Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
General OHS
There is a current documented health and safety policy?
The service company is able to demonstrate knowledge of current health and safety information
There is a process to ensure that health and safety management for the workplace is reviewed annually
Hazard Management
Employees are actively involved in Health and Safety
There is a systematic process to identify and record actual and potential hazards in the workplace
There is a process to identify significant hazards?
Appropriately trained and/or experienced people lead the identification and management of hazards?
There are appropriate controls in place for each significant hazard based on the hierarchy in the HSE act?
When a significant hazard is managed using minimisation, employees exposure to the hazard is monitored (including monitoring employees health)?
Permit to work systems are in place for appropriate tasks?
Specialist advice is sought for managing hazards when appropriate?
There is a process to review health and safety after a critical event or if there is a change in work procedures or health and safety policy
There is a process to identify hazards associated with any new equipment, work processes or altered equipment?
There is a process to ensure that Hazard Control Plans are communicated to, and used by Sub Contractors?
Incident and Injury Reporting
There is a system for reporting incidents (including near misses), injuries and work related illness?
Serious Harm notifications are sent to Worksafe New Zealand?
There is a process to investigate incidents that injuries that have a potential to cause harm or caused harm?
Emergency Planning
Emergency evacuation trial completed within the last 6 months?
Does the Service Company have a Business Continuity plan (that incorporates a Pandemic Plan) that ensures service levels are maintained?
External Health and Safety Accreditation
The Service Company is accredited by an external agency in relation to Health and Safety
Select date
ACC WSMP or Partnership Plan
Date and level ACC attainment?
Select date
Issues noted by external agency during the audit?
Is there a plan to address issues identified by the external review and progress in achieving the planned improvements?
Mobile specific requirements
A copy of the Mobile Health and Safety plan is held by the Service Company and used to inform the project specific health and safety plan.
A project specific health and safety plan includes controls for the safety critical tasks identified in the Mobile Health and Safety Plan?
Incident/Accident records are kept specifically for the project?
Copies of relevant legislation, standards and codes of practice are available for project and line managers
Criteria to select and manage contractors includes health and safety
All subcontractors have been assessed and are adequately resourced and competent for the work they are undetaking
All subcontractors have been provided with information relating to Health and Safety for the work they are undertaking?
Subcontractors competency for the work they are undertaking is regularly assessed?
Health and safety responsibilities are included in Line Managers/Project Managers Job descriptions?
Sub contractor site field inspection completed regularly and a copy available?
Safety Induction for Sub Contractors Completed
Toolbox talk information provided to line managers for discussion with contractors?
Safety alerts are sent to contractors
Regular site inspections/audits are undertaken to ensure that sub contractors work methods on site conform to the proejct safety plan requirements?
Plans and agreement (time bound) to rectify an issues identified by site field inspections?
Required corrective/preventative actions
Agreed date of completion
Select date
Service Partner Representative