Title Page

  • Date of Audit

  • Rig Name

  • Auditor Name/Position

Chapter 1: General Information

  • Is an up-to-date OCIMF OVPQ available on board?

Chapter 2: Certification and Documentation<br>

  • Does the MO(D)U have a formal safety management system?

  • Where appropriate, is there objective evidence that the safety management system complies with the requirements of the ISM Code?<br>

  • Does the operator's representative visit the MO(D)U at least bi-annually?

  • Does the Master or OIM review the safety management system and report to the operator on any deficiencies?

  • Is the MO(D)U free of conditions of class or significant recommendations, memoranda or notations?

  • Has the MO(D)U undergone dry docking since the last Underwater Inspection in Lieu of Drydocking (UWILD)?

Chapter 3: Crew and Contractor Management

  • Does the operator have a policy for unannounced drug and alcohol testing?

  • Is there a common language stipulated for on-board communication?

  • Is the safety management system documentation in the common language?

  • Do documented procedures address scenarios which may require down-manning of non-essential personnel from the MO(D)U?

  • Is there a competence assessment process for the crew on board?

  • Does the company operate a formal appraisal for on-board personnel involved in operations?

  • Is HSSE awareness one of the appraised behaviours?

  • Do all personnel maintain hours of rest records and are the hours of rest in compliance with company or flag state requirements?

  • Has the OIM/Barge Engineer received training for move operations and to include jacking and pre-load?

  • Has OIM/deck officers received documented training and competence assessment for the navigational equipment fitted on board?

  • Are the MO(D)U owners contractor personnel qualified for their operations and the equipment placed on board the MO(D)U?

Chapter 4: Navigation<br>

  • If the unit has more than one manoeuvring control station on the bridge, do the vessel documented procedures clearly identify the actions to be followed when changing the manoeuvring position on the bridge, taking into account the physical location of the vessel in relation to the platform and/or the engine/generator status? When changing manoeuvring relation to the platform and/or the engine/generator status? When changing manoeuvring control stations on bridge do vessel procedures outline sequenced actions to be followed?

  • Are the MO(D)U’s manoeuvring characteristics displayed on the bridge?

  • Are auto to manual steering changeover documented procedures clearly identified?

  • Has the Master or OIM written his own standing orders and are night orders being completed?

  • Have the deck marine operational staff countersigned the Master or OIM’s standing and special instructions as being read and understood?

  • If the unit is not equipped with a chart folio and publication system is there a documented system implemented on board the unit that provides navigational charts and relevant<br>publications at the time of a rig move or towage operation that permit the passage of the MO<br>(D)U to be monitored on board the MO(D)U?

  • ls a lookout maintained at all times when the MO(D)U is underway on passage under its own power?

  • Where installed is the echo sounder data recorded?

  • Do documented procedures clearly prohibit the use of offshore installations as way points?

  • Is there a procedure to monitor position during pilotage?

  • Is there a system for dealing with navigation warnings and are they being charted?

  • Is all navigation equipment in good order?

Chapter 5: Safety and Security Management

  • Is there an effective inspection and testing programme in place to ensure that all portable electrical equipment used on board is maintained in a satisfactory condition?

  • Is an alarm system fitted in the hospital and is it regularly tested?

  • Does the MO(D)U have a designated medic or crew member to provided medical care on board?

  • Is there a system for verifying and checking medical stores?

  • Is medical advice available 24hrs a day?

  • Are emergency drills being carried out regularly?

  • Are 'grab bags' available in cabins?

  • If MO(D)U has an approved SSP, has a ship security officer been designated and do they hold appropriate certification?

  • If the MO(D)U is NOT required to have an approved SSP because of unit type, are there Security Procedures in place?<br>

  • Is a deck watch being maintained to prevent unauthorized access?

  • If required, are security drills carried out at regular intervals?

  • Are personnel aware of the function of the ship security alert system and how to operate it?

  • Are effective procedures in place to ensure safe work on high voltage systems and do they address appropriate access arrangements?

  • If the MO(D)U has high voltage equipment, are staff suitably trained and been deemed competent to perform maintenance on it?

  • Are users of welding equipment specifically trained and qualified for the equipment found on board?

  • Are there procedures in place covering the use of portable electrical equipment on deck?

  • Are all spaces that are classed as 'enclosed spaces' identified and clearly marked?

  • Are portable gas and oxygen analysers provided appropriate to the MO(D)U's operations and are they calibrated and in good order?<br>

  • Are any personnel elevators (lifts) on-board the MO(D)U inspected and certified in date?

  • Are all personnel transfer and manriding baskets subjected to an inspection and certification regime?

  • Have all personnel involved in lifting/man riding operations undergone training to carry out such operations?

  • Are MO(D)U specific life-saving equipment training manuals available?

  • If MO(D)U has lifeboats, are the lifeboats, including their equipment and launching mechanisms, in good order?

  • If the MO(D)U is equipped with a Fast Rescue Boat is the equipment in good order and regularly maintained. Is the Fast Rescue Boat being launched in accordance with the requirements of the MO(D)U code requirements?

