Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Employee Name
Employee ID #
Employee Details
Position Held
Date Resigned
Date of Termination
Days Noticed Served
Empoyement Terminated Due to
- Shortage or Work or Dendundancy
- Unsuitable able for this type of work
- End of Season or Contract
- Unsatisfactory Work Performance
- Misconduct
- Employee Ceasing work Voluntarily
- Other
Reason for Termination
Recommend For Re employment
Reason for Re-employment
Oustanding Debts
Amount and Description of Debt
Check List
Insurance Excess Outstanding
Amount Owed
Redirect Emails
Email Adress
Dealership Keys Returned
Returned too
Company Devices Returned
Description and given to
Company Vehicle Returned
What vehicle and Given too
Fuel Card
Given to
IT Notified of Units/Office and Computer access deactivated
TEAMS Access Deactivated
Tech TimeClock Pin Deactivated
Removed From ClickUp
Staff Equipment Archived in Mango
Sign Off
Other Comments and Notes
Sign Off