
  • Document No.

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Attendance Sheet


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Documentation and Records- Hazardous Inventories

  • Hazardous Material Inventory current within one week

  • Hazardous Waste Inventory current to date

  • MSDS for all inventoried materials/waste

Documentation and Records- Waste Generation Ledgers

  • Municipal waste generation ledger current with MAP Manifest number and waste quantity noted

  • Inert/stockpiled non-hazardous waste located and identified with quantity changes noted, with MAP manifest numbers as appropriate

  • Hazardous waste generation ledger current, providing waste container label information, dates waste placed in, and removed from storage; and corresponding MAP manifest number(s)

Documentation and Records- Waste Manifest Records

  • All outstanding MAP Waste Manifest pink copies filed

  • All completed MAP Waste Manifest white and pink copies filed together

  • All manifest ticket numbers accounted for (no missing tickets)

  • All waste quantities clearly indicated on manifest

  • Waste Manifests outstanding for 30 days auctioned with Disposer

  • Waste Manifests outstanding for 45 days auctioned with Royal Commision

  • Waste transporter license(s) in EMP Appendices is/are current

Documentation and Records- Sampling and Analysis Records

  • Sampling and analysis records indicate compliance with approved protocol

  • Third-party analysis records for RCER Table 3F available

  • Third-party analysis records for RCER Table 3D available

  • Exceedance values noted for analytical results not meeting Table 3D or 3F standards as applicable

Documentation and Records- Green House Gas Reports

  • Greenhouse Gas report spreadsheet current and checked for accuracy

  • Bulk potable water delivery receipts filed, current, and available

  • Bulk bottled water delivery receipts filed, current, and available

  • Sewerage removal receipts current, filed, and in direct correspondence with waste manifests and generation records

Documentation and Records- Spill, Incident, and Release Documentation

  • Spill and release reports available for all spills

  • Spill and release reports for spill volumes greater than 20 liters fully documented, filed, and available

  • Spill report(s) includes both "before and after" photos

  • Spill report(s) includes analytical laboratory results of remediation action, as appropriate

Documentation and Records- Training Records

  • Personnel count of all personnel mobilized a available with training records

  • Environmental awareness training attendance sheets are available

  • Environmental toolbox training records and attendance sheets are available

  • Spill response team course descriptions, including drill records, are available with attendance sheets

Documentation and Records- Location Maps and Drawings

  • HazMat storage facilities accurately located on site map/drawing and placed in EMP Appendix

  • Hazardous Waste storage facilities accurately located on site map/drawing and placed in EMP Appendix

  • Buried waste tanks located on site map

  • Dimensional sketch of buried waste tanks available in EMP Appendix

  • Dimensional sketch of potable water storage tanks included in the EMP Appendix

  • Evacuation and must points included in the EMP Appendix

General Storage Criteria

  • Flammables/Volatiles stored in accordance with MSDS

  • Oxygen and combustibles separated

  • Compressed gas cylinder properly maintained

  • Regulator gauges properly attached and maintained

  • Fire extinguishers properly located and inspected

  • Spill kits in place, complete with all kit inventory items

Hazardous Material Storage

  • HazMat storage meets RCER Section 4.3 access control criteria

  • HazMat storage meets RCER Section 4.3.6 spill containment criteria

  • MSDS's for all stored HazMat placed at storage area access point

  • Bi-lingual or pictorial caution signage in place

  • All containers in storage area placed on shelving or drum pallets

  • All containers in HazMat storage area labeled in accordance with RCER Section 4.3.14

  • All containers in HazMat storage area placed with appropriate aisle spacing per guidance document MD-405-0102-PM-EN-PRO-00002, section 7.0, page 21

Hazardous Waste Storage

  • Hazardous Waste storage area meets RCER Section 4.3 access control criteria

  • Hazardous Waste storage area meets RCER Section 4.3.6 spill containment criteria

  • MSDS's for all stored Hazardous Waste placed at storage area access point

  • Bi-lingual or pictorial caution signage in place

  • MSDS's for all stored Hazardous Waste placed at storage sea access point

  • All containers in storage area placed on shelving or drum pallets

  • All containers in storage area labeled in accordance with RCER Section 4.3.14

  • All containers in Hazardous Waste storage area placed with appropriate aisle spacing per guidance document MD-405-0102-PM-EN-PRO-00002, section 7.0, page 21

Personal Protective Equipment

  • Hard hats worn and maintained as required

  • Hearing protection worn as required

  • Eye protection required and worn properly

  • Proper foot protection for job performed

  • Face shield and/or goggles worn as required

  • Other:respirators, gloves, chemical resistant garments


  • Project work areas are clean and free of excess trash and debris

  • Walkways and passageways clear

  • Material and equipment properly stored

  • Electrical cords, hoses, welding leads, etc., elevated to prevent tripping hazards

  • Scrap material free of protruding nails or other puncture hazards

  • Trash receptacles are provided for work areas and water kegs

  • Barricades and rebar caps are installed and maintained

  • Other:

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