Title Page

  • Company name

  • Location
  • Type of business

  • Company representative (name and title)

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by (name and title)



  • The scope of the Client WHS Assessment is limited to the examination of information sourced, and observations made at the time of the onsite visit. The principal objectives of this report are to:
    - Evaluate the host employers' work health and safety documentation to determine an appropriate level of understanding of WHS issues and legislation required to manage WHS risks associated with the operational activities of the business.
    - Determine if the host employer provides and implements practical systems and processes for managing WHS risks
    - Identify good practices and opportunities for improvement based on operations specific to the business.

    Having considered the matters discussed during our visit this WHS report has been finalised to provide an overview of MADEC's observations.

Confidentiality Statement

  • In order to maintain the integrity and credibility of the risk analysis processes and to protect the parties involved, it is understood that MADEC and its representatives will not divulge to unauthorised persons any information obtained during this WHS Assessment unless legally obliged to do so.

Copyright 2024

  • All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by an information storage or retrieval system, accept as may be permitted, in writing, by MADEC.

Section 1 - Hazard/Task Information for Job Safety Analysis (JSA)

  • If all MADEC workers are performing similar tasks with similar risks, one comprehensive JSA can be prepared to cover these various tasks. However, if each worker has a designated, specialised role with unique risks, then separate JSAs are required for each specific task or role to ensure all potential hazards are properly addressed.

Client + Job Information

  • Client Name

  • Client Representative

  • Location of the job (list all worksite addresses this work will be performed at)

  • Workers' job title (note: ensure it reflects the work they will be performing)

  • Description of job (list of tasks to be performed by worker)

  • Work schedule

  • 1. Will any MADEC workers need to operate quad bikes or side-by-side vehicles (SSVs)? Note: this includes ATVs, RTVs, and UTVs.

  • 1.a) Has the MADEC Senior Leadership team provided authorisation for the use of these types of vehicles?

  • Before allowing a worker to operate this type of vehicle, you need to obtain approval from the MADEC senior leadership.

  • 2. Will any MADEC workers be required to operate any plant, mobile plant and machinery? e.g. packing shed machinery, forklift, trackers, bagging machines

  • 2. a) List all plant / mobile plant / machinery to be operated

  • 2. b) Will training on Safe Work Procedures associated with the operation of this plant / mobile plant /machinery / banana bagging machines be provided to MADEC workers?

  • 3. What qualifications, licenses, and/or skills are required for the MADEC worker to safely perform their job?

  • 4. Are any vaccinations required?

  • What vaccinations are required?

  • 5. What is the name of the person who will supervise the worker?

  • 6. Who should the worker raise health and safety issues with?

  • 7. Is there a Health and Safety Representative onsite?

Work Appropriate Attire

  • Work-appropriate attire is clothing that is suitable for the nature of work, and is not necessarily PPE. They are the clothing requirements set by the host employer, however not for the purposes of managing health and safety risk. Identify below the required work-appropriate attire, and who will provide this.

  • Closed-toe shoes

  • Who will provide this clothing?

  • Long pants

  • Who will provide this clothing?

  • Long-sleeved shirts

  • Who will provide this clothing?

  • Gumboots

  • Who will provide this clothing?

  • Gloves i.e., required for produce protection not for the workers health and safety

  • Who will provide this clothing?

  • Raincoat

  • Who will provide this clothing?

  • Other work appropriate attire. Note: list any other work appropriate attire and identify who will provide this clothing.

Personal Protective Equipment

  • Personal Protective Equipment worn by workers to reduce their risk of exposure to hazards.

  • Hi-visibility clothing

  • Who will provide this PPE?

  • Protective footwear (e.g., safety boots)

  • Who will provide this PPE?

  • Eye protection (e.g., goggles, glasses)

  • Who will provide this PPE?

  • Face shield (clear)

  • Who will provide this PPE?

  • Welding helmet, jacket and hood

  • Who will provide this PPE?

  • Gloves i.e., required to manage health and safety risks to the worker

  • Who will provide this PPE?

  • Skin protection e.g., sunscreen, broad-brimmed hats

  • Who will provide this PPE?

  • Respiratory protection e.g., respirator, face masks, cartridge filters)

  • Who will provide this PPE?

  • Hearing protection e.g., ear plugs, ear muffs

  • Who will provide this PPE?

  • Clothing and body protection e.g., aprons, safety harnesses

  • Who will provide this PPE?

  • Crash helmet e.g. securely fitted and fastened for quad bike use.

  • Who will provide this clothing?

  • Other personal protective equipment. Note: list any other PPE and identify who will provide this clothing.

Hazards associated with the Job

  • For any of the hazards that you select yes to, that cannot be validated in the Client WHS Assessment, create an action under the applicable hazard or refer to the corresponding action created in the Client WHS Assessment.

  • Areas where pedestrians and vehicles interact

  • Asbestos

  • Silica Dust

  • Manual tasks

  • Use of tools and/or knives

  • Confined spaces

  • Plant, and Machinery

  • Electrical

  • Falling objects

  • Fatigue

  • Hazardous chemicals

  • High Job Demand

  • Bacterial diseases e.g., leptospirosis

  • Slips, trips and fall hazards

  • Work that requires a High Risk Work (HRW) Licence

  • Working at heights

  • Working in hot or cold environments

  • Working remote or isolated work

  • Banana humping (team of two or self cutting)

  • Dehanding and declustering (fast and sharp knife work)

  • Quad bikes

  • Side by Side Vehicles (SSV)

Validation of Risk Control Measures

  • Has the Client WHS Assessment identified adequate risk controls for all hazards identified in the JSA?

  • Escalate to the Regional Manager for discussion with the WHS Consultant, HR Manager and/or Director Labour Hire.

Next Review

  • Next review date Note: the review date is 6 months from the date the site assessment was completed.

  • Has the review been set as a reminder in the email calendar?

  • Schedule the review date on your email calendar. If you need assistance, please ask a MADEC team member.


  • Will MADEC proceed with placement?

  • Explain the reasons why MADEC will not proceed with placement

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.