Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Site name
Health and Safety Documentation
Are all H&S documents on site and completed as necessary?
Safety Files up to date?
Covid-19 Procedures
Are covid-19 procedures being followed on site?
Are workers being briefed regularly on the importance of social distancing and hand washing?
Are there additional hand washing facilities? Is there facilities for hand washing when entering and leaving site and welfare facilities?
Are there restrictions on the number of personnel using the welfare and toilet facilities?
Is covid-19 signage displayed, i.e Social distancing,Hand washing ?
Are there enhanced cleaning measures being completed with particular focus on touch points,tables,kettles,refrigerators and microwave ovens?
Access on site
Are access routes free from obstructions and clearly signposted?
Are holes protected?
Is lighting adequate?
Are toilets readily available and are they kept clean and properly lit?
Are there washbasins, hot and cold (or warm) running water, soap and towels?
Is there somewhere to change, dry and store clothing?
Is there a place where workers can make hot drinks and heat food?
Is drinking water available and are cups provided?
Ladders and stepladders
Are the ladders, steps and hop-ups in good condition?
Are the ladders positioned and used correctly?
Traffic,Vans and Plant
Are vehicles and pedestrians kept apart with adequate signage?
Are vehicles and plant properly maintained, e.g. do the steering lights, handbrake and footbrake work properly?
Have drivers received proper training and are they competent for the vehicles or plant they are operating?
Are the PUWER inspections up to date?
Have suitable means of extraction been provided when producing construction dusts ? e,g, Wood , Plaster , silicas Wearers of RPE must be fit tested
Roof Works
Is there protection to stop people or materials falling?
Is the area cordoned off below?
Is there adequate support for the excavation, or has it been sloped or battered back to a safe angle?
Is there a safe method used for putting in the support, without people working in an unsupported trench?
Is there safe access into the excavation, e.g. a sufficiently long, secured ladder?
Are there barriers or other protection to stop people and vehicles falling in?
Are materials, spoil and plant stored away from the edge of the excavation to reduce the chance of a collapse?
Is the excavation regularly inspected by a competent person and permit to dig/cat scan records in place?
Manual Handling
have people been instructed and trained how to lift safely
Unusual lifting/heavy weights manual handling assessment done
Hazardous Substances
Have workers had information and training so they know what the risks are from hazourdous substances used and produced on site,and what they need to do to avoid the risks?
Has everyone on site had asbestos awareness training on site in the last 12 months?
is suitable hearing protection provided and worn in noisy areas,and hearing zones marked?
Hand-arm vibration
Have workers had onformation and training so they know what the risks are from hand-arm vibration ( HAV) on site,and what they need to do to avoid those risks?
HAVS assessment carried out for the use of vibrating tools such as concrete breakers,angle grinders or hammer drill?
Electricity and other services
Are low voltage tools and equipment, e.g. battery-operated tools or low-voltage systems being used?
Are cables and leads free from damage?
Are tools and equipment checked by users,visually examined on site and regularly inspected and tested by a competent person?
Tools and machinery
Are tools and machinery in good repair and are all safety devices guards,cut offs etc operating correctly?
Are all operators trained and competent
Fires and emergencies
Do people on site know what the procedures are and hot work permit process?
Do all fire point alarms/bells work and been tested on a weekly basis?
Escape routes known and are these kept clear?
Are suitable fire extinguishers provided and service in date?
Protecting the public
Is the work fenced off from the public?
Site Housekeeping
Are access areas kept clear of materials, tools and depris, materials stacked/stored safely?
Are work areas cleared at the end of each day?
Are waste products removed from site daily or placed in skips?
Are flammable materials stored separately and safely?
First Aid
Is the first aid kit sufficient for the amount of site personnel and fully stocked?
Do the operatives know what to do in an emergency?
Is PPE being used and worn correctly?
Is PPE in good condition and fit for the intended purpose?
Sign off
This is a scheduled weekly inspection conducted on
Name and signature of site manager