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Employees shall use this form to report all work-related first aid, medical aids, fire, property damage, or near misses. Submit this form to your direct supervisor for further action.
Type of Report
Your Name
Has your supervisor been informed of the incident?
Motor Vehicle Collision
Use your own words to describe the incident.
Part of Body Affected (Circle all that Apply)
Location of Injury (Check all that Apply)
Type of Injury (Check all that Apply)
Motor Vehicle Collision - Describe the visible damage to the vehicle as best as you can. (Supply Pictures)
Motor Vehicle Accidents Only
Was the vehicle towed from the scene?
What garage/address/city/state
Were the police called to the scene?
What city/town/state police
Were any citations issued to you?
Please provide a copy to your supervisor
Was a police report filed?
Please provide copy to your supervisor
Were you transported by an ambulance to the hospital?
Fill out Medical Information Portion Below
Were you seen by a doctor about this incident?
Name and Phone Number of Treating Physician
Date and Time of Appointment
Sign Off
Employee Name
Employee Signature