Title Page
Inspection number:
Location of inspection:
Team Leader(s)/Manager(s) responsible for the area:
Inspection conducted on:
Inspection conducted by:
Report prepared by:
Executive summary of inspection
Please give summary details.
Safety Management
Is the MDC Health and Safety Policy readily available?
Take action and ensure the Health and Safety Policy is made available
Has an induction been completed and recorded for all group members?
Take action and ensure inductions are completed as soon as possible
Does this inspection include office workspace (ie. areas where people would sit to use a computer)?
Where applicable, have all computer users completed a DSE assessment?
Take action to ensure all users complete a DSE assessment with follow up actions implemented
Is the area being used appropriately?
Take action to ensure that the area is used appropriately as a computer-based work area.
Does this inspection include a high risk area - eg. laboratory, workshop, etc?
Is the safety file complete and up to date? E.g. Include valid policy and risk assessments etc.
This should include a valid MIB safety policy/arrangements document, general risk assessment for the space, experimental and general equipment risk assessments, etc
Take action to ensure that the safety file is updated as appropriate.
Are training records available and up to date?
Take action to ensure that training records are retained and available.
Are competency records available and up to date?
Competence can only be assured when a person has been assessed in their ability to carry out their work safely, usually by observation or testing and is seperate to training. If this is not currently being completed it should be introduced as soon as possible where possible.
Take action to ensure that competency is assessed with records retained and available.
Do all users have a fitness to work certificate?
Take action to ensure all users have completed an Occupational Health lab screen questionnaire and subsequently received a fitness to work certificate.
If applicable, are equipment permits for out of hours/overnight operation valid and displayed, and has the correct procedure been followed?
Take action to ensure that overnight/out of hours equipment procedures are being followed.
Is a regular self-inspection completed in this area (eg. weekly check sheet)?
Take action to set up a regular, recorded, self-inspection regime.
Building Emergency
Are emergency exits and routes clearly signposted and free from slips/trips and obstructions?
Take immediate action to ensure that emergency exits and routes are clear.
If only one point of access and egress exists, has this been suitably risk assessed?
Take immediate action to ensure that a risk assessment is completed and appropriate actions taken where needed.
Do personnel know the fire alarm testing time, evacuation procedures and assembly point?
Take immediate action to ensure all users understand the emergency procedures.
Where appropriate, are fire extinguishers available and in date?
Take action to ensure fire extinguisher(s) are sited appropriately and tested.
Do personnel know how to report accident, incident or building issues?
Take action to ensure all users understand the reporting procedures.
Where there is a telephone, is it working?
Take action to ensure that the telephone is operational.
First Aid
Where appropriate, are first aider contact details clearly displayed near by?
Take action to ensure up-to-date first aider details are displayed.
Should a first aid kit be available specifically for this area (eg. within a lab)?
Is a first aid kit available, and stocked?
Take immediate action to ensure that the first aid kit is available and stocked correctly.
Where appropriate, is specialist first aid treatment available and in date (eg. eyewash, diphoterine, hexafluorine, calcium gluconate, oxygen)?
Take immediate action to ensure that the specialist first aid treatment is available
Where required, are emergency showers available and accessible?
Is the emergency shower routinely tested, and are suitable testing records displayed/available?
Take action to ensure that emergency showers are added to the testing/self inspection schedule, and that records are displayed.
Take action to make emergency showers available and accessible as necessary.
Is there a good standard of housekeeping within this area? Is it tidy and cleared of surplus items?
Take action to ensure that the level of housekeeping improves in this area; waste should be removed, and surplus items should be moved to suitable storage.
Are the toilets, showers and kitchenette clean and tidy? Where present, please check microwaves, fridges, etc
Take action to ensure that the level of housekeeping improves in this area.
Is there evidence of the inappropriate consumption of food and drink e.g. within workshops or laboratory areas?
Take steps to ensure food and drink are only consumed in appropriate areas.
Where present, are the hand wash facilities clean and correctly stocked?
Take action to ensure that the area is cleaned regularly, and that used items are replaced.
Is the area comfortable with good lighting, temperature, furniture, flooring, fixtures & fittings?
Please make note of areas of concern
Please report any defects as appropriate were possible/appropriate.
Does the area have the correct level of security arrangements (eg. swipe access, keypad access, etc)?
Please make note of areas of concern
Risk assess security arrangements and upgrade as necessary if possible.