  • Are MO(D)U-specific fire training manuals available?

  • Is all fire fighting equipment available for use and defect free?

  • Are all fire screen doors, ventilation dampers and structural fire protection boundaries fully operational and intact?

  • Are MO(D)U-specific fire fighting equipment maintenance instructions available and are weekly and monthly inspections being carried out?

  • If MO(D)U is required to carry Methanol or other alcohol based substances, is the unit equipped with an appropriate extinguishing system?

  • If MO(D)U has FiFi notation, is the associated equipment in good order?

  • Are Fire Doors Operational and part of a maintenance and inspection regime inspection?

  • Where the MO(D)U is not fitted with a helideck, and Chapter 14 is not applicable, does the MO(D)U have a set of procedures/guidance for helicopter winching operations in the event that they may need to be enacted?

Chapter 6: Pollution Prevention

  • If fitted, are thruster seals free of hydraulic leaks?

  • Are there any bilge spaces pumped directly overboard and are appropriate arrangements in place to monitor and prevent "contaminants" being discharged overboard?<br>

  • Is an approved MARPOL Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan or Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan provided?

  • Is the IMO Coastal Contact List up to date and is the Master aware of port contact procedures?

  • If carried, are hydrocarbon and NLS hoses, fitted with leak free couplings such as Todomatic at the hose end?

  • If carried, are hydrocarbon and NLS hoses, fitted with dry break couplings in the hose length?

  • If fitted is the incinerator on-board the unit fully operational?

Chapter 7: Structure and stability

  • If there has been any significant structural damage to the MO(D)U, have repairs been undertaken to the satisfaction of an attending Class surveyor?

  • Has there been any modifications to the MO(D)U that have affected the variable deck load. If so have the calculations been evaluated for the jacking systems?

  • Is an approved stability book available on-board that includes both intact and damage stability scenarios?

  • Is a loading computer or programme in use?

  • Are there records indicating that the operational accuracy of the load computer is tested regularly?

  • Is there a system of verifying and recording the calibration of tank gauging systems and level alarms?

  • Are emergency ballast drills being conducted on a regular basis?

  • Has the MO(D)U's classification society been involved in assessing/approving any structural modifications to the MO(D)U?

  • Is there evidence that the MO(D)U's stability information has been updated when structural or mission specific equipment modifications have taken place?<br>

  • If applicable, are the MO(D)U's Master or OIM and Officers fully aware of the changes to stability information as a result of the structural or mission specific equipment modifications?

  • If structural modifications have been undertaken, do they agree with the details recorded on the OVPQ?

  • In the case of a Mono-hull MO(D)U is there evidence of the equipment number being assessed and the anchor sizing confirmed after any hull modification works?

Chapter 8: Operations

  • Does the MO(D)U have on-board a copy of the Class Approved Marine Operations Manual?

  • Are the ballast and bilge systems covered by an FME(C)A?

  • Is there a system for controlling the inhibiting of bilge and ballast system alarms?

  • Is access to the ballast control panel restricted?

  • Can ballast system valves be operated in the event of power failure?

  • Is the ballast system effectively isolated from the bilge system?

  • Is the pump room emergency bilge suction valve clearly marked, fitted with a position indicator and capable of remote operation?<br>

  • Is the emergency bilge suction and pump tested and are records maintained?

  • Is there a management of change process in place for the facility to change the MO(D)U move procedures?

  • Are there weather limits for MO(D)U moves?

Chapter 9: Mooring

  • If fitted, are certificates available for all mooring, wires, chains, shackles, etc.?

  • If fitted, are there records of the inspection and maintenance of mooring, wires and equipment?<br>

  • Are alongside (Jetty/Dock) mooring procedures available?

  • Are mooring lines secured to bitts turned up correctly?

  • Are all powered mooring lines correctly reeled on drums?

  • If fitted are all powered mooring lines secured on brakes and are the winches out of gear?

  • If the vessel/unit is equipped with fenders for mooring alongside, are they in good condition?

  • Are ferrule terminations in use?

  • If fitted, are all mooring winches in good order?

  • If fitted, are mooring wires and ropes in good order?

  • Are winch brake band tension setting known set and tested ?

  • Are windlasses, anchors, locking bars and cables in a satisfactory condition and operating effectively?

  • If fitted, are chain locker doors securely battened down?

  • If fitted, are spurling pipes normally secured to prevent water ingress?

  • Are winch brake band tension setting known set and tested?

  • Has an FME(C)A been carried out on spread moored systems?

  • Is there a system for monitoring and recording of mooring lines tension and lineout/scope of spread moored systems and are records maintained?

  • Is there a system for maintenance and calibration of lineout, scope and tension meters and are records maintained?

  • Are the emergency stops for winches/windlasses routinely tested and records maintained?

Chapter 10: Communications

  • Are personnel aware of the requirements for position updating on two-way communications equipment?

