Title Page

  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • Vessel Name


  • Who is the Vessels Responsible Owner (address and phone number)?

IMO Number

  • Vessel IMO Number

MMSI Number

  • Vessel MMSI Number

Call Sign

  • Vessel Call Sign


  • Vessel Classification

Maximum POB

  • What is the maximum vessel POB

Site Requirements in relation to the vessel and Scope of Work

  • Activity to be undertaken?

  • Site specific conditions, hazards and methods to be used (highlight any specific issues to note/the vessel type necessary)?

  • Facilities/equipment required on the vessel (detail any specific or unusual equipment required in relation to the scope of the work)?

Competence, experience and training of the Marine and project crew?

  • Does the crew (and project team if required) have the necessary competence/experience?

  • Does the crew (and project team if required) have the necessary certification to work under E.ON Marine standards?

Safety Management System

  • Does the vessel have an adequate Safety Management System (SMS) documented and retained on the vessel?

Vessel Induction

  • Are all on signers and visitors inducted with attendance records retained on the vessel?

  • Are the Vessel Rules displayed in prominent locations?


  • Are there a sufficient number of well ventilated and lit clean toilets with hot water, soap and hand towels available for the number of personnel onboard?

  • Does the vessel have sanitary provisions in the toilets?

  • Are there suitable clean, heated, well lit Galley and Messing facilities available for the/ number of personnel onboard, segregated from smokers with areas for preparing food?

  • Are there suitable heated, clean, well lit facilities for changing/hanging and drying clothes?

  • Is drinking water made freely available?

  • Are there suitable and sufficient well lit containers, lockers and racking/ available and maintained in good condition?

1st Aid & Equipment

  • Are there adequate well stocked 1st Aid kits (Category C) available with signage displayed in their locations?

  • Is signage displayed identifying 1st Aid trained personnel?

  • Does the vessel have an AED defibrillator stored in a secure location and are personnel trained in its use?

  • Does the vessel have a stretcher available and is it stored in a secure location?

Muster Points

  • Are Emergency assembly point locations suitably identified with signage and kept free from obstruction?

Emergency Equipment

  • Does the vessel have an adequate number of fixed and portable VHF radios available?

  • Does the vessel have a Class "A" AIS system?

  • Does the vessel have personal locator beacons (PLBs) available and is it fitted with a detector?

  • Does the vessel have an EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon) and does it display a valid inspection date?

  • Does the vessel have a SART (Search and Rescue Transponder) and does it display a valid inspection date?

  • Does the vessel have adequate quantities of SOLAS approved hand held flares, parachute flares, buoyant smoke signals stored in a secure location for alert in the event of an emergency in compliant with MGN_280_2?

  • Does the vessel have an adequate number of fire extinguishers of the correct type for the hazards identified and displaying a valid inspection date?

  • Does the vessel have suitable means for recovering a MOB such as a MOB davit displaying a valid inspection date, rescue boat, boat hooks, throw lines or life buoys?

  • Does the vessel have suitable life rafts with the capacity to hold the number of personnel on board with a valid inspection date and do the hydrostatic release mechanisms display a valid inspection date?

  • Does the vessel/ have an Emergency Towage Plan and suitable tow points and tow lines?

Lifting Equipment

  • Does the vessel have a suitable area for storing lifting equipment?

  • Does the vessel hold an up to date register of inspection records for all lifting equipment?

  • Does the vessel hold and retain valid training records for competent operators of Cranes?


  • Does the vessel hold and retain records of MOB, Fire, Main Propulsion or Steering Failure, Collision or Grounding, Marine Pollution (oil spills) Evacuation from an Offshore Structure, Vessel Evacuation or Abandonment drills?


  • Does the vessel have a suitable, secure area for storing chemicals and substances displaying adequate signage to identify the hazards presented?

  • Is the area suitably bunded?

  • Are suitable drip trays available?

  • Are there suitable areas for storing gas cylinders with suitable segregation and adequate signage displayed?

  • Is there any evidence of spillage or environmental discharge?


  • Are the vessel fenders suitable, sufficient and adequate?

  • Does the vessel have suitable barriers erected to prevent falls from height and falls overboard into water?

Engine Room

  • Has the vessel engine room had a smoke test to confirm its integrity to prevent the spread of smoke within the vessel?

Safety Distance & Stepping Distance

  • Does the vessel dimensions of the safety clearance and stepping distance from the vessel bow to the boat landing ladder meet the G9 "Working at Height in the Offshore Wind Industry Good Practice Guideline"? (Maximum clearance 500mm - Maximum stepping distance 650mm)


  • If the vessel is 400 gross tonnes or over does it hold a documented Oil Pollution Emergency Plan on board as required under MARPOL?

  • If the vessel is 150 gross tonnes or over and registered to carry noxious liquid substances does it hold a documented Marine Pollution Emergency Plan as required under MARPOL?

Vessel Email

Vessel telephone number

Actions to be completed


  • Add signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.