Audit No.
Site (location)
Conducted on
Prepared by
Audit team:
Previous audit scores
Health & Safety %
Environmental %
Add names of persons that attended the pre-audit meeting
Confirm the following have been undertaken
Confirm purpose and scope of audit
Identify resources and assistance required
Obtain a description of the project and labour force
Induction before entry to site operations
Date and time of exit meeting
Safety Management System Compliance
Zero compliance zc=0, Partial compliance <50% lc=1, Partial compliance >50% hc= 2, Full Compliance fc=3
Element 1.0 H&S Policy
Are there H&S policies signed by the MD on site?
Are policies communicated at induction?
Are policies posted in the public area of the office?
ELEMENT: 2.0 Planning
2.1 Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment
1. Risk assessor appointed (CR7)?
2. Has a Project Risk Assessment been conducted?
3. Does the Project Risk Assessment covers all major hazards?
4. Does the Project Risk Assessment identifyappropriate controls?
5. Have Project H&S and Env. Plans been developed?
6. Do the plans reflect the current operations on site?
7. issue based risk assessments performed?
8. Method statements developed and relevant?
2.2 Legal & Other Requirements
1. Are there current copies of legislation on site?
2. Has the PC been appointed?
3. PC has a HS Plan and it is approved by the Client?
4. Contract signed between Client and PC?
5. Have all contractors been assessed and adequately resourced?
6. Has the PC notified the DOL?
7. Letter of good standing with the CC (COIDAct)?
8. Sec 16.2 appointment done?
9. CR6.1 appointment done?
10. CR6.2 appointment done?
11. Sufficient amount of qualified first aiders appointed (GSR3)?
12. Lifting equipment inspector appointed (DMR18)?
13. Fall protection coordinator appointed (CR8)?
14. Scaffolding Supervisor appointed (CR 14.2)?
15. Scaffold erctors appointed and competent (CR 14.2)?
16. Temporary electrical installation supervisor appointed (CR22)
17. Explosive power toolinspector appointed (CR19)?
18. Excavation inspector appointed (CR11)?
19. Stacking supervisor appointed (CR26)?
20. Fire fighting equipment inspector appointed (CR27)?
21. Construction Safety Officer Appointed (CR6.6)?
22. Are all legal appointments done and up to date?
2.3 Objectives and Targets
1. Are objectives and targets set for project?
2. Are objectives and targets displayed on notice boards?
3.0 Implementation and Operations
3.1 Resources Roles and Responsibilities
Is there an Organisation Chart for the Project?
Does the Project HSE Manager report to the PM?
Does everyone in HSE team have appropriate qualifications?
Do All Supervisory personnel have HSE Training?
Are internal audits and inspections presented to the PM?
