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1. Clinic Room
Are the keys to the clinic room separate from the main keys to the home and kept secure with staff at all times?
Are the medicine cupboards locked?
Is the medication room door locked when the room is not in use?
Are the room temperature records complete daily to demonstrate the room is maintained between 16-25 degrees centigrade?
Are refrigerator temperature records complete daily to demonstrate storage between 2-8 degrees centigrade?
Are refrigerators cleaned and well maintained
Is the room clean, tidy and free from unnecessary items?
Are appropriate hand washing facilities available, including hand gel on medication trolleys?
Are there suitable procedures in place for recording the disposal of medications?
Is the medicines waste box stored in a locked cupboard?
Is there an up to date monthly date checking matrix in place?
2. Non-CD Medication
Is the medicine cupboard clean and organised?
Sample 5 medications: Are medications in date?
Are medications stored in their original package?
Sample 5: Is the date of opening clearly stated for liquids, creams and other limited life medications?
Is there a record of each homely remedy administered?
3. Controlled Drugs
Is the CD cupboard locked and properly secured
Are the CD keys kept separately from the main drug keys and only accessible to authorised staff?
Have entries in the controlled drug register been made by 2 approved practitioners?
Sample 5 medications: Do levels of controlled drugs tally with the register?
Is there evidence of a weekly check of the controlled drugs?
4. First Aid boxes
Are first aid boxes located in an accessable site?
Are first aid boxes checked and a record maintained?
5. MAR Chart review
Are MAR charts available for all service users with an up to date photograph (unless service user declined consent for such)
Are there any gaps in the MAR charts? (missing signatures)
Are running balances recorded on MAR charts
Sample 5 medications: Does the running balance recorded tally with the actual number of medication in the service users medication pod?
Is there an up to date signature sheet in the MAR folder?
Sample 5 service users: If as required medication is used, is there an explanation on the back of MAR or PRN protocol in place?
6. Oxygen storage (complete if applicable)
Is appropriate signage displayed on doors of all areas where Oxygen is stored?
Is oxygen stored in clinic room safely?