Title Page

  • Project/Jobsite Name / Project Number:

  • undefined


  • Inspection date:

  • Location:
  • Munger Project Manager:

  • Munger Superintendent/ Supervisor:

  • Munger Manpower Onsite:

  • Subcontractors Onsite (company names):

  • Subcontractor Manpower Onsite (total workers):

  • Weather:

  • Upcoming critical task/ scope:

  • Pointman Consultant Onsite (inspection completed by):

Project Overview

  • Project description / tasks observed during inspection:

Munger Self Performing Observations

  • Worker safety behaviors/ positive findings:

  • Weekly toolbox talk completed?

  • what is the toolbox talk topic covered for this week?

  • Specific Munger workers recognized for positive safety behaviors i.e. positive interaction with Pointman consultant, brought attention to a hazard/ corrective action, made a safety suggestion:

Munger Employee and Subcontractor Safety Accountability

  • Have any infractions occurred during the site safety inspection (reference Munger Employee/Subcontractor Accountability SOP) (NA if NO)

  • Infraction Description (Munger employee or subcontractor)

  • Infraction Severity:

  • Infraction notice of violation documented?

  • Infraction corrective action established:

PPE (personal protective equipment)

  • Is PPE worn as required for tasks and hazards? (overview of site compliance) 1926.95(a)

  • Foot protection is worn meeting Z41.1-1967? (sturdy work boots in good condition)

  • Workers are observed wearing hardhats? 1926.100(a) <br>

  • Workers are observed using hearing protection when applicable? 1926.101(a)

  • Workers are observed wearing eye and face protection when applicable? 1926.102(a)(1)

  • Workers are observed wearing respiratory protection when applicable? 29 CFR 1910.134

  • Why is respiratory protection being worn?

  • Are workers medically cleared and fit tested for REQUIRED respiratory protection?

  • Are workers wearing hi-vis shirts or vests?

  • Are workers wearing gloves for specific material handling hazards (lacerations, cuts, crushing, etc)?

  • Other PPE observations/ recommendations:

  • PPE requests from Munger employees/ supervisors:

  • Pointman PPE provided:

Material Handling, Storage, and Disposal- Housekeeping

  • Are materials stored in tiers shall be stacked, racked, blocked, interlocked, or otherwise secured to prevent sliding, falling or collapse?1926.250(a)(1)

  • Are aisles and passageways shall be kept clear to provide for the free and safe movement of material handling equipment or employees? 1926.250(a)(3)

  • Are materials on roofs stored minimum 10' from roof edge or drop below? 1926.250(b)(1)

  • Are storage areas shall be kept free from accumulation of materials that constitute hazards from tripping, fire, explosion, or pest harborage? 1926.250(c)

  • Is waste/ construction debris removed from site/ stored in dumpsters?

  • What is the overall housekeeping condition of the jobsite?

  • Is rigging equipment (slings/ chains/ spreader bars, etc) in good condition for material handling? 1926.251(a)(1)

  • Other material storage / housekeeping observations/ recommendations:

Fall Protection

  • Are fall hazards present and workers exposed? (NA if No)

  • Are workers protected on walking/working surface (horizontal and vertical surface) with an unprotected side or edge which is 6 feet (1.8 m) or more above a lower level shall be protected from falling by the use of guardrail systems, safety net systems, or personal fall arrest systems?1926.501(b)(1)

  • Workers utilize PFAS as required? 1926.501(b)(1)

  • Fall protection equipment is properly selected?

  • Fall protection equipment is in good condition / inspected?

  • Suitable anchorage provided/used? 1926.502(d)(15)

  • PFA rigged to limit free fall to no more than 6 ft? 1926.502(d)(16)(iii)

  • Steps taken and adequate to prevent falls thru holes? 1926.501(b)(4)(i)&(ii)

  • Ramps, walkways, catwalks etc. provided w/ guardrails at heights of 6ft.+? 1926.501(b)(6)

  • Steps taken to prevent falling object hazards? 1926.501(c)

  • Guardrails installed, maintained and compliant? 1926.502(b) (42'' plus or minus 3")

  • Guardrails able to withstand 200 lb. force? 1926.502(b)(3)

  • Other fall protection observations/ recommendations:

Injuries, Incidents, Near Misses

  • Are there any incidents to report today?

  • Describe the incident for further investigation:

  • Are there any injuries to report today?

  • Describe the injury for further investigation:

Safety Observations

  • Safety Observation:

  • Safety Observation:

  • Safety Observation:

  • Safety Observation:

  • Safety Observation:

  • Safety Observation:

  • Safety Observation:


  • All hazards, recommendations, and safety related items listed in this report are subject to change throughout the shift. All imminent danger or serious safety hazards will be reported directly to the onsite foreman /supervisors. it is the responsibility of Munger Construction to abate all hazards noted in this report. This is a service provided by our company and is not intended to detect or identify all potential causes of loss, code violations, or exceptions to good practice and does not relieve your company of responsibilities to identify and correct unsafe practices or conditions on the premises and in its operations. We do not assume any liability because of conducting or providing such service.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.