Electrical Safety
Is electrical equipment in good condition with valid test date (eg. PAT label)?
Take immediate action to ensure equipment without a valid test label is taken out of action, and not returned to use until it has been tested and labelled.
Where required, has fixed appliance testing been undertaken, and is there a valid test date displayed on the equipment?
Take immediate action to ensure equipment without a valid test label is taken out of action, and not returned to use until it has been tested and labelled.
Where present, are extension leads used correctly (no daisy-chaining; not overloaded)?
Take immediate action to ensure equipment is safe
Is high voltage equipment in use (greater than 1000V)?
Are suitable and sufficient risk assessments in place?
Immediately remove equipment from service until suitable control measures are in place.
Should the equipment be subject to a separate HV inspection due to the nature of it's construction.
Has a seperate HV inspection been completed
Take action to remove from use and ensure an inspection is completed as soon as possible.
Equipment subject to this is that which operates at over a 1000V regardless of the voltage it is supplied and has been self built/manufactured/adapted internally and/or without any normal overall safety verification such as CE marking.
Is there any self-built electrical equipment in the area (excluding HV)?
Is the equipment contained with a suitable casing that prevents access to any exposed wiring or connections?
Immediately remove from power source/use until suitably contained.
Are cables leading to the casings firmly secured?
Immediately remove from power source/use until cables are secured.
Does the equipment have a valid Portable Appliance Test?
Immediately remove from power source/use until PAT is completed satisfactorily.
High Profile Signage
Is correct safety signage in place where necessary (eg. on lab entrances)?
Take action to ensure correct safety signage is placed in this area.
Where emergency alarm panels exist are there sufficient instructions for security and viable contact details for within working hours and outside normal working hours.
Take immediate action to ensure correct emergency response signage is in place.
Is correct signage in place on hazardous storage cabinets (eg. flammable signage on solvent storage cabinets)?
Take action to ensure correct safety signage is attached to storage cabinets.
Materials Management
Are materials (eg. hazardous chemicals, metal stock materials, etc) in use in this area?
Where required, is there an up to date LabCup inventory?
Take action to ensure that all appropriate material (eg. hazardous chemicals) are added onto the LabCup system.
Are materials being stored and transported correctly?
Take action to ensure that materials are stored and transported correctly.
This would include the type and integrity of the storage and if it is appropriate for the materials being stored including flammable storage, sparkproof fridges and freezers etc.
Where appropriate, are the materials labelled correctly?
Take action to ensure that all materials are labelled correctly.
Where appropriate, are the materials segregated correctly?
Take immediate action to ensure that correct segregation is in place.
Where required, are hazardous spills kits available for immediate use?
Take action to ensure that hazardous spills kits are made available.
Where present, are heavy items stored correctly?
Take action to ensure that heavy items are moved to correct, safe storage.
Is biological work (non-GM or GM) conducted within this area?
Are specific biological safety inspections being conducted in this area (eg. by the Faculty Biological Safety Manager)?
Take immediate action to ensure that this work activity is notified to the Faculty Biological Safety Manager, who can provide advice on Faculty procedures (including risk assessment and authorisation procedures).
Noise & Vibrations
Is there any equipment within the area which produces noise that requires a formal noise assessment?
Are appropriate noise assessments in place with suitable control measures?
Take immediate action - make equipment safe and remove from use until appropriate assessments are in place.
Where appropriate, is hearing protection available and suitable and sufficient ?
Take immediate action - ensure that the equipment is not used until appropriate hearing protection is available for use.
Is there any equipment within the area which produces vibrations that requires a formal vibration assessment
Are appropriate vibration assessments in place with suitable control measures?
Take immediate action - make equipment safe and remove from use until appropriate assessments are in place.
Ionising Radiation
Is ionising radiation used within this area?
Which types of ionising radiation are used in the area?
- Radioactive sources (eg. 32P, etc)
- X-rays
Are specific radiation inspections being conducted in this area (eg. by your local Radiation Protection Supervisor or the Radiation Protection Unit)?
Take action to ensure a specific radiation inspection is being carried out.
Are risk assessments and SOPs valid and available as appropriate.
Take immediate action to ensure that this work stops until valid risk assessments and SOPs are available.
Are local rules, Safe Systems of Work and training records valid and available as appropriate?
Take immediate action to ensure that this work stops until this information is available.
Are film badges, shielding, guarding and interlocks being used correctly, with inspection records valid and available as appropriate?
