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­ Maintenance Agreements

  • Does Company have agreements with Maintenance Contractors?

  • Are all Maintenance Providers listed in MM Section 3 (Service Providers)?

  • Do agreements define responsibilities that are agreed upon between Company and the Maintenance Provider?

Do agreements transfer the following functions from Company to the Maintenance Provider....

  • Maintenance Provider must provide qualified, current and authorised maintenance personnel IAW Part 43.51(a)-(b).

  • Maintenance Provider must employ qualified maintenance subcontractors when required and monitor performance of those subcontractors.

  • Maintenance Provider must provide adequate facilities and resources for continued maintenance.

  • Maintenance Provider must investigate any defects found during maintenance IAW CAR Part 12.

  • Maintenance Provider must carry out maintenance IAW the requirements of Part 43.53.

  • Maintenance Provider must ensure any persons working on aircraft have had adequate rest and are not in a fatigued state by ensuring Part 43.101(c) is adhered to.

  • Maintenance Provider must ensure personnel performing maintenance activities comply with any other associated requirements of Part 43.51(a), 43.51(b) and relevant AC 91-2.

  • Does Company hold original signed copies of the agreements.


  • Does the company use maintenance tracking system FlightCert?

  • Are all applicable ADs being complied with IAW requirements prescribed in Part 39?

  • Are aircraft maintained IAW a CAA Approved maintenance programme?

Does the Maintenance Controller Ensure.....

  • Agreements are established with the Maintenance Providers?

  • The system used to track maintenance encompasses all airworthiness requirements?

  • All maintenance requirements are fully detailed in the maintenance programmes specified for each aircraft type?

  • Compliance with the airworthiness limitations mandated by the airworthiness authority of the State of Design in the instructions for continued airworthiness issued for the aircraft?

Tracking and Tasking


  • Is maintenance tracking recorded on FlightCert and is the information being controlled by the Maintenance Controller?

  • Before daily operations commence, do the company pilots check the Aircraft Tech Log to ensure there are no maintenance requirements are due and that no defects are present on that aircraft?

  • At the end of the day’s operations does the pilot update FlightCert with the required information for the aircraft and operations that were flown?

  • Is the Maintenance Controller reviewing FlightCert at regular intervals and is tasking any required maintenance accordingly?


  • Does the Maintenance Controller use a Technical Directive Form to specify required maintenance and task the work required to the Maintenance Provider?

  • For each maintenance schedule group shown on FlightCert, is the Maintenance Controller ensuring a Technical Directive is raised consisting of scheduled maintenance, any lifted components due detailing overhaul or replacement, applicable ADs andSB' to be embodied, Part 91 inspections and modifications/STC ICAs, maintenance required prior to next scheduled inspection?

  • Does the Maintenance Controller assess both the workpack and log entries against the Technical Directive to ensure that all specified work has been completed and that maintenance records are up to date?

Repetitive Airworthiness Directives

  • Repetitive Airworthiness Directives (ADs) may be added to the pilot’s daily inspection if it falls within the pilot maintenance criteria. Have any pilots had such an approval?

  • Have any pilots recorded an inspection in the Aircraft Tech Log or CAA Form 400 and release the aircraft to service IAW Part 43 subpart C by inserting their name, signature, authority or licence number and date?

Maintenance Documentation and Records

  • Has the Maintenance Controller ensured the Maintenance Provider holds the current approved maintenance programme, manufacturer’s maintenance manuals and airworthiness data for the applicable aircraft?

Maintenance Provider Documentation

  • Has the Maintenance Controller ensured that Maintenance Providers have their own access to, or are supplied with required documentation?

  • Has the Maintenance Controller assessed the effectiveness of the Maintenance Provider's system of document control?

  • Has the Maintenance Controller ensured the Maintenance Providers meet their agreement obligations in respect of receiving and assessing updates to the above information and the removal of obsolete data from circulation?

  • Has the Maintenance Controller ensured that all Service Information and ADs are checked for applicability and where necessary, maintenance/inspection is scheduled accordingly?

