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Site conducted
Self-generate work orders to address any faults found that are within scope, contact property manager with any items that will require a 3rd party vendor
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VUE Work Order Number
Monthly General ~ Please provide detailed notes and create an action Item for all deficiencies
Total number of exit signs on site
Total number of fire extinguishers on site
Last Annual Inspection date (This date is hole punched on the fire extinguisher tag)
Last Maintenance Inspection date (Typically every 5 or 6 years - this date is located on the side of the extinguisher)
1) Visually Inspect all fire extinguishers at each site <br>a. Confirm extinguisher is visible, unobstructed & in designated location<br>b. Verify the locking pin is intact<br>c. Tamper seal is unbroken<br>d. Visually confirm the extinguisher is free of damage, corrosion, leaks, or clogged nozzle<br>e. Confirm pressure gauge is in the green<br>f. Ensure instructions are legible and facing outward<br>g. Provide the date extinguisher was last professionally serviced<br>
2) Date and sign the tag on all fire extinguishers
3) Visually confirm that all emergency exit signs are operating properly
4) Check panic bars are operational and haven't been tampered with
Test ALL smoke detectors. Did you find any deficiencies?
Replace smoke detector batteries during month of day light savings and recycle old batteries
Inspect fire alarm panel (visual only) for any troubles or visible alarms and path to panel is clear of any obstacles
Check lockbox - is key present?
If key is missing, notify Property Manager
Does this building have an elevator?
Inspect operation of any elevator phones
Ask Banking Center Manager if the elevator monthly recall test has been completed
AED (Automated External Defibrillator):
AED Defibrillator Device – Verify that the unit is present and document the expiration date
Expiration Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
Has the AED defibrillator device date expired?
- No - device is within expiration date
- Yes - device has expired
Any failed condition (missing, damaged, red indicator, or expired) must be reported immediately to Property Manager & Operations Manager via email
Take Photo
Check the status indicator for a green check or red X mark
Any failed condition (missing, damaged, red indicator, or expired) must be reported immediately to Property Manager & Operations Manager via email
Any failed condition (missing, damaged, red indicator, or expired) must be reported immediately to Property Manager & Operations Manager via email
Bleeding Control Kit – Verify that the kit is present and document the expiration date
Expiration Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
Has the Bleed Control Kit date expired?
- No - device is within expiration date
- Yes - device has expired
Any failed condition (missing, damaged, red indicator, or expired) must be reported immediately to Property Manager & Operations Manager via email
Take Photo
Any failed condition (missing, damaged, red indicator, or expired) must be reported immediately to Property Manager & Operations Manager via email
AED Paddles (Pads) - Verify they are present and document the expiration date
Expiration Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
Has the AED Pads date expired?
- No - device is within expiration date
- Yes - device has expired
Any failed condition (missing, damaged, red indicator, or expired) must be reported immediately to Property Manager & Operations Manager via email
Any failed condition (missing, damaged, red indicator, or expired) must be reported immediately to Property Manager & Operations Manager via email
Monthly - Emergency Light Test ~ Please provide detailed notes and create an action item for all deficiencies found
Press test button on Emergency Lighting - did all lights come "ON"?
Check each light for physical damage. Note any damage and include photos if appropriate
Check alignment of light beams and adjust if necessary. Light beams should be aligned so that it illuminates the egress path properly.
Check AC voltage and battery charge lamps if applicable
Record inspection on on-site emergency lighting check list located in mechanical/electrical room
Please indicate any deficiencies or notes here. Escalate any out of scope items to Property Manager - provide detailed notes for all actions taken.