fitted with automatic door closers?
Would ventilation of attics , equipment rooms and roof spaces be cost effective?
Are high efficiency filters used and outdoor air volumes reduced appropriately?
Are outside air levels appropriately matched to the need for outside air at different times? Can carbon dioxide sensing or other methods be used to control outside air? Are processes that contaminate the air isolated so that air changes for other areas are not excessive?
Is there excessive heat build up in the air plenums due to machinery or solar heat loads?
Is an economy cycle present / appropriate?
Can evaporative cooling be used either as the only source of cooling or to pre cool outside air for a refrigerative system?
Are zones appropriate for the buildings (during business hours and after hours)?
Is the system balanced adequately?
Is there any reheating of air present that could be avoided?
Is it possible that heating and cooing functions can operate at the same time or any other sequence overlapping occur?
Are humidity controls present that can be avoided, relaxed or accomplished more efficiently?
Is there a time delay on after hours air conditioning controls? What is the time delay period? Can this be shortened? Can after hours air conditioning button be used to manually turn equipment off? Are users aware of this feature? Can labeling be improved?
Can access to after hour air conditioning be controlled by building manager and users charged directly for after hours air conditioning use?
Are there opportunities for heat recovery( eg. Run around coils)?
Are there opportunities for variable speed drives?
Are there opportunities for electronic expansion valves?
When were air conditioners last maintained / how often are they maintained? Can maintenance procedures be improved?
Are dampers well maintained / operating correctly?
Are filters, fins and heat exchanger coils cleaned?
Is any air leaking from air duct?
Optimised stop/ start or other start up later / switch off earlier operating time minimization strategy. Is any form of flushing / night purge used? Can heaters or chillers be switched off early as thermal inertia of building maintains conditions for some time?
Is air leaking from around doors and windows?
Can maximum demand be controlled to save operating costs?
Are uncontrolled room air conditioners present? Should they be interlocked with central system so that only one or the other can run at a time? Should time delay switches, time switches or some other controls be installed?
If supplementary air conditioning is required for meeting rooms, is it switched using time delay switches or equivalent? Could units with in built heat exchangers be cost effective?
Are room air conditioners with poor star ratings apparent?
Is thermal storage a cost effective option?
Control of outside air flow according to inlet air flows?
Tariffs & Billing Issues
Is load shifting, shedding or power factor correction feasible to reduce energy expenditure?
Domestic Hot Water
Are all hot water heaters needed?
Are any oversized?
What hours do they run? What hours do they need to run? Can time switching be justified?
Are existing hot water units efficient? What are their likely economic lives? What should they be replaced with when they reach the end of their lives? Should they be closer to the usage points?
Are AAA rated shower heads and taps used?
Are flow restricting valves used on taps?
Is there any leakage of hot water ( eg. Taps, pipes, or valves)?
Do circulating pumps operate when building is unoccupied?
Is water temperature unnecessarily above 60 - 65 degrees?
Are pipes insulated (min.10mm) between hot water heater and taps?
Should the hot water tank be insulated / more insulated?
Is heat reclamation from other equipment on site a possible source of water heating?
Water Supply
Can water use for landscaping be reduced?
Are bore operating times appropriate?
Is there an opportunity for using solar or other alternative energy operated pumping systems?
Are they all needed?
Can loads be reduced?
Are they sized appropriately?
Can the run times be controlled / reduced?
Are variable speed drives used where applicable?
Could higher efficiency motors be used?
Office Equipment, Hot Water Boilers and Water Chillers
Is each item needed?
Are items turned off after hours? If not, should they be timed off?
Do computers have their energy star features activated or are monitors turned off during periods of no use?