
  • Prepared by

  • Conducted on

  • Location
  • Client / Site

  • Document No.



  • Project / Site

  • Time and date of lift

  • Description of goods to be lifted

  • Lift Supervisor full name

  • Signal person full name

  • Crane / Hoist Operator full name

  • Crane / Hoist Contractor

Pre-Lift Checks

  • Has a pre-lift meeting taken place?

  • Have all other trades, tenants, occupants and neighbors been informed of lifting operations?

  • Have all involved personnel (including those named above) completed the required training relevant to their lift duties?

  • Attach photos of operator licenses

  • Have weather conditions been considered?

  • Wind conditions are safe and will be monitored over entire lift?

  • Are Hand Signal charts are on site?

  • Have signals have been reviewed between operator, signal person(s) and rigging person(s)?<br>

  • Have materials to be hoisted been confirmed and has rigging methods been confirmed?<br>

  • Has all rigging passed a visual inspection and is appropriate for the material being hoisted?<br>

  • Full name of rigging inspector

  • Is crane swing rotation open and barricaded?

  • Is a tag line being used?

  • Detail why tag line is not in use for this lift?

  • Do the ground conditions appear to be acceptable for crane set up?

  • Are outriggers fully extended?

  • Has crane/hoist been inspected and deemed safe prior to this lift?

  • Are crane/hoist inspection records up to date?

  • A barricade demarcates the work area around all trucks equipment and personnel?<br>

  • Have you assigned a designated spotter for this lift?

  • Full name of Spotter

  • Is there safe clearance between near power lines and every portion of the lifting operation, including crane/hoist, personnel and lift path?

Sign Off

  • We the undersigned that the above is a true and correct reflection of checks that occurred before this lift occurred.

  • Signature & Full Name of Lift Supervisor

  • Signature & Full Name of Site Foreman

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.