Take immediate action to ensure that this work stops until all procedures, protective devices and records are available
Is the correct PPE (eg. lab coat, safety glasses, gloves, etc) available and being used?
Take immediate action to ensure that this work stops until all required PPE is available, and all users have been trained in its use.
Non-Ionising Radiation
Is non-ionising radiation used within this area?
Which of the following sources of non-ionising radiation are present?
- Lasers
- Magnets
- Microwaves
- UV/LEDs/mercury lamps
Are specific non-ionising radiation inspections being conducted in this area (eg. by the LSA or Radiation Protection Unit)?
Take action to ensure specific non-ionising radiation inspections are completed.
Are risk assessments and SOPs valid and available as appropriate?
Take immediate action to ensure that this work stops until valid risk assessments and SOPs are available.
Are local rules, Safe Systems of Work and training records valid and available as appropriate?
Take immediate action to ensure that this work stops until this information is available.
Are shielding, guarding and interlocks being used correctly, with inspection records valid and available?
Take immediate action to ensure that this work stops until all protective devices and records are available
Is the correct PPE (eg. lab coat, laser goggles, etc) available and being used?
Take immediate action to ensure that this work stops until all required PPE is available, and all users have been trained in its use.
Is specific PPE/RPE required when working in this area?
Where required, are the following items of PPE supplied, used, stored and maintained correctly? Lab coats, eye protection, gloves, footwear, respiratory protection and hearing protection .
Take action to ensure PPE is being correctly selected, supplied, used, stored and maintained.
Were all users wearing correct PPE at the time of the inspection?
Please note down their names.
Where respiratory protection is used, is it suitable, fit for purpose and are users suitably trained?
Take immediate action to ensure that this activity stops and does not restart until suitable respiratory protection is available and users are trained to use it.
Are there records of users being trained in the safe use, storage and maintenance of the RPE?
Take immediate action to ensure that users are suitably trained with records available.
Are there records of face-fitting by a trained and competent face fitter?
Take immediate action to ensure that users are suitably fitted with records available.
Are users fully aware of the limitations of RPE?
Take immediate action to ensure that users are suitably trained with records available.
Do users conduct monthly inspections on the RPE equipment and do they keep records?
Ensure self inspections take place and are recorded
Pressure Systems
Are pressure vessels in use in the area?
Do all of the pressure vessels have valid statutory inspection certificates where required?
Take immediate action to ensure equipment without a valid certificate is taken out of action, and that equipment is inspected and certified before being returned to use
Do all pressure vessels below 250 bar, have a valid maintenance record?
Ensure that all maintenance records are retained, and ensure vessels are placed onto a planned preventative maintenance schedule.
Are they included on the LabCup asset inventory?
Take action to ensure all are added to the LabCup asset inventory.
Is the equipment clearly marked with a safe working pressure ?
Take action to ensure that the safe working pressure is displayed clearly on the equipment or in a suitable location if this isn't possible.
Compressed Gases
Are compressed gases and/or cryogenic materials being used in this area?
Has this been appropriately risk assessed to determine if gas detection is required?
Take immediate action to assess if gas detection is required with follow up actions as necessary.
Where previously identified as required has a suitable gas detection system been installed?
Take immediate action to ensure suitable gas detection is installed
Is the gas detection system installed correctly with suitable advice on action in case of activation and on a maintenance schedule ?
Take action to ensure that a maintenance schedule is put in place for the detection system, in order to ensure that it continues to function correctly. Ensure that users know what to do when activated.
Where present, is the fixed pipework (eg. pipes, manifolds, connections, etc) appropriate?
Take action to ensure that the fixed pipework is inspected, and that any required changes are made as soon as possible.
Are gas cylinders in use in this area?
Are cylinders stored properly/securely, with correct regulators and segregation?
Take immediate action to ensure gas cylinders are stored appropriately.
Is it included on the LabCup asset inventory?
Take action to ensure cylinders are added to the LabCup inventory.
Do all gas regulators have a valid inspection date on display/available and is it included on the LabCup asset inventory?
Take immediate action - where a valid test date or reference to it is not present, the regulator must be removed from use. Any not on the LabCup inventory much be added.
Are cryogenic vessels present in this area?
Are the cryogenic vessels suitable and in good condition?
The vessel must be removed from use if it is not in good condition; it should be inspected and either repaired or replaced.
Where required, is there a Written Scheme of Examination?
The equipment should be removed from use until the equipment has been examined, and a written scheme of examination completed.