3.2 Competence, Training & Awareness
1. Does everyone on site attend a site induction?
2. Is there a visitors induction?
3. Are workers operating plant & equipment assessed as competent?
4. Are workers trained & assessed before commencing high risk tasks?
5. Are there records of training activities?
3.3 Communication & Participation
1. Is there a Project HSE Committee?
2. Committee appointments done (Sec 17)?
3. H&S Rep appointments done (Sec 19)?
4. Are meeting conducted at least monthly?
5. Are there tool box talks conducted daily?
6. Do all workers attend the tool box talks?
7. Is there a system for identification of hazards?
8. Are identified hazards controlled & recorded?
9. Are all contractors provided with information related to HSE?
3.4 Operational Controls
1. Are task Risk Assessments conducted?
2. Do supervisors have JSA's in the field?
3. Do supervisors complete HSE Verification Checklist?
4. Is there a register of JSA's & HSE Verfication Checklists?
3.5 Emergency Preparedness & Response
1. Have all potential emergency situations been identified?
2. Have Emergency Plans been prepared & approved?
3. Have all the plans been tested?
4. Are there trained emergency response personnel on site?
5. Is there adequate emergency equipment on site?
6. Is an evacuation plan available?
7. Evacuation procedures posted?
8. Alarm & alarm points appropriate?
9. Alarms regularly tested?
10. Adequate escape routes and kept clear?
11. Assembly points sign posted?
Element 4 Checking
4.1 Performance Measure and Monitoring
1. Are inspections of the site conducted & recorded?
2. Is a monitoring program established and implemented?
3. Are inspection & monitoring reports evaluated by the PM?
4.2 Incident Investigation
1. Incident investogator appointments done (GAR8)?
2. Are all reported incidents & public complaints investigated?
3. Do incident investigation reports identify all causal factors?
4. Are the recommended controls adequate to prevent recurrence?
5. Does the PM sign off the incident investigation reports?
6. Are recommended control measures implemented?
7. Are incident alerts developed following LTI and HIPO incidents?
4.3 Internal Audits
1. Are there internal audits scheduled?
2. Are audits conducted in accordance with the schedule?
3. Is the audit report presented to the PM?
4. Is the audit findings discussed at Project HSE Committee Meeting?
5. Are the findings of the previous audit closed-out?
6. Are the findings of the previous external audit closed-out?
ELEMENT 5.0 Award Scheme
1. Is there a HSE Award Program established?
2. Does the program acknowledge individuals & the group?
3. Are award certificates presented?
Environmental Management System Compliance
Zero compliance =0, Partial compliance <50% =1, Partial compliance >50%= 2, Full Compliance =3
Element 1.0 Environmental Policy
Are there Environmental policies signed by the MD on site?
Are Environmental policies communicated at induction?
Are Environmental policies posted in the public area of the office?
Element 2.0 environmental planning
2.1 Environmental Hazard identification, Risk Assessment
Environmental Risk assessor appointed?
Has a project environmental risk assessment been conducted?
Does the risk assessment cover all the major hazards?
Does the risk assessment identify all appropriate controls?
Have project environmental plans been developed?
Do plans reflect the current operations on site?
Are issue based environmental risk assessments performed?
Have method statements been developed and are these relevant?
2.2 Legal and Other Requirements
Are there current copies of legislation on site?
PC has an Environmental plan and it has been approved by the Client?
Have all contractors been assessed and adequately resourced?
3.0 Implementation and Operations
3.1 Resources Roles and Responsibilities
Does the Project Environmental Manager report to the PM?
Does everyone in HSE team have appropriate qualifications?
Do All Supervisory personnel have HSE Training?
Are internal audits and inspections presented to the PM?
