
  • Audit Title

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location


  • All external bins are clean and lidded?

  • All internal bins are clean covered and emptied at least once per session?

  • External waste area is tidy and free from grease, dirt and debris?

  • All refuse is in lidded bins?

  • Smoking area is away from any doors ?

  • Other Comments

  • Ambient Storage

Ambient Storage

  • All food within best before date and being rotated?

  • All food in sealed packaging?

  • Racking is cleanable?

  • No damaged food or packaging?

  • Store is clean and all lights working?

  • No food stored on the floor including oil?

  • Non food items stored separately or below food?

  • Shelving is safe and not overloaded?

  • Other Comments

  • Chilled / Frozen Food

Chilled / Frozen Food

  • All food within use by or best before date?

  • There is no evidence of relabelling?

  • All food covered and date coded ?

  • All external packaging removed?

  • All units have working thermometers?

  • Raw food and high risk food segregated?

  • Interiors, hand contact surfaces and seals clean and in good condition?

  • No fridges / freezers need defrosting?

  • No food stored on the floor?

  • There is no evidence of food being frozen in house?

  • All seals are in tact?

  • All food being defrosted is refrigerated, covered and labelled?

  • Other Comments

  • Food Preperation

Food Preperation

  • All food labelled and within date?

  • Chopping boards are in good conditions, all available and stored separately?

  • Disposable aprons and gloves in use for raw prep?

  • All food storage containers are stored upside down?

  • Fridges and freezers are above below maximum temperature?

  • Cook matrices are up to date and displayed ?

  • Equipment is in good condition and clean ?

  • Any glass in the kitchen is stored below food storage areas, prep areas and plates, bowls etc?

  • Equipment and work area is clean with no contamination risks?

  • Utensils including the grill brush are clean and in a safe condition?

  • All salad items are sanitised before use?

  • Chlortabs are available and in use?

  • Is the team member able to explain the dilution rate for chlorotabs?

  • There is a separate are for preperation of raw meat

  • Hot held food is above 65oC and is discarded after 2 hours?

  • 2 food probes are available, are clean and in use ?

  • Probe wipes area available and are in use?

  • Hot holding equipment is pre heated before use?

  • Fire blanket available in kitchen?

  • PPE available and in good condition?

  • Kitchen gas / electricity cut off unobstructed ?

  • Kitchen floor is in good condition and not slippy?

  • Other Comments

  • Cleaning and Hygeine

Cleaning and Hygiene

  • Structures and equipment are being cleaned in line with the cleaning schedule?

  • Clean as you go being observed?

  • Cleaning equipment is in good condition and there is adequate provision ?

  • Colour coded clothes and equipment are in correct use?

  • Is the team member able to explain the cloth policy?

  • No build up of grease, carbon or dirt on any equipment, structure or floor?

  • Red spot and other company approved chemicals only are in use?

  • Dishwasher is clean internally and externally?

  • All food and hand contact surfaces are clean and sanitised?

  • Glasswash is clean internally and externally?

  • Wash basins are clean and have supplies of soap and paper towels?

  • Grill cleaning poster on display?

  • Deck scrub, vet vac and squeegee available?

  • Other Comments

  • Practices


  • Frequent hand washing is observed? Paper towel used to turn off taps?

  • Is correct tong policy in use? Are they being flamed?

  • Are team wearing correct and clean uniform, with jewellery policy adhered to?

  • Were the team members able to answer questions on allergens?

  • Were the team able to explain contact time for D10?

  • Is grill mapping evident? Does it match the written policy?

  • Brown chopping board in use for un sanitised salad / veg?

  • Clothes not held in sanitiser?

  • Salad tongs and spoons changed with products?

  • Other Comments

  • Extraction


  • Record date of last canopy clean

  • The extract is working effectively during service and production?

  • The filters are clean and free from grease and dirt?

  • The canopies are clean and free from grease and dirt?

  • All canopy lights are working?

  • Other Comments

  • Team Room

Team Room

  • Team room is tidy and clean?

  • Team toilets are clean?

  • There is hot water, soap and hand towels for team hand washing?

  • There is nothing on top of, behind or at the side of the tumble dryer?

  • The tumble dryer is free from lint?

  • Other Comments

  • Cellar


  • Ice scoop is stored in sanitised and covered?

  • Cellar is clean tidy and organised?

  • Couplers clean?

  • All kegs are within date and being rotated?

  • Ice machine is clean inside and out?

  • Beer lines clean

  • Record cellar temperature

  • PPE available and in good condition?

  • Full gas cylinders stored upright, only empties lying down?

  • Other Comments

  • H&S Walk Around

H&S Walk Around

  • Bar nozzles are being cleaned daily?

  • Site free from trip hazards ?

  • Emergency exit doors are signed?

  • Fire exits are kept clear from obstructions?

  • Fire exits are all unlocked?

  • Internal fire doors are kept closed?

  • Fire extinguishers have not been used and are stored in appropriate locations?

  • Fire alarm call points free from obstruction?

  • Fire evacuation pack available?

  • Company approved ladder available and in safe condition?

  • High hairs safe ?

  • Boiler room free from storage materials?

  • Car park free from potholes?

  • Other Comments

  • Notices


  • No smoking sign displayed by front enterance?

  • Is a premise licence summary and a section 57 notice displayed at the front entrance?

  • Is the correct weights and measures notice displayed at the bar?

  • First aid appointed persons notice up to date?

  • Are fire evacuation notices displayed?

