
  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by


  • Condition of overalls

  • Safety footwear worn

  • Personal appearance

  • Discuss any training needs


  • Are calibration certificates up to date

  • Brake tester clean and working

  • Headlamp tester clean and working

  • Gas analyser clean and working

  • Ramp clean and beam jack present with no leaks

  • VT 9 certificate of authorisation displayed

  • MOT customer information displayed

  • MOT computer clean and dust free

  • Quality control carried out monthly


  • SWL clearly marked

  • Toe trap protectors fitted and functional

  • Return spring operational

  • Electrical connectors sound


  • Cut out interlock on hood working

  • Foot brake working

  • Electrical connectors sound

  • Is machine clean and can control and warning signs be seen?


  • Claws not worn or sharp

  • Bead breaker operational

  • Electrical connectors sound

  • Is machine clean and can control and warning signs be seen?

  • Machine oil levels checked


  • Guards secure

  • Airline OK (no leaks, etc)

  • Oil level OK / service date

  • Water drained off


  • Are all removed tyres stored securely and in accordance with company insurance requirments

  • PAT testing up to date ? ( every 2 years)

  • Fire exits clear and marked

  • Passageways clear

  • Gas bottles secure in trolley

  • Welding equipment in good order and hoses not perished

  • Hand lamps serviceable

  • Mess room clean and hygienic

  • Are toilet and washroom facilities clean and hygienic

  • Is toilet paper provided

  • Is hand cleaning soap provided

  • Are hand drying facilities provided

  • Floor swept and clean and in good condition

  • Adequate lighting

  • Bins covered and emptied

  • Racking safe and in good order

  • General electrics in good condition

  • Is company smoking policy followed


  • Statutory poster Health and Safety Law with up to date details

  • Electric shock first aid treatment poster

  • Certificate of Employers Liability Insurance

  • Notice boards up to date with information

  • Accident book available and in use

  • Equipment register for compressors (service history)

  • Equipment register for ramps (service history)

  • Company H & S policy manual up to date

  • Are customers discouraged from w/shop

  • Are tasks carried out in accordance with risk assessments?


  • Latex/disposable gloves

  • Dust masks available

  • Safety glasses available and used

  • Welding googles available and used

  • Welding gauntlets available and used

  • Hand cleaner available

  • Barrier cream available

  • Is PPE provided suitable and used


  • Fire extinguishers available, serviced and access unrestricted

  • Axle stands available

  • Trolley jacks in good order with SWL clearly marked

  • First aid kit available and freshly stocked

  • Qualified first aider on site

  • Eye wash available and in date

  • Ladders and steps in good order


  • Registration of vehicle inspected

  • Weekly checks carried out and logged

  • Trolley Jacks and axle stands ok and working (x 2)

  • Air lines

  • Wire brush available for use

  • Ear defenders and eye protection available

  • In line pressure gauges ok and working

  • Torque wrench and air gauge calibration certificates available

  • Bead Cheater in good condition

  • Is there a no smoking sign displayed in van cab

  • Torque wrenches and procedure with data

  • 8 Traffic cones available for use

  • Power bar available for use

  • Reflective jacket BSAU 471 class 3

  • Waterproof clothing

  • Fire extinguisher available

  • First aid kit available and in date

  • Are plug patches available, buffing solution,vulcanising solution,scrapper, fine wire brush,6mm carbine cutter, inner liner sealer for van/car tyre repairs to British standards<br>

  • Cleanliness and graphics

  • Are motor accident reporting packs available in the van <br>

  • Is the bandvulc safety notice displayed in the back of the van


  • Registration of vehicle inspected

  • Weekly checks carried out and logged

  • Trolley Jacks and axle stands ok and working (x 2)

  • Air lines

  • Wire brush available for use

  • Ear defenders and eye protection available

  • In line pressure gauges ok and working

  • Torque wrench and air gauge calibration certificates available

  • Bead Cheater in good condition

  • Is there a no smoking sign displayed in van cab

  • Torque wrenches and procedure with data

  • 8 Traffic cones available for use

  • Power bar available for use

  • Reflective jacket BSAU 471 class 3

  • Waterproof clothing

  • Fire extinguisher available

  • First aid kit available and in date

  • Are plug patches available, buffing solution,vulcanising solution,scrapper, fine wire brush,6mm carbine cutter, inner liner sealer for van/car tyre repairs to British standards<br>

  • Cleanliness and graphics

  • Are motor accident reporting packs available in the van <br>

  • Is the bandvulc safety notice displayed in the back of the van


  • Weeds, paintwork, litter, parking, etc

  • Is wheelie bin secured overnight? (Within building or secure compound)

Customer service

  • Seat cover used

  • Steering wheel cover or latex gloves used

  • Floor mats used


  • Service records available for compressors

  • Jack maintenance records up to date

  • Managers monthly check sheet completed

  • Racking log up to date

  • Vehicle service logs up to date

  • Tool log up to date

  • Ladder log up to date

  • Staff training log up to date

  • PPE signatures up to date

  • Fire alarm checks up to date

  • Date of last fire evacuation test

  • Are Coshh assessments up to date

  • Are risk assessments up to date

  • Is the fire Risk Assessment up to date

  • Check easytrack system for overdue service and MOT dates

  • Check intruder alarm sensors are not obstructed by tyre stacks

  • Is Izettle being used for credit card transactions

  • Is call logging being used to record all jobs

Stock checks

  • Have you checked 5 items of cameo stock against physical stock (please list description in notes)

  • Have you cross checked 5 items of physical stock against cameo stock (please list description in notes)

  • Are weekly stock checks being carried out by depot manager

  • Further observations

  • Please note that you have 7 days to carry out the rectifications listed, you also have 7 days to notify the health and safety advisor by email that the rectifications have been carried out. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.

  • Managers signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.