Title Page
Document No.
Audit Title
Conducted on
Enter Host(s) name:
Mobile check-in was evaluated
If standing in a queue, an attempt to acknowledge the guest was made in a timely manner
Warm welcome/greeting provided
Good posture, smile, eye contact, and attentive listening maintained throughout the interaction
Well-groomed and professional, wearing a uniform
Uniform and name tag meets standard
Uniform and name tag meets standard
The Host reviewed the method of payment ?<br>
The check-in procedure met standard for time and was error free?<br>The Host must:<br>•Provide a working key to the guest<br>•Assign the guest a clean and vacant room<br>•Perform check-in process, including time standing in queue within:<br> •(5) minutes (US/CAN)<br>Mark NO if any of the above criteria is not met<br>
Guest name used during the experience, when known
The Host Created a Personal Connection ?<br>Mark N/A if guest check-in was conducted via mobile check-in<br>The Host must Create a Personal Connection (e.g. inquiring about the nature of visit, asking about travel experience, commenting on the guest's travel origin, inquiring about any special needs or requests, mentions something about guest's previous or future visits, avoid Host to Host conversations) during the interaction<br>Mark NO if the Host did not Create a Personal Connection during interaction<br>
The Host Responds to Cues <br>Mark N/A if guest check-in was conducted via mobile check-in<br>The Host must Respond to Cues by being aware of guest's verbal and non-verbal cues and customizing the interaction appropriately without being prompted or asked<br>Examples include:<br>•Engaging in conversation when personal details about a guest are learned<br>•Modeling behavior after the guest (e.g. if the guest is in a hurry, act with a sense of purpose)<br>•Offering extra towels to guests (e.g. traveling with families)<br>•Paying special attention to children (e.g. kid's key to the hotel, sending milk and cookies to the room)<br>Mark NO if the Host did not Respond to Cues during interaction<br>
Further assistance offered to the guest
Warm and sincere closing offered and appreciation demonstrated
The overall experience met guest expectations and was free of negative detractors