Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Near Miss Notice
A near miss is an incident which potentially could have caused Injury or Occupational disease and/or damage (loss) to people, assets, the environment or reputation, but which did not. Overexposure to hazardous chemicals, noise and other health hazards should be considered as near misses when the exposure did not result in an identified illness
Date of Near Miss:
Time of Near Miss: AM PM
General Information
Where did the near miss occur? Office, Plant, Terminal, Jobsite, Offsite/Roadway/Highway (work related activities only)
Name of facility the near miss is associated with or location. i.e. Pennsuco Cement, Roanoke Cement, etc
Did the near miss occur to a 3rd party such as a contractor, etc.?
Were there any environmental factors that may have contributed to the near miss?
How did the near miss occur?
What was the lesson(s) learned?
Please provide the immediate corrective action taken to avoid recurrence of this incident
Do you have a Safety suggestion or recommendation for the prevention of this type of incident?
What date was corrective action completed?
Optional Information (name will remain confidential.) Employee Name:
SEND FORM TO: Bill Griffin for Florida:
Melissa McDaniel for Mid-Atlantic: Ɩ Fax: (540) 966-2115