WHH Documentation

  • Does the maintenance recording by the Maintenance Provider and Company pilots meet the requirements of CAR 43.69, including the summary of all maintenance in the aircraft logbooks?


  • Does Company use the standard CAA format logbooks (CAA 2101/2158/1464) and does the use comply with the instructions for use as detailed in the front cover of each logbook?

  • Is FlightCert used instead of the CAA 1464 logbook for tracking of out of phase maintenance and repetitive Airworthiness Directives?

  • Was the latest FlightCert status report been printed and inserted into the logbook after each scheduled maintenance event, replacing the previous copy?

  • Do both the airframe and engine logbooks will identify the current maintenance programme?

  • Is the Maintenance Provider responsible for updating the Aircraft logbooks?

Aircraft Tech Log (CA006)

  • Does Company use CAA006 Aircraft Tech Log for all company aircraft to satisfy the recording requirements of Rule Part 91.619(a)?

  • Have pilots entered any aircraft defects?

  • Does the Maintenance Controller monitor the accuracy, currency and completeness of information recorded on the Aircraft Tech Log?

Maintenance Record Sheet (CA400)

  • Is the carbon copy sheet being retained with the Aircraft Tech Log?

  • Is this record (carbon copy) being sent with the aircraft for next scheduled inspection?

  • Are these records being summarised in the aircraft logbooks at the next scheduled inspection?

Retention of Records and Components

  • Are records being retained until the maintenance is repeated or superseded by another maintenance of equivalent scope or detail or for a period of at least 5 years after maintenance is performed, whichever occurs first?

  • Atre the logbook or log card for an aircraft or component which is permanently withdrawn from service by the Company being retained by for a period of twelve months after withdrawal from service?

Maintenance Programmes


  • Does the approved maintenance programmes are to reflect the standards of CAR 91 Subpart G as well as the manufacturer's maintenance programme?


  • For each aircraft is the programme found in Appendix of the Management Manual?

  • Does the aircraft's maintenance programme include the following: (1) Aircraft Type (2) Serial Number (3) Registration Mark?

  • Does the Company manual provide instructions for applying the 10% latitude to inspection intervals, and identification of requirements which can and cannot be extended?

  • Suggest complete a review of MM 5.5.2 (Procedure) dot point requirements.

Induction of Aircraft

  • Has Current Maintenance Controller inducted an aircraft into the Company

  • Was the aircraft inducted reviewed to compare the current status of maintenance compliance with each task and requirement contained in the maintenance programme?

  • Were the details recorded and filed in the aircraft logbook?

  • Was a Technical Directive raised to include (1) Check schedule required to commence the programme? (2) Schedules for any out of phase checks required?

Development of Schedules

  • To ensure schedules in each maintenance programme remain valid and applicable to the Company's operation is the Maintenance Controller continually monitoring (1) Schedules changes issued by manufacturers? (2) Changes to maintenance procedures and issue of service bulletins by manufactures? (3) The impact of ADs? (4) Revised Company requirements? (5) Change of utilisation?

Amending Maintenance Programme

  • Has the maintenance programme for Company Aircraft been updated in the last 12 months?

  • Was the aircraft aircraft inspected to the extent necessary to realign with the new programme within 7 days of discontinuation of the previous programme?

Temporary Extension

  • Has a temporary extension been required to maintenance programme for a Company aircraft?

  • Was the extension approved by CAA?

  • Has the approved form 24091/06 received back from the CAA been lodged in the appropriate section of the aircraft logbook?

Alternative Means of Compliance

  • Has an Alternative Means of Compliance (AMOC) been required for the completion of an Airworthiness Directive or mandatory airworthiness requirement?

  • Did the Maintenance Controller submit an AMOC using form CAA 24039/01 to the CAA, stating how the equivalent level of safety is to be achieved?

Role Equipment

  • Is there a maintenance programme for all fitted aircraft role equipment (e.g. frost lights; pod; bucket) operated by the Company?

  • Are the maintenance programmes for this equipment entered into FlightCert for scheduling?

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