Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
A: General Information about the establishment
Date of application:
Name of reporting veterinary officer:
Name of holding:
GPS coordingates:
Registration number of establishment:
Physical address:
Postal address:
Postal code:
District / Municipality:
Telephone number:
Fax number:
Name of manager/ owner:
Telephone number of manager/ owner
Fax number of manager/ owner
Email of manager / owner
Name of hygiene manager:
Telephone number of hygiene manager:
Email of hygiene manager:
Name of authorized veterinarian responsible for veterinary inspections and export certification:
Name of authorized veterinarian responsible for inspecting the establishment on a regular basis:
Please list the countries the establishment exports to:
Does the establishment manufacture premixes?
Does the establishment manufacture supplements without animal byproducts?
Does the establishment manufacture supplements with animal byproducts?
Does the establishment manufacture complete farm feeds without animal byproducts?
Does the establishment manufacture complete farm feeds with animal byproducts?
Total number of full time equivalent workers?
Number of HACCP studies?
B: Declaration by owner/ manager/ authorized representative:
I the owner, manager, authorized representative of the above mentioned establishment , hereby agree to comply with all the requirements set by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries for the approval of this establishment and I agree to co-operate with the veterinary officials in this regard.
I understand that the approval of the establishment can be withdrawn at any time if any shortcomings are detected. -
Owner/ manager/ authorized company representative.
C: Declaration by official veterinarian at the establishment:
I the undersigned official veterinarian responsible for providing an inspection and certification service at the establishment mentioned in the preceding pages hereby agree to abide by the conditions set by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and importing countries (where applicable) for the approval for this establishment.
A comprehensive inspection report is attached to this application and, in case of a new registration, all supporting documents are provided.
The suggested date of re-registration is the same as the expiry date. -
This report must be completed by the veterinary official at the time of inspection of the establishment. The required standard is stipulated in Part III of this VPN.
1. Management requirements:
1.1 The management of the establishment supplied the following, which is attached to this application:
If the establishment does not sterilise its own ingredients – a list of the ZA approved sterilising plants that supply the animal feed ingredients if ingredients of animal origin included.
A list of products (and ingredients) produced at the establishment with confirmation of current registration at Act 36.
A list of companies supplying ingredients to the establishment
Site plan and detailed plans of the establishment
1.2 In case of re-registration, is the current ZA certificate displayed at the facility?
1.3 Remark on general housekeeping standards of premises and equipment.
Immage of the area.
1.4 Comment on the management’s co-operation with the veterinary officials and perceived level of commitment of the management to comply with the required standard for an export approved establishment.
Documents examined:
Records examined:
Personnel interviewed:
2. Structural requirements:
2.1 Access control
Please take a photo of the access control.
a. Describe the access control of the facility
b. Are there lockable gates, which are locked when not in use?
c. Is / are there a sign(s) “Restricted Area. No unauthorised entry allowed.” at all entrances?
Documents examined:
Records examined:
Personnel interviewed:
2.2 Premises
a. Are the grounds free from uncut grass and weeds, waste, litter and miscellaneous materials?
b. Is drainage adequate to prevent pooling and stagnant water on the premises.
c. Is the ongoing maintanance of buildings and equipment up to date?
d. Are the building, loading areas and equipment designed so as not to create health hazards, also with regards to prevention of foreign material in the product?
Are the floors, walls and ceilings should be of impervious material without cracks or peeling paint to facilitate cleaning.
Comment on the premises in general and in terms of the above requirements:
Documents examined:
Records examined:
Personnel interviewed:
2.3 Ablution/staff facilities
a. Are there dedicated areas for eating, drinking, resting, smoking, with areas for storage of food etc?
Are the ablutions adequate?
Name of ablution
b.Are ablution facilities adequate for the number of personnel?
c. Are they clean and away from the production areas?
d. Do they have antibacterial soap?
Do they have toilet paper?
Are there bins adequate for waste?
Is there an adequate method for personnel to dry their hands?
Do they have lockers?
Do they have hot and cold water?
