
  • Audit Title

  • Conducted on

  • Completed by

GMP Audit

  • Pass > 80% Fail < 80%

    1. Cleaning records in place and verified.
    2. General tidiness of area.
    3. Hygiene and housekeeping standards.
    4. "Clean as you go" evident.
    5. Correct storage of cleaning equipment.
    6. Cleaning equipment - clean - correct colour.
    7. Waste bins - covered - emptied when full.
    8. Chemicals stored in designated area.
    9. PPE correct - clean - good condition.
    10. Jewellery policy observed.
    11. Hair tied back - single band only.
    12. No evidence of eating/ drinking.
    13. No false eyelashes/nails/nail polish.
    14. Glass guideline/ breakage records in place.
    15. Interior of all machines free from broken glass.
    16. Hygiene covers in place.
    17. No items stored on top of capper hoppers/ bottling line.
    18. No unauthorised signs - no drawing pins.
    19. No tools, materials, components stored directly on floor.
    20. Rinser/ Filler parts/ Capper heads/ spirit pails covered.
    21. Part used boxes of caps are covered.
    22. Authorised knives only - clean - rust free - intact.
    23. All chemical containers - contents identified.
    24. No personal belongins present in production.
    25. Production cupboards - contents controlled.
    26. Blue platsers only.
    27. No damaged perspex equipment/parts.

  • Shift

Hygiene and Housekeeping.

  • 1. Cleaning records in place and verified.

  • Notes/Comments & Machine/Area.

  • Add Photo

  • Action Required/Taken

  • Insert date when action is expected to be completed.

  • Cleaning Record Guidance - example of poorly completed clesning record.

  • Cleaning Record Guidance - example of correctly completed cleaning record.

  • 2. General tidiness of area.

  • Example of bad practice.

  • Notes/Comments & Machine/Area.

  • Add Photo

  • Action Required/Taken

  • Insert date when action is expected to be completed.

  • 3. Hygiene and housekeeping standards.

  • Notes/Comments & Machine/Area.

  • Add Photo.

  • Action Required/Taken.

  • Insert date when action is expected to be completed by.

  • 4. "Clean as you go" evident.

  • Notes/Comments & Machine/Area.

  • Add Photo.

  • Action Required/Taken.

  • Insert date when action is expected to be completed by.

  • 5. Correct storage of cleaning equipment.

  • Notes/Comments & Machine/Area.

  • Add Photo.

  • Action Required/Taken.

  • Insert date when action is expected to be completed by.

  • 6. Cleaning equipment - clean - correct colour.

  • Example of bad practice.

  • Notes/Comments & Machine/Area.

  • Add Photo.

  • Action Required/Taken.

  • Insert date when action is expected to be completed.

  • 7. Waste bins - covered - emptied when full.

  • Example of bad practice.

  • Notes/Comments & Machine/Area.

  • Add Photo.

  • Action Required/Taken.

  • Insert date when action is expected to be completed by.

  • 8. Chemicals stored in designated area.

  • Example of bad practice.

  • Notes/Comments & Machine/Area.

  • Add Photo.

  • Action Required/Taken.

  • Insert date when action is expected to be completed by.

  • 9. PPE correct - clean - good condition.

  • Notes/Comments & Machine/Area.

  • Add Photo.

  • Action Required/Taken.

  • Insert date when action is expected to be completed by.

  • 10. Jewellery policy observed.

  • Notes/Comments & Machine/Area.

  • Add Photo.

  • Action Required/Taken.

  • Insert date when action is expected to be completed by.

  • 11. Hair tied back - single band only.

  • Notes/Comments & Machine/Area.

  • Add Photo.

  • Action Required/Taken.

  • Insert date when action is expected to be completed by.

  • 12. No evidence of eating/drinking.

  • Example of bad practice.

  • Notes/Comments & Machine/Area.

  • Add Photo.

  • Action Required/Taken.

  • Insert date when action is expected to be completed by.

  • 13. No false eyelashes/nails/nail polish.

  • Notes/Comments & Machine/Area.

  • Add Photo.

  • Action Required/Taken.

  • Insert date when action is expected to be completed by.

  • 14. Glass guidelines/breakage records in place.

  • Notes/Comments & Machine/Area.

  • Add Photo.

  • Action Required/Taken.

  • Insert date when action is expected to be completed by.

  • 15. Interior of all machines free from broken glass.

  • Example of bad practice.

  • Notes/Comments & Machine/Area.

  • Add Photo.

  • Action Required/Taken.

  • Insert date when action is expected to be completed by.

  • 16. Hygiene covers in place.

  • Example of bad practice.

  • Notes/Comments & Machine/Area.

  • Add Photo.

  • Action Taken/Required.

  • Insert date when action is expected to be completed by.

  • 17. No items stored on top of capper hoppers/bottling line.

  • Notes/Comments & Machine/Area.

  • Add Photo.

  • Action Taken/Required.

  • Insert date when action is expected to be completed by.

  • 18. No unauthorised signs - no drawing pins.

  • Notes/Comments & Machine/Area.

  • Add Photo.

  • Action Taken/Required.

  • Insert date when action is expected to be completed by.

  • 19. No tools, materials or components to be stored directly on the floor.

  • Notes/Comments & Machine/Area.

  • Add Photo.

  • Action Required/Taken.

  • Insert date when action is expected to be completed by.

  • 20. Rinser/Filler parts/ Capper heads/spirit pails covered.

  • Example of bad practice.

  • Notes/Comments & Machine/Area.

  • Add Photo.

  • Action Taken/Required.

  • Insert date when action is expected to be completed by.

  • 21. Part used boxes of caps arw covered.

  • Notes/Comments & Machine/Area.

  • Add Photo.

  • Action Taken/Required.

  • Insert date when action is expected to be completed by.

  • 22. Authorised knives only.

  • Example of bad practice.

  • Notes/Comments & Machine/Area.

  • Add Photo.

  • Action Taken/Required.

  • Insert date when action is expected to be completed by.

  • 23. All chemical containers - contents identifued.

  • Notes/Comments & Machine/Area.

  • Add Photo.

  • Action Taken/Required.

  • Insert date when action is expected to be completed by.

  • 24. No personal belongings present in production.

  • Notes/Comments & Machine/Area.

  • Add Photo.

  • Action Taken/Required.

  • Insert date when action is expected to be completed by.

  • 25. Production cupboards - contents controlled.

  • Notes/Comments & Machine/Area.

  • Add Photo.

  • Action Taken/Required.

  • Insert date when action is expected to be completed by.

  • 26. Blue plasters only.

  • Notes/Comments & Machine/Area.

  • Add Photo.

  • Action Taken/Required.

  • Insert date when action is expected to be completed by.

  • 27. No damaged perspex equipment/parts.

  • Example of bad practice.

  • Notes/Comments & Machine/Area.

  • Add Photo.

  • Action Taken/Required.

  • Insert date when action is expected to be completed by.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.