3.2 Competence, Training & Awareness
7. Is there a system for identification of environmental hazards?
8. Are identified hazards controlled & recorded?
3.5 Emergency Preparedness & Response
1. Have all potential environmental emergency situations been identified?
2. Have Emergency Plans been prepared & approved?
3. Have all the plans been tested?
4. Are there trained emergency response personnel on site?
5. Is there adequate emergency equipment on site?
Element 4 Checking
4.1 Performance Measure and Monitoring
1. Are environmental inspections of the site conducted & recorded?
2. Is a monitoring program established and implemented?
3. Are inspection & monitoring reports evaluated by the PM?
4.3 Internal Environmental Audits
1. Are there internal audits scheduled?
2. Are audits conducted in accordance with the schedule?
3. Is the audit report presented to the PM?
4. Is the audit findings discussed at Project HSE Committee Meeting?
5. Are the findings of the previous audit closed-out?
6. Are the findings of the previous external audit closed-out?
ELEMENT 5.0 Award Scheme
1. Is there a HSE Award Program established?
2. Does the program acknowledge individuals & the group?
3. Are award certificates presented?
Health and Safety
1. Safe and suitable access to site established?
2. Site security properly established - 24/7 available?
3. Perimeter fence sufficient, secure & undamaged?
4. Are all gates secured?
5. Are site security arrangments adequate?
1. Statutory signage displayed?
2. Notice boards erected?
3. HSE performance board erected in a prominent location?
4. Road signage adequate?
1.3 PPE
1. PPE policy and issue matrix available?
2. PPE issued on an induvidual basis?
3. Users trained?
3. Regular checks on condition?
4. Staff and visitors wear hi-viz vests?
5. PPE worn as required?
6. PPE in a good condition
7. Respiratory protection correct type?
8. Users or respiratory equipment trained?
9. Fit tests performed?
1. Plant inspected before use on site?
2. Operators assessed as competent?
3. Safety devices fitted & fire extinguisher attached?
4. Pre-start inspections conducted & recorded?
5. Reversing alarms operable?
6. Seat belts fitted & in use?
7. Maintenance log book up to date?
8. Plant being operated safely?
1. Lifting plans developed where necessary?
2. Lifting operations coordinated by lifting supervisor?
3. Crane / MEWP / Forklift / certified?
4. Operators / Riggers competent?
5. Pre-start inspection conducted & recorded?
6. All safety devices are fitted & operable?
7. Cranes set up on level ground with outriggers extended?
8. Cranes / MEWP / Forklift being operated safely?
9. Lifting activities barricaded?
10. All lifting operations coordinated by competent lifting supervisor?
11. All lifting gear colour coded and recorded in register?
12. Lifting machinery inspected every 6 months and load tested annually?
13. Lifting tackle inspected every 3 months?
14. SWL marked on all lifting gear?
15. Lifting gear inspected by competent persons ?
16. Proof test certificates available for slings?
17. Lifting gear stored correctly?
18. Is the lifting gear in good condition?
19. No lifting activities near overhead powerlines / excavations?
20. All lifting activities barricaded?
21. Is the lifting gear in good condition?
1. Fall preventionplan developed?
2. Access and egress adequate?
3. Adequate railings provided?
4. Adequate edge protection in place?
4. Working platforms safe?
5. Scaffolding complies to SANS085?
6. Scaffolding erected by competent persons?
7. Guard rails, toe-boards and safe access provided
8. Scaffolding tags used and up to date?
9. Scaffolding supervisor inspect scaffold after erection, weekly, after drastic change of weather?
10. Scaffold rgister up to date?
11. Full body harness / restraints provided ?
12. Full body harness / restraints used, where appropriate & appropriately attached?
13. Users of harnessess received training?
14. All harnesses, lanyards etc on register?
15. Full body harness inspected before use and at set frequencies?
16. Attaching points suitable?
17. Harness inspector appointed and competent?
18. Rescue plan available?
19. Ladders in use appropriste
20. Ladders in a good condition
21. Ladders on register and inspected regularly
22. Straight ladder extend to at least 1m above anchor point?
23. Ladders fixed to structure or footed by another person?
24. User not standing on last upper to steps?
25. Rescue plan available?
1. Are ELCB's for all electrical appliances provided to all switchboards?
2. Are gensets earthed?
3. Are all switchboards protected from the weather?
4. Are all switchboards, ECB's and equipment inspected & labelled?
5. Is there an electrical register?
6. Electrical tools regularly visually checked and inspected?
7. All connections are properly made and suitable plugs are used?
8. No damage to cables?
9. All detachable electrical tools protected by earth leakage units?
10. Are underground and overhead cables clearly identified?
11. Are all cables double insulated?
Cartridge Operated Tools
12. Register for issue and return of cartridges?
13. Operators trained?
14. Safety devices in order?
15. Is the operator(s) wearing eye protection?
16. Tools and cartridges locked away?
1. Has the PTW been issued prior to excavating?
2. Excavation inspected on a daily basis and as per law?
3. Are side scopes/shoring adequate?
4. Is there safe accress and egress?
5. Are barricades erected around the perimeter?
6. Is appropriate signage displayed?
7. Spoils at least 1m away from edge of excavations?
1. Are there adequate fire extinguishers available?
2. Are fire extinguishers charged & inspected?
3. Annual maintenace performed on fire fighting equipment?
3. Are fire extinguishers clearly identified with signs?
5. Are fire extinguishers unobstructed?
6. First aid facilities established and sign posted?
7. First aid equipments available?
8. No prescription drugs administered?
9. First aid treatments recorded?
10. First aid boxes checked and replenished on a regular basis?
11. Names of first aiders displayed at first aid box and notice boards?
12. First aid supplies adequated, within use-by date and inspected?
1. Are walkways clear of obstructions and protected against traffic?
2. Stair accesses clear?
3. Is there adequate lighting through out the site?
1. Has a PTW system been established?
2. Are permits available at the location of work?
3. Are workers trained in the use of PTW?
4. All permits closed out?
5. Permits kept in archive?
6. Energy isolation procedure available?
7. Users trained?
8. Are all switches which are locked out provided with lock and tags?
9. Are the tags being used as per procedure?
10. Are hot work in uncontrolled areas controlled by a PTW?
11. Are flammable materials removed from the area?
12. Are fire extinguishers available?
13. Are welding screens available and in use?
14. Are operations wearing correct clothing & PPE?
15. All entrants received training and certified competent?
16. Standby / holewatch trained and certified competent?
17. Confind space entry properly planned i.e. escape, alarms, communication etc.?
18. Are atmospheric testing performed at start of shift, after breaks and emergencies?
19. Has the gas tester received training and certified competent?
1. Is there a hazardous substances register?
2. Are there MSDS's for all hazardous substances?
3. Controls as specified in MSDS's implemented?
4. Are hazardous substances stored correctly?
5. Is the storage area correctly sign posted?
6. Is there equipment available to deal with spills?
7. Are MSDS's available in the first aid boxes?
8. Are all containers correctly labelled?
9. Are they away from flammable liquids?
10. Gases stored upright / secured /purpose made cages?
11. Are gases segragated by type?
12. "No smoking" & "No naked flames" signs posted at storage areas?