Documents examined:
Records examined:
Personnel interviewed:
2.4 Mixing equipment
a. Is equipment in good working order and maintained well?
Is calibration of weighing and metering equipment done regularly by an approved company and records of this available?
Documents examined:
Records examined:
Personnel interviewed:
2.5 Handling of ingredients and finished product
There must be a one-way flow of production so that ingredients cannot contaminate the finished products.
a. Does production flow proceed from ingredients to final products in such a manner so as to ensure no cross-flow between products?
b. Are there separate entrances for ingredients and final products?
c. Are there separate stores for ingredients and final products?
d. Are any in-feed medications?
Are the feed medications stored in a lockable area?
Is there a register kept? And is it up to date?
Documents examined:
Records examined:
Personnel interviewed:
2.6 Storage and Packing areas
Are the packing stores designed in such a way as to prevent an increase in risk to the product?
Packing / Storage area:
Name of store:
a. Are storage areas enclosed and designed in a way to protect packaging material from damage, pollution and deterioration?
b. Are the products stored off the floor and away from the walls?
c. Are all final products properly labelled and coded, to ensure traceability to production date and batch number? <br>
Is the chemical store suitable?
Chemical store
Name of store:
Are the instructions for use available in the store?
d. Are chemicals stored securely and in a lockable area?
Is there a register to prevent contamination of product?
Are all chemicals correctly identified?
Are the dilutions available in the store?
Are all MSDS's available in the sore?
Is the controlled substances store adequate?
controlled substances store
Name of store:
e. Are all controlled substances stored separately and securely and in a way to prevent contamination of product?<br>
Are all the controlled substances correctly labeled?
Are there any expired controlled substances?
Documents examined:
Records examined:
Personnel interviewed:
Production areas
Production area
Production area
Area identification:
Is the area clean?
Is the roof suitable?
Are the walls suitable?
Is the floor suitable?
Is the equipment suitable and in a suitable condition?
Is pest proofing adequate?
2.7 Containers
a. Are the containers intact and clean?
b.Are the containers new or used?
c. Are the containers sealed?
Documents examined:
Records examined:
Personnel interviewed:
2.8 Dispatch of final product
Is the cleanliness of dispatch vehicles checked?
If they are not clean do they get cleaned?
Documents examined:
Records examined:
Personnel interviewed:
3 Hygiene / housekeeping / sanitation
3.1 Protective clothing
a. Is protective clothing provided to all personnel working and visitors entering the production areas?
b. Staff should not wear protective clothing outside processing areas. Is this enforced?
c. Is the protective clothing laundered in-house or at an approved laundry?<br>
d. Is there signage to inform all persons entering the feed handling areas to adhere to the protective clothing policy?
3.2 Cleaning, hygiene and sanitation of structure and equipment
Are there dedicated lines for specific products?
How is equipment cleaned?
How is equipment cleaned between batches to prevent contamination of products?
a. Does the establishment have a good sanitation programme?
b. Are master cleaning schedules in place per area and is the frequency of cleaning adhered to?<br>
c. Are surfaces inside the establishment easy to clean and disinfect?
3.3 Waste removal
a. Is waste management contracted to a registered waste management company?<br>
b. Is low risk waste dumped at an approved dumping site?
c. Is high risk waste only dumped at high risk dumping ground?
Describe the waste removal programme for low- and high-risk waste.
3.4 Pest control
a. Is pest control contracted to a pest control company registered with Act 36?
b. Is an effective pest control system documented and implemented?
c. Is the building adequately sealed to limit pest infestation?
d. Is a site map of the bait stations on the premises available?
e. Is waste disposal handled in such a way that insect and odour control is effected and pest infestation prevented?<br>
3.5 Water quality
a. Is only potable water used if included as an ingredient in the product?
Facility Inspection
Importing country requirements
Importing country requirements
Country requirements
Country name:
Image of the import permit
Please give the requirement:
Can the establishment provide evidence of compliance to the above requirement?
4.1 Prerequisite programs
a. Is there an SOP for cleaning and sanitation?
