Mobile Plant Safety Observation Form
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Plant Vehicle
Type of plant equipment?
Operator Details
If an operator has no proof of training held on record, they must not operate the vehicle until proof of training competency has been proven
Does the operator hold a valid training certificate that has been passed or refreshed within the last three years?
Date of test or refresher course?
Daily Safety Inspection
The operator completes the safety pre-shift safety inspection correctly?
The operator understands the correct fault reporting procedures?
Operator Safety & Observation
The operator mounts / dismounts correctly?
Uses the seatbelt correctly?
Keeps body parts within the confines of the vehicle?
Operator looks in the direction of travel?
Operator regularly observes all around
Correct use of the horn when appropriate?
Follows the correct procedures for an "unattended" vehicle?
Steering & Operating Controls
Starts and stops smoothly?
Releases the parking brake prior to moving off?
Operates the hydraulic controls as per training received?
Operates and understands all other controls as per training received?
Competency In Load Capacity
Operator matches load with the vehicles capacity?
Operator checks the load for stability?
Manoeuvring & Transportation
Forks at the correct height when traveling?
Operates at a speed consistent with the type of load and working conditions?
Operator performs safe manoeuvring with the vehicle and load i.e pedestrians at safe distance, load is stable when moving?
Stacking & de-stacking
Fork arms central under the load?
Fork arms not rubbing (entry / withdrawal)?
Forks / load level?
Load correctly stacked?
The operator correctly applies the park brake?
The operator sets the direction lever to the neutral position?
The operator correctly applies forward tilt?
The operator correctly lowers the fork arms/ 360 grab boom/ MEWP?
The manoeuvring wheels are in the straight position?
The operator switches off and removes the key?
Assessment Recommendations & Evaluations
Assessors evaluation of operator safety?
Date and time of assessment
Operator signature
Assessor signature