Title Page
Store ID
Store Name
Conducted on
Prepared by
Exterior Grounds - front parking lot and landscaping
Provide photos of parking lot
Provide photos of parking lot landscaping
Provide photos of exterior lighting fixtures and parking lot lights
Comments on Front Exterior
Punch list items
Punch list Photos
Exterior Back of Store - rear parking lot, shipping and receiving and employee entrance
Provide photos of rear parking and employee entrance
Provide photos of wall packs and security lighting
Provide photos of S/R area and Waste/Recycling areas
Comments on rear exterior areas
Punch list items
Punch list Photos
Exterior Front of Store - Exterior Walls, sidewalks, Employee Entrance (if so located), signage and features
Provide photo of storefront
Provide photos of all exterior signage including monument and pylon
Provide photos of Employee Entrance if located at front of store
Provide photos of trellis, footings, cleats and bollards
Provide photos of all front exterior light fixtures
Provide photos of all exterior windows
Comments on front exterior
Punch list items
Punch list Photos
Exterior Store Entrance
Provide photos of entrance doors and door switches
Comments on exterior entrance
Punch list items
Punch list Photos
Store Entrance and Cashier/CS area Interior
Provide photos of vestibule, interior doors, walk off mats,
Additional Comments on entry interior
Provide photos of cashier area, task lighting, accessories
Additional comments on Cashier area
Punch list items
Punch list Photos
Provide photos of the office
Additional comments
Punch list items
Punch list photos
Cashier Hold Area
Provide photos of Hold Area
Additional comments on Hold Area
Punch list items
Punch list Photos
Sales Floor
Provide photos of general lighting and specific fixtures / lamps
Additional comments on sales floor
Provide photos of slab
Comments on slab
Punch list Photos
Fitting Rooms
Provide photos of fitting room features
Additional comments
Punch list items
Punch list Photos
Provide photos of the shop areas
Additional comments on the shop
Punch list items
Punch list Photos
Community Room
Provide photos of Community Room
Additional commrnts
Punch list items
Punch list Photos
Customer Restrooms
Provide photos of restroom features
Additional comments on Customer Restrooms
Punch list items
Punch list Photos
Employee Breakroom
Provide photos on breakroom
Additional comments
Punch list items
Punch list Photos
Employee Restroom and Shower
Provide photos of the Employee restroom features
Additional comments
Punch list items
Punch list Photos
Warehouse Area
Provide photos of warehouse equipment and layout
Additional comments
Provide photos of dock equipment and features
Additional comments
Punch list items
Punch list Photos
Sprinkler riser and backflow
Provide photos of riser and backflow
Additional comments
Punch list Items
Punch list Photos
Switch Gear / EMS
Provide photos of switchgear and Novar panel
Additional comments
Punch list items
Punch list Photos
Fire Burglar Alarm System
Provide photos of alarms
Additional comments
Punch list items
Punch list Photos
Provide photos of roof and HVAC equipment
Additional comments
Punch list items
Punch list Photos
Provide photos of elevator
Additional comments
Punch list items
Punch list Photos
Provide photos of meters
Additional comments