Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • City Name

  • District Name

Contact & Plot Details

  • Dealer Name

  • Dealer Contact Details

  • Referred by

  • Address of the location

  • Nearest Landmark

  • Plot Area (# of Marla)

  • Plot Front (Feet)

  • Plot Depth (Feet)

  • Nearest Depot

  • Distance from Nearest Depot (km)

  • Type of Trade Area

Dealer Profile

  • Is this a Dealer Site?

  • What other businesses does the dealer have? Mention # of businesses and types

  • How involved is the dealer in petrol pump business? (High: 4-6 hours on site, Medium 2-3 hours on site, Low: less than 1 hour on site, Not Involved)

  • Is the dealer sole owner or partnership?

  • Is the dealer ready to inject working capital on site and operate on cash?

  • How much working capital will the dealer inject?

  • Will the dealer extend credit in the market to capture diesel sales?

  • Why does the dealer want to convert to Taj?

  • In case it is an operational site, what is the current salary of Site Manager / month

  • In case it is an operational site, what is the current salary of attendant / month

  • Is the dealer agreed to follow all TGPL operating standards?

  • Maintain all operational standards as per TGPL

  • Appoint an SM / SS in consultation with TGPL

  • Maintain all documentation as required by TGPL

  • Conduct Market Visits, Customer Visits as defined by TGPL

  • Submit Daily Business Report (DBR) to HO

  • Maintain measures at 0

  • Provide salaries to staff and SM/SS as per TGPL standard

Trade Area

  • 1: Site Name

  • OMC

  • Distance from proposal site (KM)

  • Daily Diesel Sale

  • Daily Super Sale

  • List of NFR facilities

  • 2: Site Name

  • OMC

  • Distance from Proposal Site(KM)

  • Daily Diesel Sale

  • Daily Super Sale

  • List of NFR Facilities

  • 3: Site Name

  • OMC

  • Distance from Proposal Site (KM)

  • Daily Diesel Sale

  • Daily Super Sale

  • List of NFR Facilities

  • Develop a detailed trade area on excel and take a picture to attach.

  • Total Trade Area Diesel Daily Volume

  • Total Trade Area Super Daily Volume

  • Total # of sites in Trade Area

Volume & Financial Estimation

  • Estimated Daily Diesel Sales

  • Estimated Daily Super Sales

  • Estimated Daily Lubricant Sales

  • Dealer expectation of Lease Rental / month?

  • Truck Port Potential?

  • Salam Mart Potential?

  • Restaurant Potential?


  • Is this a conversion Pump?

  • Current OMC Name

  • Is this a dealer invested site or company invested?

  • # of years since site operating?

  • undefined

  • Is the site currently operational?

  • Current Diesel Daily Sales

  • Current Super Daily Sales

  • Current operational standards?

  • Current NFR facilities

  • Current Lease is Expired?

  • When is the current lease expiring?

  • Will the dealer get NOC from previous company?

  • How much time will the dealer take to get NOC? (# of weeks)

  • Diesel UGT Size (Litres)

  • Super UGT Size (Litres)

  • # of Diesel Dispensers

  • # of Super Dispensers

  • Current Canopy Condition?

  • Condition of dispensers?

  • Current Condition of Forecourt?


  • Upload all pictures of the plot / Site

  • Upload all pictures of competition sites

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.