Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Property Details

  • Property type

  • Connected properties?

  • Connected Properties?

  • How many floors to the building?

  • Elevation Photographs

  • Heating Type

  • Gas Boiler in space to be insulated?

  • Is there sufficient clearance between the insulation and flues/chimneys in accordance with PAS2030?

  • Insulation material to be removed from the vicinity of the flue/chimney in accordance with PAS2030. Photographs taken before and after to confirm that this has taken place. Operations Supervisor to be contacted to arrange remedial work to be scheduled to rectify.

Installation details

  • Date insulation was installed

  • Installation operatives

  • Has the loft been previously insulated?

  • What is the depth of the existing insulation in mm?

  • Does the total depth of the existing insulation and the additional insulation now installed, equal or exceed 270mm in depth consistently across 100% of the area being insulated

  • Has 67% or more of the area being insulated been successfully insulated?

  • Photographs of insulated area, these should include any areas that have been omitted and notes added to support the omission.

  • Operation Supervisor to be contacted to discuss and arrange any remedial action required to rectify

  • Refer to installation photographs to confirm.

  • Photographs of loft space showing insulation

  • undefined

  • Has 67% or more of the space to be insulated been successfully insulated?

  • Photographs showing areas of installed insulation.

  • Photographs showing omitted areas to be taken and passed to Operations Supervisor to determine whether or not remedial action is required.

  • Has the loft hatch been insulated as specified in the relevant PAS2030 Annex?

  • Is the loft hatch suitable for for insulation to be installed?

  • Operations Supervisor to be contacted to arrange for remedial work to rectify.

  • Photograph of loft hatch highlighting reason for insulation having not been installed

  • Photograph of loft hatch insulation

  • Has the loft hatch been draught proofed as specified in the relevant PAS2030 Annex?

  • Photograph of draught proofing on loft hatch

  • Operations Supervisor to be contacted to arrange for remedial work to be scheduled to rectify.

  • Does the hatch have correctly fitted hooks and eyes to ensure a firm seal?

  • Is there any reason why hooks and eyes cannot be fitted?

  • Operations Supervisor to be contacted to arrange for remedial work to be scheduled to rectify

  • Pictures required highlighting the reason that fasteners cannot be fitted.

  • Picture highlighting why the fasteners cannot be fitted

  • Picture showing loft hatch fasteners.

  • Have all avoidable thermal bridges/heat loss areas been insulated?

  • Has insulation been close butted?

  • Operations Supervisor to be contacted to arrange for remedial work to be scheduled to rectify

  • Has insulation been cross laid to prevent cold bridging?

  • Operations Supervisor to be contacted to arrange for remedial work to be scheduled to rectify

  • Have any and all working pipes and tanks in the cold space been properly insulated?

  • Photographs of all working pipes and tank

  • Operations Supervisor to be contacted to arrange for remedial work to be scheduled to rectify

  • Have down lighters been fitted to the existing ceiling?

  • Have they been fitted with F Caps and correctly sealed with silicone sealant?

  • Are covers fitted but not sealed?

  • Property to be made safe where possible and the Operations Supervisor contacted to arrange for a CAT 1 remedial action.

  • Photographs showing covers fitted for safety. - Treat as a 10 day remedial.

  • Picture showing correctly fitted F Cap

  • Are all high current electric cables (if any are present in the loft space) safeguarded in accordance with PAS2030? - Laid on top of insulation or insulation channelled to allow the cable to pass through where unable to lay on top of insulation.

  • Insulation covering any electric cables to be removed in accordance with PAS2030, photographs taken before and after to confirm this has taken place. Operations Supervisor to be contacted to book remedial work.

  • Refer to installation photographs, if inconclusive then report it to retrofit coordinator.

  • Are any other electrical apparatus penetrating the ceiling which require safeguarding in accordance with PAS2030?

  • Have they been safeguarded correctly?

  • Insulation should be removed from the vicinity of the electrical apparatus to ensure safety, photographs taken before and after to confirm this has taken place. Operations Supervisor to be contacted to book remedial work.

  • State reason why it is not possible to validate

  • Have all essential ventilation openings been safeguarded in accordance with PAS2030?

  • Photographs taken showing problem areas to be rectified, Operations Supervisor contacted to book remedial work.

  • State reason why it is not possible to validate

  • Does the provision of ventilation in the property meet the requirements of the relevant version of PAS2030?

  • If the provision of ventilation is not adequate or does not meet the requirements of the relevant version of PAS2030 then this must be reported to the Retrofit Coordinator for remedial action.

  • State reason why it is not possible to validate

  • Is a walk-board required in the loft space?

  • Is one fitted?

  • Photograph showing walk-board

  • Refer to Operations Supervisor to arrange for remedial action to be scheduled.

  • Are warning signs fitted in accordance with PAS2030

  • Operations Supervisor to be contacted to ensure that remedial action is booked to fit notices in relevant areas of the loft space.

  • Photographs of warning notices fitted

  • Do any faults specific to the installation of the measure present an immediate risk to the occupier?

  • Efforts are to be made to immediately ensure that the risk of danger is removed where possible, Operations Manager and Supervisor are to be contacted to notify them of a CAT 1 Fail and for action to be taken to make the property safe.

  • Do you believe that there are no other safety related issues with the installation?

  • Areas of concern should be reported and photographs taken supporting these concerns. Should there be any immediate risk to the occupier or the property then it is to be treated as a CAT 1 Fail, reported and an effort made immediately to ensure the safety of the occupier and the property.

Customer Feedback

  • Was the customer home at the time of the inspection?

  • How would the customer rate their experience of arranging the installation?

  • How would the customer rate the service received by the installers?

  • How likely is the customer to recommend Envo Energy?

  • Customer comments

Inspection Outcome

  • Inspection Outcome

  • Contact Operations Supervisor to highlight problems and book remedial action.

  • Operations Manager and Operations Supervisor to be contacted to ensure that faults are rectified urgently

  • Inspectors Comments

  • Inspectors Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.