Mainstream Renewable Power Design and Design co-Ordinator competency checklist
Construction Safety Co-Ordinator review checklist
Name of Contractor
Name of Project
Duties being Assessed
Construction Safety Co-Ordinator
Contractor and Construction Safety Co-Ordinator
Where details or evidence is specifically requested, these must be attached to this questionnaire and submitted to the Client. Questions marked with * relate specifically to the construction safety Co-Ordinator role. All questions must be answered by Contractors and Construction Safety Co-Ordinators
Section 1 if you answer "yes", proceed to section 2. If you answer "no", respond to the remaining questions first:
Do you have a third party accredited safety management system (e.g. OSHAS 18001)
Please provide the following information if the answer to the above question was "no"
Please provide an outline of your Safety Statement
Provide evidence of how you manage health and safety on your projects
Provide an example of how risk assessments are undertaken at design
Detail how you take account of the General Principles of Prevention
Provide an example of how you have managed hazards for a similar project
Detail how you assess competency for persons engaged in a project
Detail how you assess the health and safety resources required
Detail how you manage and implement actions to handle the time constraints of a project *
Detail how you take corrective actions and issue directions*
Section 2 Answer all questions
Provide details of similar projects previously completed
Provide details of previous Construction Safety Co-Ordinator and/or Contractor appointments
Provide details of experience of the staff you propose for the project
Provide evidence of membership of professional bodies
Provide evidence of relevant qualifications and/or relevant training for staff
Detail how safety is communicated and co-ordinated*
Provide an example of a previous Construction Health and Safety plan
Describe how you co-ordinate the implementation of safe working procedures*
Detail any accidents/incidents associated with your projects
Detail any previous convictions/enforcement action by any Health and Safety authority
Signature and date - to be signed by Contractor / Construction Safety Co-Ordinator
I/We attest to the completeness, accuracy and truthfulness of the statements I/We have made in completing this form and to any informationI/We have attached
Submission approved and signed by Client
Signature, for Mainstream Renewable Power
Add date