Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Inspection Information
Location / Area:
Area Supervisor:
Is a SWMS in place and communicated to workers
Are deliveries irregular (e.g a delivery requiring manual handling) and does the SWMS covers this and the need for drivers of irregular deliveries to report to the project office or prearranged location?
Has the project established suitable loading, unloading and storage areas suit the nature of the loads, the types of delivery vehicles, etc?
Is there a Traffic Management Plan and Vehicle Movement Plan for the vehicle access routes?
Has there been suitable and sufficient signage at project access points to direct deliveries to the reception area, site office or laydown year facility?
Has the project established a system to provide suppliers with instructions regarding safe entry to the project (e.g. provide driver with copy of VMP for required gate)?
Is there a process in place to refuse acceptance of any delivery that cannot be managed or where no notification has been given to the project?
Is a system in place to ensure the delivery driver remains with the vehicle until the receiving Supervisor arrives?
During unloading activities is the responsible Supervisor present to monitor the safe unloading/loading of materials, plant etc
Is a system established to record details of the delivery driver and vehicle recorded in the "delivery driver register" and is their evidence of delivery drivers signed in/out on the register?
Is a delivery driver induction system established?
Is a system established to inspect the condition of vehicle(s) and check the load is secure prior to allowing entry to site?
Is their a system inplace to ensure all delivery drivers have and wear all minimum Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)? Spare PPE available?
Is a system established to ensure where drivers are accompanied by a passenger (s) who is not assisting with the delivery the person remains at the the main office or offsite location?
System established to check competencies of drivers where lifting equipment is to be used or plant is to be unloaded?
Has the project established a system to ensure safe/egress is provided to loads/vehicles?
Has safe access been established from a level working platform, has access to the vehicle load bed been assessed and approved before use? (e.g mobile stair units, retractable steps, ladders, ramps)
When loading/unloading plant is the transporter on firm, level gournd and correctly positioned with its brakes on and the ramps secured and long enough to keep the ramp angle low?
Is there adequate traction
When loading/unloading mobile plant has it been ensured that the plant cannot change its position durnig transit (e.g brakes engaged, securely lashed, no loose items, slewing arms secure)
Corrective/Preventive Actions
Corrective Actions
Inspection Team