Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Time audit start
Centre Entry and Office
Gate secure and self closing
Front door locked and self closing
Nominated Supervisor , Approved Provider, Complaint handling details displayed clearly
Foyer tidy and clean<br>
Current NQF Ratings (or NCAC) displayed<br>
Emergency evacuation information displayed
CPR chart current and displayed
Nominated Supervisor Roster completed m
All staff signed into and out of shifts
Work Heath and safety policies, procedures and forms are accessible to all staff
Visitors book available and correctly filled in
Student and volunteer book correctly filled in<br>
Two weeks of menus displayed
Centre policies are up to date and accessible by staff and families
Centre Philosophy displayed <br>
Staff bios displayed
Staff room door closed
Staff bathroom door closed
Digital display operational
Continual Improvement opportunities in Entry <br>
Continual Improvement opportunities in Entry <br>
0-3 ROOM
Room clean
Door closed and self closing
Store room doors closed and locked
Door to nappy change area closed <br>
Emergency evacuation information displayed
CPR chart current and displayed
First Aid Box accessible by staff and contents up to date
Staff:child ratio at regulation level or higher
Room at appropriate temperature<br>
Use of natural light and ventilation<br>
Medical information sheets up to date, displayed and signed by staff
Child sign in sheet filled in
Daily routine displayed
Baby and toddler day charts up to date
Equipment clean and in good repair
All children engaged with activity/ staff-child interactions/ caregiving routines
Appropriate activities for children aged 0-1
Appropriate activities for children aged 1-2
Appropriate activities for children aged 2-3
Staff dressed in appropriate uniform and abide by correct dress code
Continual Improvement opportunities in 0-3 room<br>
Indoor program displayed and up to date
Red group portfolios available and up to date
Blue group portfolios available and up to date
Green group portfolios available and up to date
Linkages between programs demonstrated
Linkages between EYLF demonstrated
Daily journals displayed and up to date (completed by 2.30pm)
Continual Improvement opportunities in 0-3 room program<br>
3-5 ROOM
Door closed and self closing
Room clean
Storeroom doors closed and locked
Emergency evacuation information displayed<br>
CPR chart current and displayed
First Aid Box accessible by staff and contents up to date
Staff:child ratio at regulation level or higher
Room at appropriate temperature<br>
Use of natural light and ventilation<br>
Medical information sheets up to date, displayed and signed by staff
Child sign in sheet filled in
Equipment clean and in good repair
All children engaged with activity/ staff-child interactions/ caregiving routines
Appropriate activities for children aged 3-4
Appropriate activities for children aged 4-5
Staff dressed in appropriate uniform and abide by correct dress code
Continual Improvement opportunities in 3-5 room <br>
Indoor program displayed and up to date
Red group portfolios available and up to date
Blue group portfolios available and up to date
Yellow group portfolios available and up to date
Linkages between programs demonstrated
Linkages between EYLF demonstrated
Daily journals displayed and up to date (completed by 2.30pm)
Continual Improvement opportunities in 3-5 room program<br>
Outdoor safety checklist up to date
First Aid Box accessible by staff and contents up to date
CPR chart current and displayed
Equipment clean and in good repair
Area clean and tidy
Storeroom and laundry doors locked or inaccessible to children
Staff : child ratios at regulation or higher<br>
Fence checked to assure children are unable to pass through, or go over or under it
Outdoor program is accessible , facilitated and up to date
All children have hats
All children have sunscreen applied
Children has access to drinking water
Activities are provided in shaded areas
Continual Improvement opportunities for Outdoor Playground<br>
Kitchen kept hygienic
Food handling qualifications displayed
Food handling procedures followed
Correct and safe storage of food
Door closed
Area inaccessible to children
Cupboards containing chemicals are clearly labeled
Material safety data sheets displayed for all chemicals
Continual Improvement opportunities for Kitchen<br>
Door closed and inaccessible to children
Area kept tidy
Chemicals kept inaccessible to children
Pet foods are stored in containers to prevent access to pests
Cupboards containing chemicals are clearly labeled
Material safety data sheets displayed for all chemicals
Continual Improvement opportunities for laundry <br>
Finish and sign off
Continual Improvement opportunities in general.<br>
Time complete