  • MAB H&S policy statement displayed?

  • H&S law poster displayed?

  • Licensing responsibilities poster on display?

  • Home office test purchasing poster on display?

  • Stop and think poster on display?

  • Acceptable ID poster on display?

  • Today's date is poster on display?

  • Other Comments

  • Kitchen Due Diligence

Kitchen Due Diligence

  • All due due diligence documentation has been correctly completed and any shortfalls to standard actioned?<br>

  • All shortfalls identified by CMi / EHO on last report have been addressed?

  • Have all previous weeks required actions been completed?<br>

  • Food is being cooled and recorded in line with company policy? 8oC reached in 90mins?

  • Probe calibration completed?

  • Other Comments

  • Business Due Diligence

Business Due Diligence

  • Cash checks are being recorded daily and action taken if nessecary?

  • Daily opening and closing checks completed?

  • Manager to manager handover complete?

  • LHM weekly due diligence complete?

  • Weekly accommodation checks are complete?

  • Weekly fire due diligence checks compete? With call points rotated and recorded?

  • Emergency lighting tested ?

  • Other Comments

Risk Assessments / Incidents

  • Fire risk assessment available on site and action plan reviewed by LHM?

  • Fire extinguishers serviced in last 12 months?

  • Have risk assessments been completed?

  • Risk assessment action plan signed off?

  • Has there been any accidents / incidents in the last 6 months

  • Following an accident, have relevant risk assessments been reviewed?

  • Has retraining been completed?

  • Incident report book being completed and sent to RSC?

  • Other Comments


  • COSHH book available and signed off and unused sheets moved to the back?

  • Company safety policy on site

  • Is the policy signed by GM & KM?

  • Training shorts folder available?

  • Asbestos register on site?

  • First aid kit fully stocked ?

  • Other Comments

  • Training


  • All supervisory staff have completed cash tax stock, managing H&S, managing fire safety, managing security?

  • Are files up to date for all team members!

  • Do all team files contain risk assessment training ? - found on intranet in section 00 induction checklist and H&S record "Team member safety training record"

  • Are there any young persons / pregnant women / lone workers ?

  • Risk assessments all completed?

  • Have all team members completed individual manual handling capability questionnaire?

  • Do all team files have copies of evidence of right to work in uk?

  • Other comments

  • Pests


  • There is no evidence of pests?

  • Is the daily pest control sheet being completed?

  • Fly killer is working?

  • The pest control contractor visits are recorded and all recommended actions implemented?

  • Record date of pest control visit?

  • Other Comments

  • Licensing


  • Do all duty managers have a personal licence? Ae there a minimum of 3?

  • Is a paper copy of all licences kept in the licensing folder?

  • Do PL holders keep their licenses with them whilst on duty?

  • Have all personal licence holders updated any name / address changes?

  • Are the correct times and occupancy being adhered to?

  • Is the manager the DPS and in day to day control of the business? Are they aware of any conditions and are these being adhered to?

  • Does the premises licence name them as the DPS?

  • Have they delegated authority to other duty managers through the duty manager nomination form?

  • Have all team members signed an up to date training record for a server of alcohol form ( within the last 6 months)?

  • Is the most recent copy of the premise licence in the licensing folder?

  • Have all team members signed an upto date training record for a server of alcohol form ( within last six months) ?

  • Has the latest licensing refresher training been completed by all servers of alcohol, including the quiz?

  • Are all team members aware of the challenge 21 / 25 policy and acceptable forms of ID?

  • Other Comments

  • Security


  • Is the office door solid, secure, self closing, lockable from the inside and contains a spy hole?

  • Is the office door kept locked when unoccupied using a mortise lock which is connected to the alarm?

  • Is the PIR in the office working and unconstructed?

  • Are all takings secured in the AHUS and float secured in the main safe?

  • Have all codes been changed in the last six months - safe and alarms?

  • Do individuals have their own safe code and alarm code / fob?

  • Is the time and date correct on the time lock?

  • Ate two safe keys accounted for and not left in the office?

  • Is the alarm being set every night?

  • Is the site lock up?

  • Is the site on red care, are the key holders up to date?

  • Can the manager hear the alarm at night?

  • Is the CCTV fully operational, time & date correct, recording?

  • Are all duty managers able to operate the system?

  • Is banking completed at least every Monday and Saturday?

  • Are routes, times and post offices varied, cash concealed, banking book carried separately and banking always completed by the duty manager and one other person?

  • Is a written close down procedure in use and signed for?

  • Are toilets checked and locked at the end of each night?

  • Are at least two people responsible for securing the business each evening?

  • Is the final entry / exit route vis the front door and is there adequate lighting?

  • Ae rear yard gate secured from inside when not in use?

  • Other Comments

  • Accommodation


  • Check that only authorised persons are living on sites and that persons are not sleeping in unauthorised rooms?

  • Are door notices fixed to unauthorised sleeping rooms?

  • Ae fire evacuation notices fitted to the inside of each bedroom door?

  • Is the accommodation status the same, ie not HIMO?

  • Is there an upto date MAB letting schedule in the DD?

  • Are all emergency exits clear form obstruction?

  • Other Comments

  • Door Staff

Door Staff

  • Only MAB approved suppliers being used?

  • Are all door staff signing in and out and are entries countersigned by the duty manager?

  • Do door staff have a completed personal details form and completed and signed induction training record form?

  • Are any door related incidents being recorded?

  • Other Comments

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.