13. Cylinder valves fully closed when not in use?
14. Do all lines have flash back arrestors fitted?
15. Do all line connections only have approved fittings and clips (no jubilee clips)?
16. Gas cylinders transported in an upright position and secured?
17. Storage areas provided with appropriate fire extinguishers?
1. Noise zones / producing equipment identified and sign posted?
2. Baseline audiometry done?
3. Appropriate hearing protection provided?
4. Workers received training in the risks of noise and use of hearing protection?
5. Attempts to reduce noise levels / exposure?
6. Heat stress prevention plan available?
7. Workers informed about hazards, risks, symptoms and control measures?
8. Sufficient cold water / supplements and shading available?
9. Temperatures constantly measured?
10. Temperatures communicated?
11. Exposure managed?
12. Appropriated warm clothing available and provided
13. Exposure monitored?
1.14 TOOLS
1. Rigth tools fot the job?
2. Hand tools in a good condition?
3. No home made tools used?
4. Operatives trained in the use of tools?
5. Dangerous parts guarded?
6. Stones / cuttingn wheels compatible with designed RPM of equipment?
7. RPM marked on grindstone / grinders?
1. Adequate mess facilities provided (seats, tables, shade, handwash facilities)?
2. Mess facilities maintained / cleaned regularly?
3. Welfare facilities accessible for all persons?
4. Water facilities provided (sufficient, cold, cups, shade)?
5. Sufficient toilets available?
6. Handwash facilities, soap, toweling & toiletpaper available at toilet facilities?
1. Has a Traffic Management Plan been developed and implemented?
2. Are roadways maintained and well defined?
3. Are directional signs erected?
4. Are there adequate speed signs erected?
5. Are roadways the correct width?
6. Are safety berms constructed along the edge of roads?
7. Are there safe areas for pick up an set set down of worker on buses
8. Are there road delineators installed?
9. Are vehicles observing the site speed limits?
1. Controls implemented to reduce erosion?
2. Cleared areas stabilised as soon as possible?
3. Sediment controls established around unstabilised stockpiles abattersnd
4. Control devices installed, as required e.g silt traps, silt fences etc.
5. Contaminated water from the site prevented from entering drains, streams, rivers prior to proper treatment?
6. Water monitoring prior to release to drains and streams etc.
1. Dust suppression on haul road and stockpiles?
2. Vehicles speeds within project speed limits?
3. Adequate watering of high dust potential areas?
1. Have permissable noise levels been determined?
2. Noise monitoring program established (i.e. testing PPE and signage)?
3. Noise levels within acceptable limits?
4. Nearby community been advised of blasting/piling activities?
1. Chemicals storage areas bunded (110% of max contents) or drip trays provided?
2. Is the bund's rain water discharge valve is closed?
3. Are all drums and tanks clearly marked with contents & quantity?
4. Storage facility at least 30m away from water courses?
5. Adequate spill management equipment/materials available?
1. Wate management plan developed and suitable?
2. All waste is separated and stored in clearly marked bins?
3. Bulk wast containers covered with lids or netting?
4. Regulated waste removed by licenced collector?
5. Waste manifests on record?
6. Adequate litter bins provided on site?
1. Drip trays used for in field re-fueling.
2. Contaminated soil remediated on site.
3. Are spill kits available?
4. Located in the correct areas?
5. Location sign posted?
6. Are the contents regularly checked?
1. Control of stagnant water (promoting breeding of mosquitors / insects)
2. Disposal of waste water from site facilities to sewage of septic tank
General Comments
Hazard Observations
Have there been any health and safety hazard observations?
Add observation potential consequence high=100, medium=50, low=25
Tap to Type observation, add "media" and give potential consequence ranking
Have there been any environmental hazard observations?
Add observation potential consequence high=100, medium=50, low=25
Type observation, add "media" and give potential consequence ranking
Lead auditors comments
Lead auditors signature
Project Managers Comments
Project managers signature