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Who did you consult on site: (Full name and title)
Premier Inn Name & Address
Description of hotel e.g. Restaurant & PI in one building? Any Extension?
Number of floors: (including ground)
Number of rooms:
If the site has an annexe building complete a seperate form for all buildings
Any shared occupancy or Means of escape?
Provide detailed description of shared means of escape...
Does the hotel have UA rooms?
Number of UA rooms:
UA room numbers and location: (inclluding approximate distance from refuge/temporary safe area and/or final exit): (include any that were once UA but have been changed on BART to a different room type).
Does the site have any regular disabled guests (wheelchair users) who specifically request a UA room that is above ground floor?
Detail of guest and needs...
Details of fire escape staircases: (including number, internal/external, where they discharge to? list by staircase and details below)
Is there is an external fire escape staircase?
Does the external fire escape staircase have sufficient room on the external landing area to act as a temporary refuge area (whilst still allowing the final exit door to be closed)?
Are there any lifts?
Number of Passenger lifts:
Are there any firefighting lifts?
Are refuge areas provided?
Details of refuge areas provided (include location, any communication devices and number and location of Evac chairs):
Photo of a refuge area(s), including a photo of the ccommunications device (take photos of each type)
If a refuge communication is installed, where is the location of the main panel? How close to the main front entrance is this?
Photo showing refuge comms panel & it's relationship to the front door
Are there any restrictions to horizontal meanss of escape from the ground floor? E.g. steps out of fire exits?
Detail of any restrictions to horizontal meanss of escape from the ground floor? E.g. steps out of fire exits?
Photo showing restriction(s)
Number on duty overnight currently: (include any security Teams and whether or not they are internal or external)
Does the hotel have anyone on sleepover or living on site:
Details of anyone on sleepover or living on site:
Where is the main fire alarm panel located and is there a repeater panel, if so, where? (If the site has an annexe building describe how the fire alarm panel interacts with the main building or Restaurant e.g. sounder etc)?
Photo showing fire alarm panel
Photo of zone drawing (does the drawing reflect the site site as it is now)
Provide details of the fire evacuation procedures (including whether there is a staff/pre-alarm, autodial or a requirement to confirm a fire before the fire brigade will attend)
Estimated fire brigade response time:
Provide details of the relationship with the local Fire Authority (including any correspondance or comments relating to evacuation of disabled persons):
Any known plans for an extension?
Provide details of any extension plans of which the site are aware:
A general photo showing the Premier Inn / Restaurant
Photos of front entrance / reception areas
External photos showing where the fire exits discharge to
An external photo showing the location of the Assembly Point to the building
Photo showing location of any annexe building in relation to the main building
List any other comments that you think are relevant:
Any other photos that you think are relevant