Chapter 11: Propulsion, Power generation and machinery

  • Has the chief engineer/maintenance supervisor written his own standing orders and are night orders being completed?

  • Have the applicable persons countersigned the chief engineer / maintenance supervisor’s standing and night orders as read and understood?

  • Does the operator subscribe to a fuel, lubricating and hydraulic oil testing programme, and is there a procedure in place to take into account the results?

  • If the machinery space is certified for unmanned operation, is it being operated in that mode?

  • Is the dead man alarm system, where fitted, in good order and used as required? (This alarm may also serve the function as engineers call alarm.)<br>

  • Are fuel and lubricating oil handling areas, including purifier rooms, if applicable, ventilated and clean?

  • Where hydraulic aggregate pumps are located within the main engine compartment, is an oil mist detector fitted?<br>

  • Is the switchboard / breaker protection tested regularly?

  • Are machinery spaces clean and free from obvious leaks and is the overall standard of housekeeping and lagging maintenance in good order?

  • If applicable, is the engine side manoeuvring station in good order and are engineers familiar with the procedure for taking control from the bridge in an emergency?

  • If applicable, have alternate generator arrangements such as DP3 primary generator redundancy, emergency circuit load sharing and power management been tested and proven?

  • If applicable, is the steering gear/steering compartment(s) free from defects?

  • If applicable, has the emergency steering arrangement been tested within the past three months and are the results recorded?

  • If applicable, are emergency steering changeover procedures clearly displayed locally and in the wheelhouse?

  • If applicable, are officers familiar with the operation of the steering arrangement in the emergency mode?

  • If applicable, is the steering gear emergency reserve tank fully charged?

  • If applicable, are the arrangements for the provision of heading information available?

  • If applicable, are communication arrangements with the Bridge/Steering compartment satisfactory?

  • If applicable, is there a means for indicating the rudder angle or thruster direction at the emergency steering position?

  • If applicable, is access to the emergency steering controls unobstructed?

  • If applicable, in steering compartments, are suitable handrails, gratings or other non-slip surfaces provided?

Chapter 12: General Appearance and Condition

  • Are all deck openings, including watertight doors and portholes, in a satisfactory condition and capable of being properly secured?

  • Are there documented procedures for the operation of powered watertight doors which require doors to be left in the normally closed position?

  • Are alleyways free of obstructions and exits clearly marked?

  • Are public spaces, including smoke rooms, mess rooms, sanitary areas, food storerooms, food handling spaces, refrigerated spaces, galleys and pantries clean, tidy and in a hygienically satisfactory condition?<br>

  • Is the condition of electrical equipment in the accommodation satisfactory?

Chapter 13: Helicopter operations

  • Is there documentary evidence to confirm that the helideck meets the requirements of CAP437?

  • If the vessel/unit has re-fuelling facilities, are they certified?

Chapter 14: Lifeboats and FRC

  • Does a visual inspection reveal any obvious issues?

  • Ensure the winches and wire rope are in good condition and properly greased. Any visible corrosion around davit?

  • Ensure the IMO call sign and vessel name is clearly marked on lifeboats?

  • Are Davit valid wire ropes certs kept on board?

  • Check condition of motors and control system?

  • Do all batteries have battery charges?

  • Are batteries secured and in good condition?

Chapter 15: Anchor Winches

  • What is the condition of motos and controls including electrical installation? including hydraulic systems.

  • What is the condition of the winches etc. including hydraulic systems?

  • Check condition of the anchor wire when was last API RP 2I inspection?

  • Are valid certificates for anchor wires on board?

  • Are tension meters working correctly?

Chapter 16: Other Marine Equipment

  • Are all valves and pumps functioning correctly?

  • Are there any faults showing on the ballast control system (where applicable)?

  • What is the condition of auxiliary pump room equipment?

  • Sea chest strainer maintenance differential gauges fitted and operational?

  • Inspect condition of pipework on tender including bunkering systems?

  • Perform spot-check of watertight doors for closers, corrosion?

  • What is the condition of paintwork on the tender? Any bad areas of corrosion? Is there a paint maintenance plan as per TMS?

  • Are there any metal-to-metal loads placed on deck?

Chapter 17: STAR

  • Check for overdue PM's. Discuss with OIM regarding any issues?

  • Check PM history to ensure workorders are being performed and completed correctly?

  • Ensure FLM is being performed and completed check sheets are uploaded into FLM folder in STAR and attached to workorder?

  • Is the TMOC procedure being followed as per TMS?

  • Have all users had / attended STAR training?

  • Is there lightning protection installed on the crown and crane?

  • Does the crown lightning conductor connect through to the tender as requested by technical support?

  • Are Anti Corrosion systems functioning? Is Anode replacement as per schedule?

  • Are water maker and UV systems working correctly?

  • Are all helideck lights functioning?

  • Any housekeeping issues throughout the DES/Tender?

  • Have all critical gauges been calibrated? Must be done annually. Is there a register?

  • Are all pressure relief valves in calibration? Must be done every two (2) years. Is there a register?

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