Where cryogenic material is being used, is appropriate PPE available for immediate use (eg. thermal gloves, apron, face visor, etc)?
Take immediate action to ensure that suitable PPE is placed in the area where cryogenic material is being used and users are appropriately trained.
Lifting equipment
Is lifting equipment in use in this area?
Does all of the lifting equipment have a valid statutory inspection certificate on display and in date?
Take immediate action to remove the equipment from use until it has been inspected and certified
Is the equipment stored correctly ?
Take action to ensure equipment is stored correctly
Working at Height
Are ladders, steps, kick stools or elevated platforms in use in this area?
Is the equipment in good condition, with a valid check date displayed (eg. scaftag)?
Take immediate action to remove the equipment from use until it has been repaired and/or inspected/labelled
Have all users of this equipment received working at height training?
Take immediate action to stop users from using this type of equipment until they have completed working at height training.
Has training been recorded, and are the records available?
Ensure training is recorded in future, and that the records are available.
Local Exhaust Ventilation systems
Is LEV (eg. fume cupboards, class II microbiological safety cabinets, etc) used in this area?
Has the LEV been inspected within the last 14 months?
Take immediate action - remove the LEV from use and ensure it is not used again until it has been inspected and tested.
Is a pre-use checklist present, and is it up to date?
Take action to ensure that a pre-use checklist is displayed on/close to the LEV, and that it is updated as required.
Is the LEV clean and free from dust?
Take action to ensure that the LEV is cleaned regularly
Is at least 50% of the fume cupboard cleared from clutter?
Take action to ensure the LEV is cleared of all unnecessary equipment after use, and that there is a good standard of housekeeping.
Are all flow indicators and alarms working properly?
Take immediate action - remove the LEV from use and ensure that a qualified engineer attends as soon as possible to make any repairs that are required.
Are the fume cupboard sashes closed if they are not in use?
Take immediate action - close fume cupboard sash and ensure users are reminded of the safe operation procedures for using fume cupboards.
Is ductless/recirculating LEV in use in this area?
Is the ductless LEV being correctly managed and maintained (e.g. service contract, filter changes, etc)?
Take action to ensure that the ductless LEV is placed onto a service contract, and that there is a planned preventative maintenance schedule in place.
Are flexible extraction arms (eg. elephant trunking?) in use in the area?
Is the capture distance specified in the risk assessments and the Allianz statutory inspection reports?
Take action to ensure that this information is added to the risk assessment, and that Allianz is including this information on their reports.
Is soldering equipment being used in this area?
Has a suitable risk assessment been completed for this activity?
Take immediate action - all soldering must be stopped until a suitable risk assessment has been completed.
Is the correct extraction in use (based on frequency and duration of use)?
Take immediate action - ensure that no soldering activities are conducted until the correct extraction is present.
Is the capture distance of the extraction unit specified in the risk assessment?
Take action to ensure that this information is added to the risk assessment.
Is Lead or rosin based solder in use?
Are the control measures correct for this type of solder?
Take action to ensure that no soldering activities are conducted until the correct control measures have been introduced.
Waste Management
Are correct waste disposal routes available and being followed (consider hazardous materials, sharps, tiger, office waste, etc)
Take action to ensure that all users in the area are following the correct disposal routes for all types of waste, and that suitable waste receptacles are present within the area.
Is waste being removed in a timely manner and not allowed to accumulate?
Take action to remove surplus waste via the correct disposal routes.
Are waste chemicals/substances being managed appropriately e.g. correct containment or collection points, within ventilated spaces if appropriate etc?
Take action to ensure waste is being managed appropriately.
Work Equipment
Are hand-held tools (eg. screwdrivers, spanners) used in this area?
Are adequate controls in place?
Take action to remove the equipment from use until suitable control measures are in place.
Where required, are adequate controls (eg. signage, access control, earth, interlocks, emergency stops or other safety critical devices etc) in place and functioning correctly on machinery.
Remove from service until safety critical devices are verified as operational and the equipment safe.
Please identify areas of concern.
Are any water systems (such as water baths, chillers, etc) in use in this area?
Are all adequate controls (which may include controls against Legionella) in place?
Take immediate action to remove the equipment from use until suitable control measures are in place.
Inspection Summary
The inspection team found the overall condition of this area to be:
Please provide reasons for this assessment:
Are there any further comments? This may include areas of good practice identified during the inspection.
Please insert your comments here.