Does the SOP for cleaning and sanitation include verification of the effectiveness of cleaning and sanitation?
b. Is there a GMP system?
Documents examined:
Records examined:
Personnel interviewed:
4.2 Traceability
a. Are production records kept of all products manufactured (with ingredients used) and are these sufficient to ensure that traceability can be proved for all products manufactured?
b. Is forward tracing linked to batch numbers and production dates in place?
c. Is a system in place for product recall?
d. Are retention samples kept until expiry/best before date?
e. Are records kept of complaints with regards to the product quality?
f. Are certificates of analysis obtained for raw materials before they are used?
Describe the traceability system used?
Documents examined:
Records examined:
Personnel interviewed:
4.3 Feed containing animal products
4.3 Does the feed contain animal by-products:
Does the feed contain animal by-products?
b. What species is the material derived from?
- Bovine
- Ovince
- Caprine
- Porcine
- Poultry
- Ostrich
- Fish meal from wild caught fish
- Fish meal from farmed fish
c. What organs are used?
- Red offal
- Green offal
- Condemned meat
- Esthetically condemned meat
d. Who is the supplier of the animal materials?
e. Are any animal materials imported?
f. If so, from where?
g. Describe the processing of the animal material.
h. Describe steps taken to prevent the contamination of feed lines after the use of animal products or controlled substances.
Documents examined:
Records examined:
Personnel interviewed:
4.4 Training
a. Is there initial and ongoing training for staff?
b. Are technically competent staff appointed at critical areas?
Documents examined:
Records examined:
Personnel interviewed:
4.5 Genetically Modified Organisms
a. Are any genetically modified organisms used in the manufacture of the feed?
b. Is the feed tested for the presence of GMO’s?
If present, describe GMO’s present as described by facility representative:
Documents examined:
Records examined:
Personnel interviewed:
4.6 Controlled substances
Are any controlled substances used?
a. Are there steroid growth promotants on site?
b. Are there Beta-agonists on site? <br>
c. Are there antibiotics on site?
d. Is there a veterinary prescription for antibiotics at the facility?
e. Is a register kept of all controlled substances entering and leaving lockable area?
Please supply details of what, how much and how controlled substances are stored:
Documents examined:
Records examined:
Personnel interviewed:
5. Labeling
Does the label contain the name of the feed?
Does the label contain the registration number of the feed with act 36?
Does the label contain a complete composition of the feed?
Is the weight or volume indicated on the label?
Is the name and address of the registration holder indicated on the label?
Is a Batch number / Date of manufacture / Expiry date / Best Before date indicated on the label?
If controlled substances are indicated are the levels of addition indicated?
If controlled substances are added are the withdrawal periods indicated?
Documents examined:
Records examined:
Personnel interviewed:
6. Processing / mixing
6.1. Does the establishment comply with the processing / mixing requirements of the importing country in an auditable manner?
Documents examined:
Records examined:
Personnel interviewed:
Site plan – This plan must indicate:
a) the location of the facility in relation to public roads, farms or buildings/structures adjacent to the site
b) The scale used (1:200 or otherwise approved by provincial executive officer)
c) The true north
d) Situation and direction of the boundaries of the site
e) Situation of access roads to and inside the site
f) Structural specifications of fences and gates including the height
g) Detail, position and construction of the sewerage systems.
h) Detail of storm water drainage
i) Position of access control system.
j) Position of receiving end.
k) Flow of product through the facility including mixing, equipment and packaging areas.
l) Position of storage of controlled substances.
m) Position of dispatch of final product.
n) Position of waste containers
o) Position of workers canteen
p) Position of the ablution facilities.
q) Position of bait stations for pest control.
Please tick if attached.
Copies of Act 36 registration
Product flow map
Copy of import requirements of the country(ies) exporting to
List of all controlled substances at facility
List of ingredients included in each export product (including suppliers)
List of products for export
Copy of SOP for traceability
Copy of SOP for prevention of cross-contamination
Copy of SOP for cleaning